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Posts posted by wmst

  1. -sigh-

    Look, I understand that sometimes [stuff] happens, and that the devs are doing the best they can to deal with it as they become aware of it. But yeah, this is getting a little absurd at this point.


    If the current state of the game in terms of bugs and screw-ups is the best their coding team can do, why is this team still employed and not selling donuts around the corner is beyond me. They don't have any KPI's to fulfill? Quality standards to maintain? Supervisor to supervise them? How many bugs is too many for bioware to just replace those code monkeys with someone competent?


    Missing bridge on Rishi and those similar glitches are not a big deal since they do not harm actual gameplay experience, but event bugs like this should never get past Q&A.

  2. My guess is with chapter 10 we will see a number of new OP's and perhaps a total revamp of PvP adding a 3rd alliance faction.....just a guess but if it come true ...you heard it here first.


    Riiiiiiiight. Almost fell off the chair after the part about total revamp of PVP by February 11th :D A man can dream i guess...

  3. In case of voidstar i can almost guarantee that somebody from your team was standing on the edge and stealthed operative holotraversed to the guy while bridges were still closed. And just waited for bridge to open and cap while you all were distracted. it is not some next level tactics, you was able to leap across or pull ppl since like forever.

    Now you simply can do it while still in stealth as a sin or operative.


    As for Civil war - typical case of terrible DPS vs good tank and a healer. OK OK you in particular surely was awesum and stuff, but 1 infi shadow wont even make a dent in heal-tank combo. I main infi shadow on repside and sorc heal on impside so i have seen both ends of this issue. With current broken sorc healing sin\pt tank + sorc can stall infinite amount of ppl on the node if they are any good. I kinda almost stopped playing sorc heal beyond weekly conquest because of how it is head and shoulders above other healers now.


    Also, i don't recall any TRE PVP guild starting with "E".

  4. Nobody mentioned PVE premades of full 216-220 conquest heroes who all go to the home node and stay there for entire match. Imho these premades are truly what ruins regs, not the proper ones.


    Queuing as 4 ppl is the best way to eliminate 3 out of 7 possibilities of getting an afker, M1-4X hero or a simple terribad. And why does everyone assumes that all premades are queueing with trinity comp? Half the time it s 4 DPS with 3 of them being mercs. Also, not every premade consists of 4 ppl of the same guild and when you see a bunch of same 78k window-lickers, or several players known to be good on your team in several warzones you quickly realize that they are also a premade. Once you get to know your server's PVP population you should find out that there are alot of 2-3 man groups of various skill levels who also always queue together. Some of them mean an insta-loss, some are almost a guaranteed win.


    What is truly ruining the game is lack of awareness regarding bolster mechanics, ezmode PVE which does not prepare ppl for actually challenging PVP meta, balance issues and class stacking.


    Being in a premade is simply the easiest way to make sure that at least half of your team will not be a pure aids..

  5. If all you are planning to do is storymode pugging- roll a tank, you will hardly ever have issues with finding groups.

    If you aim to do some HM\NiM content later, still roll a tank, get full token gear for your DPS and get good on it. Geared and skilled DPS is by far the most sought after role for HM operations.

  6. Lol East u seem to be omnipresent when people looking for guild/server are involved :) U search the forum all day with keywords? :) 3>


    Back on topic - Solo ranked is not popping due to pre-season and no announced date of next season's start. It s mostly the same on all EU servers at the moment and TRE is no exception. As for faction imbalance, TRE used to be quite balanced before like 3.3. After 4.0 it went downhill fast and now republic side is at the disadvantage. I was thinking about starting full-time PVP guild on repside and try to even out the odds a bit, but i'll probably just switch to raiding instead :)

  7. Well it is pretty obvious now that PVE is now in the same position as PVP was pretty much since launch:


    - simplier and simplier ways to acquire gear with every expansion (decrease in WZ comm prices for PVP and just showering PVE players with all types of comms)

    - omnipresent bolster for both PVE and PVP (even ranked) to cater for people who cba putting time and effort in gearing up their character and just want to jump in to the content NOW

    - simplification of gameplay in order to attract more players (regardless of the skill level) and decrease queue times (imfamous "pvp'ers just want more pops and kill red" e.g quantity over quality) - tacticals and bolstered/level synched GF ops and flashpoints


    In other words - PVE is simply entering the same world of hurt PVP was lingering in for years now.


    Next year they will decide that releasing a chapter each month requires too much work and tell us that all that we want is to show off our fancy outfits and strongholds. And we will end up with a cozy little version of Minecraft with glowsticks. And an iPhone port.

