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Everything posted by Pestermite

  1. This is what we want most and i believe we are solving ranked activity nowadays. Too bad our agro fin (motör) left the game , now we had to delay our evil plan to defeat Harbinger
  2. Snipers all 3 specs are viable for pvp. When it comes to rated , its different aspect of the game. In my gameplay engineer is more utile and ''safe spec '' to play but im open to suggestions. Maybe i am missing something. I would like to see talent distribution of the lethality rated spec people mentioned here. Soon, maybe marksman-lethality hybrid will be ideal spec noone knows how expension affects our class tree. At least Notomorrow spend efforts , constributed to the sniper community and posted a guide . We would like to see alternatif guides at class forums and more active sniper community. It ll help more then drama.
  3. Guild Name : QQ Guild Site : http://www.qqguild.enjin.com/ Requirements: - At least one ''Lv 50'' character with proper pvp gear - 18 + - Use mumble - Sense of humour - Sober at ranked games We are looking to recruit skilled PvP players to fill out our rooster for ranked warzones. We will only be recruiting active players. We aim to do ranked warzones regularly with correct team setups. Skill is more important than gear but we like you to have a minimum warhero gear which is easily obtainable atm. We will help you to min-max your gear. As of now we are recruiting all classes. ''Geftra, Woozie, Belusconi and Lenius'' are recruiters. Good luck !
  4. Bump for support , Eski serverdan beri sizleri biliyorum, ortamınız çok iyiydi. Umarım iyi bir ekip toparlarsınız, başarılar dilerim.** tr **eng. *** I wish you best luck, flying carpet vs. vs. ***
  5. Hey Whasp, A question about talent tree choice. Do you pick skill Heavy Shot(10m knockdown ambush) in rankeds with only 2/3 pt leth. or do you spend all 3 pt for full %3 crit chance. I just cant decide. We finally filled our ranks and we will show our lazy butts in ranked games very soon. Enemy at the gates ! ...so beware
  6. Dear I'risa, First of all i wish happy new year to you and TOFN Pvp community About the screenshot , it is same story on imp side... i experienced even worst terribad reaction in a PUG like 2-3 weeks ago.. When civil war started , on first speeder phase some guy tab checked opposite team and discovered it was ''Coral'' 4 man petit premade. After he writes at op chat that we were facing a good team, 5 of 8 members left warzone before speeders landed ... The game was over at start ... I pug warzones most of the time and i started to enjoy drama .. I even try to push my capacity to maximum in a pug ... ofc. my anger management capacity
  7. Midway was pro ... gonna contact him ingame ... btw mighty Firebat became ''Firepants'' if im not wrong
  8. It is really annoying pug match for you , i even bored to death watching this ... Its prolly a good example that shows why people 4 man queue in warzones ...
  9. Hello folks , I was talking at mumble with old core RO members that quitted game before we x-fered to this server, we talked about old good times, i wonder if any ex-Calypho republic pvp'ers are still around... want to kill some ''judge'' dudes for nostalgia ... maybe we can organise some pvp events together. Nowadays , all i see in TOFN is some arena style pvp tournements or Bananaman corpsecamping people at sector X when he is out of weeds. Best Regards and Hail The Order Albruz (QQ)
  10. Dear Bioware/EA , This is second time i start the game... I pay for the game and i pay money to play it. I was going to give a pause to play if you didnt advertise all shiny server xfers feeds at your website... So i decided to give another chance , i pay for your service waiting for xfers (i mostly use 2 months prepaid cards) ... Now my paid days passes for nothing.. In a ghost town i dont feel playing a mmo. I cant believe i trusted you again In business taking someone money with promises and selling ''nothing'' is charlatan business. You are acting like a con man to your customers in Europe that plays in RP/PVP servers . Other vip customers enjoying their healty population meanwhile i have to check that crap forums for information. It is exactly stealing someone money .. Shame on you !! I hope the man in suits, all of responsible ones, use my hard earning money only in hospitals... This is a broken way to do business. You dont have any difference with a pyramid scheme companies that give promises.. Give me promised transfer or server merge... Give me immediatly my service i paid and i deserve !! Practice what you preach !!
  11. Before i go out for work i checked my lv 13 Vanguard at Tomb of Freedon Nadd .. 06.30 morning UK Time there was 68 people in republic fleet LOL ... i played 2 times 10-49 warzone then logged out. This is more then LC-Friday , Saturday nights ... I want equal rights like everyone else. I am also customer even you dont solve our issue right now, i ll pay for transfer when it comes. In both cases your RP-PVP server wont last. Why you dont solve our issue now ? My advice is give 2 options to make everyone happy : LC ------- > PVP - Tomb of Freedon Nadd LC--------> RP-PVE or ; Merge all rp-pvp servers, im ok with german and french words in chat in general.. voulez-vous coucher avec moi ? ... Raus Hans , scheisee bier bitte .... it is ok to me rather then playing on a empty server. We have russian that use kiril on general chat anyway, i wont bother Noone from other servers are going to whine for 2 server choices you give to us. Our situation is exception and we are waiting an ACTION !! Do not abandon us , all we want is to enjoy the an mmo game like everyone else, is this too much we asking for ?
