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Everything posted by Darth-Sampras

  1. I just got the game a little over a week ago and was bored and on Wookiepedia when i saw an article showing Revan in SWTOR. I was just wondering which storyline(s) dealt with Revan?
  2. Hell all i was just wondering if any could give me some insight on what are the better crew skills choices for a sniper.
  3. Hello all i was just wondering if any of you could could give me some insight on what crew skills would be best for my agent.
  4. Throughout the game i have noticed many weird examples of where doing something that some people would consider good gives you dark side points and the opposite for light side points. One example i will use is early on in the troopers story he is given a choice of giving the medicine to republic soldiers or refugees who stole the medicine from the republic. I opted to try and give the medicine back to the republic since they are the ones who are protecting the refugees but when i chose that it will give you 100 dark side points. I think many situations in the game would have been better if they didnt effect your light/dark allignment overall since they are too grey.
  5. Hello all just wondering if someone could do a quick comparison of Assassin and Shadow for me. I know they are supposed to be mirror classes but from some of the other classes being very different i was just wondering which would be better for a DPS style character.
  6. Video itself was alright but i immediatly turned my sound off after first 5 seconds of music.
  7. Thanks for the quick response mate. seems like its going to work.
  8. Hey everybody just a quick question. When i got to the Republic Station i passed by the quest to get your advanced class without seeing it. Now i cant get the quest from the Trainer under the senate and i have no way of getting back to the Station. Do i have to wait for the time to go back to the station or is there another way of getting advanced class on coruscant.
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