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Posts posted by Lyublina

  1. On my max lvl assassin i have no energy managment problems in pve or in pvp. I just hit the shiny buttons and do just fine. Marauder has no energy problems as well, there is no downtime when i am energy starved in pvp.


    For pvp I prefere the marauder because it has stelth to run away but has better defensive cooldowns on low cool down. I love the one that reduces all dmg to 75 percent...


    For pve i prefere my assassin as it can stealth skip a lot of movs and doing missions and whatever is just faster because of that.

  2. One possible defensive i thought of that would only really work for arsenal is an ability that either increases defensives or straight up absorbs a set amount of damage that can only be activated with 5 stacks of tracer lock. It will sacrifice damage, but given the class has so much burst potential it would be a good trade off imo.


    We have this. Our big heal is instant with 5 stacks and you have to choose either this or ral shot. It can crit as well wich in my opinion is better than absorb. Yes healing can be increased a little but anyways you have it as an option.


    I dont know why ppl ask for defence buffs. What do you expect mercs to have? You have all instant abilities and you should be moving. No need for deff buff. Just POSITION right! Every dps class but tanks, juggs and assassin dies if focused by more than one dps. Ask operatives. Yes they have vanish but they are melee and mercs are ranged.

    I dont see why you want buffs. All defensive buffs will result in dmg nerfs. And in the moment mercs are in a sweet spot. I love my merc and I will level one more just to have male and female toons.

    Yes your suggestions are cool but we dont need them.

    Lest count (1) carbinise (2) HO (3) Shield (4) jumping backwards (5) push back (6) instant small selheal (7) hot (8) big instant heal wich you can use to offheal when needed (9) a skill to make your big heal instant (10) second stunbreaker and (11) stun. 11 skills that can be used for self defence that can be rotated and can be used while kiting. Not to mention cleanse ability that we have. Why ask for more? Yes we have no immunes and vanish but enoug utilities to use to survive long enoug to be outhealed and saved. I forgot that we have flair that absorbs some skills. Plus stim. So 13 DCDs and you ask for more? Yes we are squishy to burst meta an die in a hardstun but that is ratber normal. Snipers have the same problems, operatives too

  3. Well you have strong points. Let me disagree but that is just my opinion. Lets let this guy choose what he likes the most and let it go here. Personally I feel stromger with my arsenal meec but that is just me again.


    Priblem with Powertheck is that you only have 2 disciplinea that are ok for PvP and should you deside to switch you have only shieldteck as an option. As it is now sadly Pyro is dead fir competative PvP.


    Juggers on the otherhand have all three disciplines viable and every has different gameplay regarding your job in the WZ. Plus you have Immortal wich is allways needed in both PvP and PvE.


    As for maras you have 3 dmg specks...and this is why I dont like them and wont choose them over jugger.


    But I cannot guve you more indebt information because I prefere ranged and midrange classes for PvP. My advice - read the forums. Learn all three classes you will need to know them anyways if you want to do PvP. Watch some gameplay videos, read duffys guides for all of them and make your choice. Truth to be told you cannot go wrong wichever you choose. And there is double exp weekend when you can quickly level all 3 of them :)


    But if you plan on leveling do it in WZs with PvP. You will get to know your class and discipline weak spots and strongs by the time you hit lvl 65.


    As you can see there are different opinions on some classes performance. This is why noone can answer your question - you should decide yourself. Choose what role you like - melee, ranged, midrange and what you want to do in a WZ - steal/defend nodes, solo duel, team pressure, support and soak dmg, be in the middle of the fight. Ask yourself are you looling for an easy rotation or hard toaster class. Prock based or not. A class that is played fast pieced or a class that will let you breathe. Tell us this and we can point the best class for you. Now you make us tell you if you want wiskey, vodka or just water :)

    More important than all - have fun!

  4. NUKE THAT MARA or wait he's immune and just killed your healer gg :sul_smile:


    PTs are the first target not because of great damage (their damage is no greater than anyone else now), but because they have no immunes or escape, just easy prey.