  12. BW / EA started to lie, after xfers and f2p they will announce swtor got 2,5 million subs (2mil of it will be lv15 free subs), they ll tell shareholders that there wont be any problem. My anger is not only to the fail transfers or bad handling of a mmo, my anger is mostly to the cheap PR methods that company uses. Marketing is not reversing and twisting words to save the day, it is year 2012 where is communication , why on earth we dont see any reply from any employer ? Lack of communication, unkept promises around how do you expect us to trust your next patch notes. You just cant reply to our situation and you keep silent. This is pathetic , there is problem that affects 1k people and we are talking to the wall. Open xfer from other servers to Lord Calypho if you dont want to ruin your reputation by shutting down unofficially the only eng. rp-pvp server. If you dont put few informative words to this thread , shame on you !
  13. Server need some love, as a customer i call BW to do homework. Check our server statistics , check with your own eyes active accounts and give us new recruits. If you leave server on his own than let your customers to transfer away. Right now population is light , we need more people to feel playing mmo. Year 2012 , game developers trying server vs server events meanwhile your company cant even handle a server transfer (at least give some feedback for it !! ) . Even beta weekend transfers by other firms happens dear BW... Why all that silence? You are not located in North Korea dont you ? Most people on Calypho waiting some miracle and free month players wont resub if you dont give any feedback in time . Please respect to your customers and reply to this thread immediatly .
  14. First of all apologise for my grammar, english is not my native language but i try to tell my ideas with my simple english so everybody can understand. I believe game lacks some surprise elements and so called sandbox factors. I hope developers can patch/fix it asap. I ll remind just little details of interesting elements this game forgot to copy from Wow: - Gurubashi Arena : Remember camping 20 mn before goblin pirate drop treasure box.. inside arena many stealthers, late comers , pumping full adrenaline when you believe you cleared all rivals then suddenly a sap symbol on your head  ... I was even put alarm to clock for early morning spawn first days.. - I remember entering first time strangleton valley and ganked near quest giver dwarf , called help on general chat and it became 50vs50 battle between faction that continued as flame wars at forums.. alive community , 2 factions that hates each other .. - Fishing conquest on Sundays.. my guildies ganked others to let me win fishing conquest, action even on a fish conquest.. - Some high level orc that didnt gank my lil gnome and says ‘’me love you’’ .. people even trying to communicate other faction with orcish-common research where you dont meet even one when levelling at swtor . - Tons of crafting sch. that gives people many options before end game .. rogues leatherworkers with 3 sets .. arcanite reaper schematic stealther runs .. selling weapon chain to dwarves with arcanite reaper.. Vanilla wow had more alternatives.. - Strong economy, a level 10 can earn fortune by just selling copper ore near darkmoon faire events.. or to blacksmith reroller.. user friendly auction house, why i cant just shift drop something on my inventory to check other buyers price.. why i need to write name of it ? - Not enough epic random world drop.. too many drops happened, allakhazam couldnt even find all drops after 1,5 years during vanilla wow.. Let something drop at lv 50 zones better then story raids.. bind of equip item people can trade at AH, push economy by adding random items. - Easy end game content .. on the game you copied people were happy by running karazhan and happy to wipe out at prince multiple times.. hardcore raiders can start 25 mans or more hardcore content after.. people complains about lack of endgame content because you made it casual friendly.. develop hard instances.. make people cry and whine at forums (remember gruul shatter nerf after 2 months of nerfposts everyone? ) .. Let your casual whiners feels they are mediocre players and need more work to reach end game.. Let your hardcore pver’ers they are special. - Pvp .. strands of ancient = voidstar novare coast, alderaan = arathi basin Huttball = funny and require teamwork zone(kinda capture the flag bg) but it is not pvp.. orginal at least !! You need to add orginal ideas , podraces , droids tournements where you equip your gladiator droids to win tournament maybe a league for that ! - Space .. i see tons of potential for space wars.. i want to see my guild leader piloting a big destroyer with guild officers where other guild mates becames gunners, fixers, repairmans etc. - Pvp arena .. 2vs2 , 3vs3 and 5vs5 arena can be cool.. i dont have high hopes for 2vs2 but 3vs3 arena can be really cool adjustment to the pvp community. Forget about people telling class balances , arena is serious business !! .. we were 2 skilled frost mages and we dominated entire 2vs2 bracklet where rogues, warlocks and warry-paladins combos were told to be imba I belive to this game.. The lore is not invented after some strategy pc game.. It is our childhood dreams. The game has big potencial. Please BW/EA do not ruin it and open your eyes do not become blind by numbers. MMO customers are like Rome citizens , 1 backstab then they ll cheer to new Emperor (game) You copied wow features but you forgot to copy dynamic features to this game. You should even add more versatile game experience at year 2012. My best regards,
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