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10 Good
  1. ty guys for the support I just hope the Devs think this is a good idea to implement too
  2. Hi all, I had a suggestion which I thought was pretty cool, and opened a ticket #5779215 for the idea, and customer service encouraged me to post the idea here in this forum. The thing is, once your character(s) reach lvl 50 and start to run the Hard Modes and Operations, eventually you will get enough commendations to get better gear - Tionese, Columi and Rakata (not talking about Black Hole gear yet). The trouble with this is simple - soon, all the level 50s of the same/similar classes will start to look the same. As an example, a Sentinel in Columi gear is white with orange highlights. Every Sentinel wearing Columi gear is the same look. Because.. once you start running around Belsavis, Ilum and Black Hole doing dailies, you start noticing that all the level 50s of that class all LOOKING THE SAME. My idea that was submitted is this - instead of using the commendations to purchase the actual item (chest piece, headgear etc), change them to KITS. You buy kits to apply the upgrades to your EXISTING gear. So.. a "Rakata Glove Kit" will imbue your EXISTING glove with the Rakata set stats plus bonus, and yet the glove is YOUR OWN, not the current Rakata one. A possible way to implement this would be for the commendations to buy us a box, which when opened, contains all the mods/enhancers/armouring for the respective piece (gloves in this case) plus an APPLICATOR which will imbue your current gloves with the Rakata set bonuses. So you apply the applicator to your gloves, then stick the mods/enhancers/armouring into your gloves. and there you go! That way you still will look different from other players of the same class, but you're not "worse off" for not having the gear you wanted/needed. So, I hope Bioware Devs are reading this idea, and I hope it will be taken into serious consideration. btw Black Hole set for Smugglers is too funny to wear - makes Smugglers look like Robin Hood, complete with green tights and feathered cap. I doubt ANYONE would be wearing BH gear on a smuggler. They'd prolly rip the mods out and put them into Rakata gear
  3. I have a similar problem. I completed everything on Alderaan, and my next step is to "Talk to Risha" after beating that guy in the due at Organa Palace. I tried all the suggested fixes - resetting quest, reset phases, restarting client, making sure I had the Arkanian Hyperdrive in my inventory... nothing worked
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