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Posts posted by Hatstandard

  1. This thread is ridiculous. Of course DPS on a dummy is an important check. If a player can't get at least 1700 over 5 minutes it means they don't know their rotation or aren't geared.


    In my Ops groups the mercs are both around 1800, the sniper and mara are both over 2000 in 5 minute checks.


    If I had to find a backup for one of them and the backup sputtered along at 1500 I'd know he wasn't a good player. A good player knows their rotation. Now someone can still get 1800 and stink due to issues of awareness. But Nobody who can't get those kind of numbers doesn't stink.


    That said our group dps # is by know means premier (we'd need another mara) and we still constantly break content in TFB HM by over dpsing. I'd say the actual requirements for a group is pretty low. Maybe 1600 on dummies. Much more important that they are aware


    1 of our mercs was dead for almost all of phase 2 of TFB and we still only hit enrage in last couple seconds and killed boss. The only real big DPS check in TFB is kephess's soft enrage and that comes down to how the OPS frames the soft enrage more than anything. Awareness and mediocre dps is enough for the content.

  2. *** 4 tentacle phases is dumb stupid shoddy design and it's tedious. It's not interesting it's just crappy grinding. Cut it to 2 tentacle phases. This is the kind of game direction that would make me and the people I play with unsub. There is nothing fun about spending 7 minutes doing that stupid tentacle combat.


    *** address the awkward /stuck issues. My ops group has had many random /stuck instat deaths durring the outer space part of the combat. This is frustrating and should have been addressed by QA.


    Disclaimer my ops group had no problems 1 shotting the first 4 bosses on HM and we beat the 5th boss but I'd still like to register some complaints.

  3. In the end this reads like "wahhhhhh. wahhhhhh. i want stuf to be more diffucalt for other people. I desperately want to prove myself in a video game and the ability for other people to read guides is making this difficult. waaaahhh"


    but since that's a pretty embarrassing thing to have to say they try to play this off in the improable


    "wahhhh I'm going to pretend that I can't find 7 other people to do an OP blidn with. waaaahhh. are you buying that I ca't find people??? come on I'm crying REALLY loud waaaah"


    personally I think doing this is just as embarrassing.

  4. It's SWTOR PVP on a PVE server.


    There are 2 kinds of players on JC. Super casuals that don't give a crap and desperate fat kids who aren't talented enough to PVP in a more competitive situation (a more difficult game, a sport, a pvp server, etc).


    I think we know which type this thread was started by and we also know that the first group won't read thsi thread.

  5. Let's not lie to the man about "top tier performance levels"


    any of the tanks are virtually identical at the highest levels in terms of survivability. What will stand out to your buddies during TFB HM or something is if you make a mistake. PT are the easiest to avoid mistakes but with a little practice the other tanks aren't that bad. Jug is the worst at "top tier performance levels" because it receives the most micro for very minimal mitigation returns and shockling bad threat generation


    . Still if you are experienced and competent enough to tank ofor your raid on one class you could be competent enough to do it on another class. You will probably wipe your squad half as much on powertech since you can keep a better eye on the overall fight and situation but it's the difference between maybe 3% of your squads wipes and 6%.


    To answer the original thread starter. There will never be a time where your PT isn't good enough when equally geared with another tank. There are some times when the assassin is not good enough for the basic content (crusher of foremans cannot be reliably solo tanked by an assassin tank for instance because they suck too much). The jugg is kind of sucky and complicated but it can still handle the same stuff as a PT.


    That said there are a few fights where the assassin will require the healers to only cast 49 heals on them while the powertech will require 50. That's rarely the straw that broke the camels back. As far as tank responsibility goes, tank error will be why your party wipes because of you. Almost always if you get killed while tanking without an error then it's a either a DPS error that is bogging down the healers or a sequence of straight up healer errors.

  6. OP title is weak and non specific , they both have their pros.



    Higher Mitigation when geared properly.

    Faster positioning and re-engaging of the boss through charge.

    Better deffensive CD's

    Armor Debuff on boss



    Higher HP helps against internal damage

    Force speed helps to proactively more to where the boss will be.