  8. tank: enter, prepare, pull trash, get all aggro, dps are all over the place, pop all CD's, maybe survive, maybe die.

    healer: enter, prepare, let someone pull, try and keep them alive, dps are all on different mobs, can't keep all up, people start dieing, I get agrro and die.




    Notice the tendency here? DPS all over the place = wipe, but the fault is ofc bioware's since why should DPS bother with CC, interrupts, focus fire, kill order while they'd rather just mash random buttons and have healer and tank carry them. It used to work since mobs barely scratched anyone. Now when they start doing actual damage the game suddenly became impossibly hard. Right?


    Problem is that with the initial introduction of tacticals bioware created an instance which does not require any specific role, tactic, skill or general awareness. This iteration of tactics is no different save for usual gear gap which comes with every expansion. Once ppl will more or less gear up we all can return to rolling our faces on the keyboard in the same for now impossible tacticals.


    All content is hard when next gear tier is introduced. Remember when Athiss or Cademimu or Mando raiders HM were first introduced. The complaints were exactly the same. After a couple months nobody had any difficulties clearing them with a healing comps.

  9. The issue is exactly the same as used to be with bonus boss in Mandalorian Raiders HM. If you kill him during the leap you will not be able to target the body to loot it. And there will be the same fix at some point i believe. BW will just make the body appear in the middle of the room after kill.

    Problem is with bioware taking ages to fix the issues and repeating the same mistakes when they introduce similar mechanics to new content. It will be fixed once enough ppl submit tickets about it.

  10. Inside PvP competitive environments were everyone is always vulnerable to a bit of lag (some more than others, specially) and after 4.0 which increased everyone's mobility, having to (at least in ranked and other tight pvp situations) use skills that have the lowest range ingame (4 meters) is very annoying and unreliable (therefore unbalanced; sometimes the person thinks he already used his skill only to find it still on CD because the delay + some other random factor didn't let it... then it's too late.

    Minimum baseline range for any single target skills in this game should be ~7 meters at least (since 10 is causing so much controversy; meele classes surely are op as hell atm right? lol).


    Obs: after i get in the game today i will post a nice list with skills that have such petty range.


    Time for 10m AOE backstab has finally come. DOIT Bioware!

  11. Repside on TRE was always better in yolo queue. As for regs, since like 3.3 there is simply not many dedicated PVP players left on repside in general and whoever is left is mostly doing yolo during the season (and probably quit \ transferred \ taking a break now).

    I agree that repside lacks dedicated pvp guild with high and active playerbase. Most of the times i see alts of imp pvp'ers or pve premades farming conquest\companions or some good players who log in like once a month :)

    I try to play repside as much as possible since it is much more challenging and fun, but not as much as i'd wanted due to time constraints and the fact that my mains are still imps so they need some love too :)

  12. I have for the most part stopped doing any sort of GF ops as a pug specifically because of above mentioned reasons. While i do not believe that gear is of any importance for SM operation, i do believe that every single person that chooses to participate in GF operation or other public group event should be able to carry his\her own weight, e.g be at least reasonably geared (even if slightly below operation requirements, but not in outrageous lvl 50 greens), be aware about at least core mechanics and have some idea how his own abilities and cooldowns work.

    It is just a common courtesy. Explaining tactics and learning the fights is best done with guild runs via voice comms when a person can receive much better pointers in a timely fashion. Explaining basic tactics is easy and takes 1-2 minutes, so there is no harm in typing out some refresher pointers, but in a pug you should really not expect people to typing in walls of text for your comfort.

    People do GF ops for gear, comms and some for decos\achievements. They do not do it for social engagements and random chat about weather. They just wanna kill stuff, loot stuff and move on. Ops runs for fun and giggles are usually a guild runs with ppl hanging out in TS\Mumble and whatnot. So, at least in my opinion, if the person is unable to learn the fights with his guild (e.g. doesnt have one), he should at least dedicate 5-10 minutes of his life to read up tactics. it is not hard, it is just respectful to other group members and allows to avoid alot of unnecessary arguments, blame games and dramas.

  13. I had a lvl 16 mando healer who kept everyone alive through False Emperor tactical without any need for kolto stations, carried the group myself as a sorc healer through LI HM with sin DPS who queued as tank "cuz it pops faster". Yes it was hard, but it was challenging and the clear was satisfying. When you are facerolling the same tactical with a group of skilled andgeared 65's it is boring as hell.

    Since solo content provides zero challenge your average newbie, he comes into group content without having a clue about how his own abilities work, what defensive cooldowns he has and what do they do exactly.

    I lost track of how many times i saw a jugg or a sin tank popping literally every single cooldown at once, waiting for 5 seconds and only then pulling the pack.