    Well if you preload your big nuke you do great dmg in a few globals. Until you stack big nuke yes PT dmg is medicore. You are right about no immunes but we have escape. 35% speed buff on low cd is enough. Compliment this with 30% dmg reduction when stunned. We dont need more. CO is good to neglect some dots so healer can outheal us. You see this class has to kite and exploit midrange abilities. Dont expect to stay in one place and fight in melee range. Defences are good enough and dmg is good enough. AP PT shines because of burst meta we are now playing. Stun 2 ppl nuke third. We have 2 debuffs as well. Biggest plus is that our nuke dmg is perfect for killing someone in a 4 second stun. Also dont forget we have mass stun on really low cd! Check the "remove carbonyze" thread. All this combined is why we are primary target. If played right AP can kite AND do dmg. We needed crit nerf and now this class is perfectly ballanced. Dont forget that AP PT can pull an enemy away and solo him (if he has no dcds ofc) before his team can react.

    Trust me well played AP PT is not easy pray. But this discipline is hard to be played well. Many go in fight execute 3 attacks and die because they are focused. Oh i forgot our mass tount has 30% defense, lowers enemy dmg on others and gives friendly target spell reflect! Who uses that? Its rare to see it. Its like an arsenal merk to remember what flare does in PvP 😊

    Anyways - squishy and useless in a begginers hands and deadly and durable in someone who knows how to play. Just like a marauder 😊 but has a different role, position and place in a group.

  5. I'm assuming you mean Pyrotech PT, you should most definitely go Pyro PT. They have some of the best DoT spread/pressure in the game, making you a great counter to Sorc heals. Pyro PT also has great burst on top of their insane DoTs, but don't get too used to playing them, bc they're probably going to get a nerf very soon due to all the complaints of them being too OP




    Sometimes I ask myself why do you joke with ppl asking normal questions and directions? This is pire lies. Pyro is not a class you want to pick and he is being sarcastic in his post.


    I main AP PT and it is a cool class to play. You have insane burst and good defence. You will be allways a threat and this is why you will allways be a main target in 4vs4. This is why all you can do most of the te is do your rotation once and then die.


    Juggernaughts if you are reffering to tanks in dps gear are a good choice but you have to gear clever. You will have to do two roles tank and dps. Soaking dmg comes first. They are overpowered if you have personal healer. And most of the time if you master the gameplay of the immortal tanks hou will win almost every game.


    Vengeance is great for 8v8 duo to their dotspread and pressure when in the middle of a big fight. Not so amazing in 1v1. They gave really good defensive cooldowns so you will live long enough.


    Rage jugg is for solo kills and healer nukes but if you want to do that pick marauder or PT.


    Marauders are made to duel 1vs1 and kill healers. Kills is your only job every WZ and if you are not top 1 in kills you are doing it wrong. They have great defensive cooldowns like tge jugger but also have immune to crowd controll plus sgelth ability.


    Mind that all 3 choices are solid and all 3 have different role in the WZ. Choose what you want and tgen choose the class.


    Marauder is for killing gealers and then solo kills

    Jugger is for A tankibg

    . B pressure and dotspread

    Powertech is for nuking threads to someone important in your team. (nuke thar marauder who is going to kill your healer for example)

  6. 15 button mouse for the win. keyboard with extra macro keys for the extra win. all my main attacks i use my thumb, speed, charge/jump/breaker/cloak middle mouse buttons, and everything else located near wasd.



    I know how to key bind. I have two problems - bad KB with user unfriendly F keys and trouble ptrssig more than two buttons at the same time. 😊

    F is working well with the way my keybinds are located so problem is solved.


    Some of us cannot aford a gaming mose. In my country normal salary is 450 dollars a month and a mouse like this is 200 dollars. So I have to stick with good old mouse with only two extra buttons. Great advice for those who can afford to buy it.


    Thank you all for the tips. You understood my keybind logic and helped me a lot! Next time I should show you my KB to laugh. F keys are 1 sm above 1234 and position to the right so that F1 is in between keys 1 and 2! So I barely use them 😊 thank god I am not a healer and I dont have to target friends 😊

  7. I feel bad for you. Never ever question your personality based on ingame exp. You should be glad you are not trying to group for PvP 😊 This game mode is allways competative and ppl who want to win in any case get nervous and play. Too bad you are not on my server I also play solo for same reasons I would be glad to team up with you.