    Ability to cloak out of certain boss effects

    CC ability (Best of the Inquisitor attributes IMO)

    Pull-2nd best of the inquisitor abilities




    Huge Damage

    Aoe Threat



    Other than that I think if anyone is @ a disadvantage its PT's


    oooo nice post jholiday. I want to try



    some mitigation, sometimes I think right?

    slowest reposting, useless leep

    uhhh cooldowns. there are a few but they are garbage. blade something? force something else? it lowers ur threat and causes ur party to wipe

    worst tank

    good dps

    looks like classical mmo tank type with good outfit



    Highest mitigation but least tanky

    force speed is kind of bad compared to leaps

    no defensive cooldowns except for a debuff

    unreliable pull, good ranged damage

    good aoe threat generation

    best tank but usually about as bad as jug tank

    using cloak machine is hilarious for wiping your party during boss

    outfits look to girly



    short Damage rotation

    Aoe Threat sometimes


    medium mitigation but better than juggernaut or assassin

    boba fett class

    ranged blaster for reposting

    fast click speed

    least likely to be worst tank


    In the end you can tank any content with any of the tanks. Yes the juggernaut is much worse than the other 2 but he is still good enough most of the time if he is played by a really good player. The thing that slows down the juggernaut is there are fewer really good players than one would like. There are a lot of crappy juggernaut tanks that are pretty borderline that are played by people who think they are good though. Unless the situation gets tricky cross ur fingers and hope it's enough.


    powertech is easiest tank and since all tanks are good enough that means he is usually best tank.


    Assassin is the best tank but that almost never happens. Sometimes he is the worst tank no matter what like on the foreman that crushes dudes.

  7. Wanted to see how I compared. I am a marauder on Krayiss Obelisk and Consistenly hit ~1650 dps per my parser. Is this average, or good (I know it's not bad).




    Krayiss Obelisk


    1650 is on the very low end of acceptable for a geared 50 mara


    Most well equipped ones do at least 1800


    talking operations dummy here


    a low to medium geared merc for example will still get 1600 minimum DPS with basic rotation competence and they'll take a lot less damage in an op doing it. So, to justify the increased drag on the ops team from having to heal the melee DPS he needs to do more damage.

  8. In EV? Story Mode bosses can easily be done by 3 people. Heck, I think the first 3 man Story EV was in June. This isn't news.


    The only impressive feats I've seen recently are Ambient 4-manning NiM EV and NiM Bonethrasher (1337 man, 1337) and Stevoo soloing HM Malgus - actually Stevoo has a couple of HM solo vids aside from Malgus that are pretty darn impressive.


    In regards to EV feats the current records are as follows:

    Story - 3 manned

    HM - 4 manned

    NiM - 4 manned (but only by 1 guild so far).


    Terror on Jung Ma 4 manned HM EV months back and 6 manned NIM EV - and let me tell you, 6 manning NiM EV is WAY WAY tougher than 4 manning HM EV (again props to Ambient on their 4-man NiM EV).


    EDIT/UPDATE: Apparently Nerf Dialogue seems to have been the first to have 3 manned Story EV back in late April - jeez that's crazy skilled.


    NO they didn't. Nerf Dialogue beat the first boss but was unable to progress past that point.




    I do give credit to Nerf Dialogue tho. they did provide proof of the one boss they were able to beat.

  9. My point was just to post it as someone said it hadn't been done with 20-man in classic wow.


    Anyways I understand that EV is possible to solo 4 man in full rakata or even columi when you know the fight and have experience - it's intended for people who just got to 50.


    I like the idea, but sadly.. Makes HM fps kinda useless when EV is so fast to clear.


    Ev is possible with 3 men. I've done it before

  10. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I have a very simple question that I'd love for a dev or member of the community team to answer:


    Why did you elect to place the map object used to spawn the Nightmare Pilgrim on a 2-hour respawn timer instead of having it reappear instantly once the body vanishes?


    Players already receive a 5-day debuff upon defeating the Nightmare Pilgrim that more-or-less prevents them from engaging in combat with it again for the duration. It's also (to my knowledge) the only source of campaign boots. Denova doesn't have a silly "one group at a time" restriction. Neither does any other operation or flashpoint. The additional 2-hour respawn timer in an open world area simply leads to player disappointment, guild-vs-guild/cross-faction griefing, and a hostile playerbase.



    And before anyone suggests it...no, player-created schedules are NOT a viable solution. Not everyone is aware of these mythical documents, not everyone is able to re-arrange their schedules to suit the desires of other players, and some people just don't care.


    Some would say the guild vs guild/cross faction greifing and high stakes that team will use up their stims for nothing is what makes NMP the most exciting and dynamic PVE content in swtor

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