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Personal Information

  • Location
    Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
  • Interests
    All things Star Wars, Music (especially Metal), Movies, Motorbikes, Football, NFL
  • Occupation
    Purchasing and Logistics
  1. Paragon is right, you should never need to remove a cartel crystal. I am still using the same one on lvl 55 jugg, that I installed at lvl 10. Your wasting credits removing these.
  2. I'm in suffolk, not too far away.
  3. Characters: Kailam, Tar'nak, Tyfor, Drekr, Dalel Server: Red Eclipse Favorite Metal/Rock Bands: Slipknot, Five Finger Death Punch, Killswtich Engage, Black Stone Cherry, Linkin Park. Love all thing star wars, this game stopped me playing WOW, I really liked WOW, but you cant use Light sabers and there are no Jawas in Azeroth.
  4. Hey SebastiaanZ, How did you get them to release your account? I spoke to them on the phone several times, and noone would do anything, i was told to wait 30 days. That is what I did, although I tried again after about 3 weeks and was able to get in. I now only buy them once per month now, as I am worried my account might get locked at the time my sibs are due.
  5. Thanks for the advice everyone. I was hoping to solo it, but will think twice about that now. I just ran the normal version solo to get my bearings. I will go to makeb first and up my commendations, so i can get some better mods/armouing, Before trying the hard mode. Hopefully when I try the group finder, i will find a decent group of people, not a bunch of keyboard warriors. Take care all and thanks again.
  6. Hi all, I would like to ask some advice of the forum. I have just hit lvl 55 with my Juggernaut and have started the HK-51 series of quests and only have the part to obtain from the Foundry left to get. I have spent most of my time just doing missions and have only done two FP's (Black talon, and The fallen emperor) so far. I spend most of my time soloing due time constraints, as i can end up being afk a lot, so did not feel i could always fully commit to FP's. Is it advisable to be totally kitted out in purple gear to run the hard mode foundry FP, or can this be run with adaptive gear/weapons fitted with lvl 53 or 55 armouring/mods and hilts. Is it actually worth going through all this hassle to get HK-51? does he make much of a difference? or should I abort this until I can get better gear? I don't want to waste my time, or that of anyone who ends up stuck with me in their group, hence me asking these questions. I love playing this game, it's awesome, much better than WOW. Thanks in advance for any advice you could give me. Take care all
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