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Posts posted by wmst

  1. Hey M8s,


    The Tooltip says:

    Expertise 2018 gives you 18,46% Healing Buff in PvP fights.


    So i tested it:


    On the fleet my cast does: 2807


    In the spawn (outfight in PvP Area): 2828


    In the PvP fight: 2382 ~ -16% instead of +18%


    I had no relic Procs, no other active Buffs and no Heal Debuff or something... Tested it several times because i couldn´t believe it. I repeat the test with another Healing Ability, same results. :/


    So: Could anyone else confirm my results? Pls.


    You are forgetting default trauma debuff (purple) which auto-applies to everyone engaged in active combat inside WZ, which reduces incoming healing.


    On top of it your target might have another trauma debuff (green) from maras\snipers\tanks etc.

  2. A question to high level Reps, how is PvP balance 50/50?


    Used to be pretty much 50\50. Depending on which side good pvp'ers are logged in at the moment, since it's mostly the same ppl grinding dailies and switching factions.


    After early access Imps are clearly better. Mb cuz they still haven't leveled their rep mirrors. It will stabilize couple weeks after official release. In any event, TRE was always one of the best EU servers for repside PVP.

  3. I'm looking to get back into progression raiding. Preferably on repside, since i am not planning to leave my imp guild.


    I used to do alot of progression raiding pre-3.0, but ever since the expansion my main focus was (and probably still is, but not as much lately) in PVP. Current content is Rav HM 2\5, ToS HM 4\5.

    I'm not super geared for PVE, but it will not take long for me to fill that gap. So far i have cleared majority of current content in 174 Dark Reaver.


    Character-wise i have all 16 lvl 60's and experience in progression raiding as any class or role (although majority of time as a healer, which i am better at). I would prefer a healer role, but can fill any spot really.


    My timezone is GMT+4 and i am a working man so if there are guilds that start raiding at around 6-7 PM GMT that would be ideal. Otherwise Thursday and Friday i am available at later raiding times :)


    If any guild is looking for a healer, DPS or a tank for their team and the above info fits your criteria pls mail or whisper me or reply to this thread:

    Repside - Eclerica

    Impside - Sauza

  4. I was always wondering why people keep saying that PVP population is elitist and toxic. Have you tried pugging a HM op when your tanks got no idea about boss tactics, dps pull horrendous numbers, healers cant keep tank alive through scripted burst damage and you either wipe right away or hit enrage back to back 10 times?


    Every time you trying to get into ops (i mean current content ofc) ppl asking you for achievement and gear. So why would you expect to hop into yolo during season and get carried without having any idea how to focus target, peel, avoid being globaled, offheal, skank tank etc?


    The community is toxic regardless whether it is pve or pvp. People just dont like bad players who are there for the weekly. Start taking ranked seriously, admit your mistakes and you will notice that the amount of foul language towards you will drop drastically.


    Alot of times i raged at some PT who got globaled every single game while doing 5k damage. Then he whispered me and told that he s really sorry that he let our team down and asked for advice - how to kite, how to use his dcd's properly - the basic stuff. I felt uncomfortable that i raged at him at first and gave the guy some tips. Can't say he became stellar but at least he s pulling his weight better now.


    Problem is the part of population that is terrible and does no effort to become better. That zones in in the hopes of getting carried or thinking that "Ok, so what if i lose 99\100 of my games, i will still grind enough tokens for some bronze title in the end".

  5. I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


    PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


    Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


    I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.




    SWTOR is like an unhappy marriage. First - love, then - hate, then - indifference or you leave.

    You are clearly burned out of the game, so you'd better either take a break and come back in couple months, or stop caring and just accept the game for what it's worth as of now.

  6. Good news! Sorcs will get buffed next patch! :D But after it they should get heavy armor, stealth, lolslash, concealment/scrapeer trollroll, saber reflect, predation, e-net, godHO and entrench (outside of cover ofc) just so they can stay competitive to other classes.


    Where is my orbital Strike?!

  7. Played a few games last night, didn't lose a game.

    Most of the good pvpers on the server have alts on both sides and even different servers too in some cases, If you want to win then I suggest queueing with specific faction at the previously mentioned times although, I tend to solo q on my sent outside of these times cos I'm a bit of a masochist ;)


    We all know you can carry at any time of the day East :rak_01:

    But in all seriousness, it all comes down to on which side are the alts of good pvp'ers are logged in at the moment, since there is hardly a good pvp'er on TRE who doesn't play both sides relatively equally.

  8. If it is the unlucky bit then I literalyl could get a world record in unluckiest person in gaming ever. It happened in COD , it happened in HALO, it happened in GoW, it happened in star craft. lol. If there was a god of gaming, he has indeed cursed me to get ridiculously awful team mates 99.9 percent of the time. lol.


    You know there is a saying - If the third husband beats the crap out of wife's face, maybe the problem is with the face?


    I see you complaining alot about how useless your team is even when the actual game was more or less decent. And i literally lost track of posts you made about how bad life on TRE is for republic side. It is not even half as bad.

  9. TRE is balanced enough in general. It just so happened that recently alot of people are either taking a break until 3.3 or trying out other servers due to this transfer and 12x XP hype.


    Majority of people from TRE PVP guilds are playing both sides. I myself switch between rep\imp alot. If i see only imp vs imp games or particularly good players online on one side i switch to another to get games against them. Also depends who is online from my friendlist.


    Give it time, TRE is always balancing itself out in the end.

  10. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sorcerer#20-2100320122122221320-1001312030203


    I d suggest trying this one. This build revolves on omitting shock from rotation and taking deathfield.

    Singletarget dmg will remain less than in both full specs but this build will give u seriously increased aoe potential. On S\V hm trash fights hardcast cl-deathfield-force storm-proc cl gives 8+k dps depending on the gear. Shock is replaced with wrath-procced LS. As i mentioned, singletarget will suffer but at least for me the loss is 100-120 dps compared to pure lightning\madness.

    For ops pure specs are still more preferred if ur group is struggling with enrage, but this particular build is much more suitable if you do not like pure specs for any reason.

  11. I think it would be useful to add cargo bay, acsessible by all characters on account. Maybe through legacy perk. I love crafting and have all crafting skills and just getting tired of mailing lots of resourses, recipes etc. between my characters. If all materials could be placed in one cargo bay, it would make crafting a lot easier and less time-consuming.
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