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Posts posted by Lyublina

  1. Arsenal merc is pretty fun for PvP and by far not the weakest. It shines in regular PvP and have insane burst plus electro net. The latter can result in killing immortal sorc healer because it wont let sork teleport, bubble or run away. Also you are too much mobile wich will compensate the lack of real defences. I have killed sages 1vs1 in a warzone both dot speck and telekinesis. You have selfheals and procks. Weak spot is when you are the main target wich will happen if the enemy team knows what to do and who to focus. If you are left to freecast there is no excuse if you are not in top three dpsers in the Warzone. You will need some team assistance and peels and you can carry the game. I have won some arenas with my dps merc with no healers in my team vs a team with tank and sorc healer. Just heal teammates who know who to focus and how to defend and peel for you. Electronet the enemy healer when he is at 30% and then nuke him.


    To summerise Arsenal is good for pve and good for pvp.

  2. In my opinion you have conventional choises.

    Jedi Knight male human

    Jedi Consular female human or forse sensitive race.

    Trooper male human

    Smuggler human.

    Sith Warrior male human or sith pureblood

    Inquisitor female human or ratta or any slave race

    Bounty Hunter - female human or cyborg

    Agent ciss ot human.


    But you can make your lore. For example i will make female ratt smuggler. I will gear her with scalenearmor and I will play as if I am agent undercover. I will play only PvP and will troll republic team. Hutball passes to enemy leaving all nodes to the enemy. This will be so fun lorewise!


    So to summ things up make your own lore and play with it. The imperial agent undercover for troll PvP is just one example of this. You can be gray jedi. You can be anyone you want as long as it is fun for you. What is more fun than trolling republicans? :D

  3. For a long time I am planning to make this thread, but all I see is DEVs fully ignoring the community. PvP community is left for dead with zero feedback and answers from BW. Anyways I want to voice my thoughts as a suscriber and a fan of this game. I wish to see more ways to earn gold with pvp only. Now we get 12k for a win and 5k for a loss for a game 10mins long plus up to five mins que. There are some players like me who love pvp even that it is not ballanced. I dont want to play pve, nor be forced to play it. On most of my chars I dont even have my starship. I am forced to level up with pve (doing only FPs) because they give more exp than a pvp win. If you lose you get close to nothing. But more on that later. The problem is in the Cartel market. I love aome of the sets (Shae Vizla, Malgus for example) but I dont want to spent any real money besides my sub. The reason in this is because BW doesnt listen at all to the PvP community and dont deserve our two cents besides the sub. But all the armors are sold in the GTN for credits. So if I want an armor I need to: Grind daily missions or do some scrafting - all of this is PvE. If I want to do crafting I need six companioms hense I nees to do my story. I dont want to do that. Not counting the affection needed! So I have to do daily heroics in a group for 600k for 30mins (Tatooine). All I am asking is credit rise for those of us that only play PvP content like 22k forba win plus credits per kill. This way we will stay in the WZs.

    I managed to buy Shae Vizla for 10mill plus Malgus for 5mill but that was mont and a half daily missions and a GTN play for me.


    Suggestion two

    Increase exp per WZ so we can level our chars with PvP only and dont waste two weeks compared to story mode and PvE missions and FPs. I need WZ comms and Valor not useless endgame crystals.


    Suggestion three

    Let us change sides once in a WZin the first min. A smuggler and a BH should be able to betray his faction for more credits! Why are we bounded to only one faction? I like to play wit my lore. Imagine I make a uggler (actually an AGENT) under cover. I want to swith to the Empure side when in WZ not to play VS my own! Also a smuggler who get bribed or a BH who got hired. This can be done (in terms of ballance) with an option to choose faction que.


    This is what I am suggesting. You will have my money when you make se PvP content. Untill then take my credits.

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