    Majority of current inhabitants of tactical FP's are having no clue about their own abilities, any sort of rotation, CC and kill order. And instead of providing assistance to these newbies via proper tutorials for each of those aspects, educational missions or even in-game tooltips bioware just dumbs the content further and further with every expansion so even my dog will be able to do it by spamming its paws on the keyboard.

    It does not really matter how easy BW will make tacticals, there will always be some window-licker that still will be unable to clear them and will be littering the forums with posts like OMGPLZNERF!

    There is no real tragedy if some newbie is first time in a FP and wiped entire group cuz he broke a CC, as long as the guy is willing to at least assume that he might have done something wrong and try to improve next time or even ask for advice. The tragedy begins when the same guy is a self-entitled mong who just assumes that if he can't one-shot everything the content is clearly overtuned and requires an immediate nerf.

    And in current iteration tacticals do nothing but breed another generation of that kind of players.

  14. Thank you for your reply.


    Why do they keep changing it. I don't think it is fair. Not everyone can get into groups for flashpoint runs. The lack of consistency makes getting the conquest achievement harder for those who depend on crafting and not so much pvp or flashpoint runs. I've spent 3 hours on doing as much as I can with weekly pvp and the weekly flashpoint objectives and only achieved 3150 points and that is with a 80% stronghold bonus. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here but I would like to know how I can gain conquest points more quickly. Last week was great with crafting objectives repeatable. This week totally sucks!


    I'm almost inclined to completely give up for this weeks conquests and hope next week will provide more reasonable objectives that can be achieved.


    BW have repeatedly mentioned that they intend to reduce the role crafting plays in conquest point accumulation in order to promote group content. Info about it was there for at least couple months. Except for some dedicated crafting conquest weeks like Titans of Industry, crafting objectives will no longer be repeatable.

  15. ok you have a point. but one thing that REALLY pisses me off is when they put me on a team who as soon as I arrive, loses. so yeah that needs to stop


    Not gonna suggest anything, but you know that there's a saying: "If the third husband beats the crap out of wife's face, the problem might be in the face". You can't be losing all the time only because of your teammates. Maybe you are doing something wrong and need to watch some vids, read some guides or ask for some specific class v class yolo advice?

  16. These things happen. Not such a big deal.

    If you got flagged by accident you can just launch a GSF tutorial and abort it. Your flag will disappear, saving you time travelling to sanctuary to deflag.

  17. Queueing solo for regs is exactly the same as queueing solo for GF ops. Except in PVE bolster is actually useful. One time you end up with the group that wipes on trash before Malaphar, next time you faceroll the content like nobody's business.

    Solo queueing for regs is no different. Except i have never seen a single person complaining that he got 4-7man premade for GF Temple of sacrifice. I was also always wondering why people think that barging into a warzone without having done any research on bolster, proper gearing, wzrzone tactics is considered acceptable, while at the same time when the same person tries to enter some SM or god forbid HM operations without having a clue he s got raged on like 3 times harder than in PVP?

    Ppl who say that PVP community is toxic and full of elitist jerks have not really dabbled enough in any sort of high level PVE content as a pug.

    78k sorcs in PVP are tolerated, since in 10-15 minutes wz will end and the guy will be gone. In PVE if you get really undergeared or clueless fella you will kick him and probably ignore, since you will most likely fail to meet enrage or keep the guy up if he's a tank.

    Biggest problem with this animosity between PVP and PVE players is a sense of entitlement that both of them have. We are all playing the same game and should make sure that, while having fun yourself is most important, in any group content all participants should be able to carry their weight, not being carried by others.

  18. All ranked rewards will eventually appear on cartel market as a recolored version anyway. Yes you can't get THAT rancor, but you can get recolored version of it. I am pretty damn sure we will see nexu on CM sooner rather than later considering how many PVE heroes are drooling all over it.

    As long as there's money to be made, BW will cater to you at some point. Soon™

    But for some reason they are quite hesitant to put out some recolor of wings of the architect on CM. See the pattern here?

  19. Grouping with 3 other guildmates for regs is the easiest way to reduce potential number of pve scrubs, deathmatchers, keyboard turners and M1-4X heroes from 7 to 4. Half of the time those so-called tryhard premades are not on any voice comms and on some random undergeared alts queueing together for fun as 4 dps. But soon as ppl see 4 ppl of the same guild tag they start raging.

    Half of the time i queue with 3 people who does not bear the same guild tag as me and miraculously all that nonsense about premade tryhards disappears as by magic.

    Other times when people see a certain guild tag they already assume that it is a premade, although it is a single fella queueing to get his daily done.

    Whining about premades on the other side is just a very simple way to justify a loss.

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