    But I will try explain their reaction. Every raid or OP is harder with a pug group. If you dont know what to do you will wipe them and slow them down. Some bossess have complicated tactics that are hard to explain. And even if you know tactics you can make a mistake. You know that phase and mechanic but you have never seen it and you womt realise it until is too late. This is why they dont bother.


    Dont let that bother you! Next time do some more reading and lie to them. Thew would not know if you are doung well that you are a newbie and wont look down on you. This is what I do because it is too hard to find a group willing to explain and introduce you to ops

  8. We need fewer buttons. I don't even have enough fingers on my hand to do my rotation (okay I only have four fingers on my left hand, my dog mistook one of my fat fingers for a sausage)


    But seriously there are too many abilities. This spec is way to complex.


    I suggest the following:

    -shoulder canon is passive and automatically triggers after every move you make

    -HO as passive (well we're always having it active when needed so why not simplify it?) as well as adrenaline rush and shield when I drop below 30% health

    -merge detonator and energy burst into one skill

    -make magnet punch have 20 meters range, so I can even hit healers that are kiting me for 10k consistantly

    -remove 4 second stun and add those four seconds to carbonize. Also half the cooldown of carbonize because we've just lost our hardstun.



    I hope that this spec will get easier as currently it is completely overwhelming for me



    Omg! I hope you are being sarcastic. Actually for those new players that may be reading this joke yes there are 8 offensive skills you use. But that is 4 buttons with the right keybind 😊

  9. F key is working fine for now. Better than expected and better than no SC at all. I will even spend a mastery point there 😊

    Thank you for the tips. Now I need to get used to the new rotation and monitoring charges and CD on SC. But I guess my touhness will increase. It is near 50% self heal after all.

  10. Thank you!

    I think it will mostly be PVE. I love story lines and exploring.

    But there's something about handing someone their butt and having my butt handed to me too (hahaha) that I also find fun.


    Bravely go Pyro then. I dont like AP for PvE. It is too slow for me. But mind that if you ever go PvP you will be useless. You will see big numbers in the end because Pyro is a dot class but that will mean nothing. Unlike a vengeance juggernaut (who will do dotspread as well) your dmg is not even a little pressure to the enemy healers. I really hope that pyro will get some love in future patches.


    Have fun with best looking spells in the game ;)

  11. Cartel coins to credits is one way to do it. But then again I wont spent real life money for credits. Just did Tatooine heroics with full party and snached 650k. And it is only one planet. If you have alts do it there. This way you will make some quick millions every week. All other tips is GTN and crew skills. This is what can make you rich. But you will need to do some market research to learn the tricks. And rule number one - DONT spend!
  12. Note: All this advice is only for PvP. In PvE, Pyro and AP use pretty much the same gear, and Pyro is able to out-perform AP in quite a few fights (assuming the team comp already comes with sundered + assailable) - especially anything with multiple enemies to hit.


    True! Thanks for pointing this out. I don't want him to be misinformed :D


    Solo play? PvP or PvE? That matters.

    If you want to do heroic missions and story mode I suggest Pyrotech (good AOE and easy resourse managment)

    If you want to do warzones or arenas then you have no choice - Advanced Prototype is the only way.

    I cannot suggest AP or Pyro for casual Operations - I don't play PvE.


    BTW you can check Shieldtech as well! It is good for PvE and PvP. Good for soloing in any ways.

    PS You can switch between specs so don't worry! Best advice is play both specks and choose yourself! You cannot switch only between advanced classess (Powertech and Mercenary). Dont augment your gear before you choose your speck though. As I pointed out it costs too much credits. Between 2 or 4 million credits for min/maxing.


    One more advice - choose PvP or PvE now and level there. Different gameplay and different rotation and different skills you use!

  13. solution rhymes with nacro or even kackro


    or you put SC on F and do your rotation like RFRFEF etc


    I wish we could have macros :( As far as I know we are not allowed. Don't know why is that. Makes no sence!


    I dont use mouse wheel, never tried it, but i will try tonight. On my KB alt is not in a good spot to use at all...

    As for S key I use it to walk forward when i am using mouse to rotate camera. I am combining asd (starf, forward) and mouse to move my char.

    Unfortunately with this KB the only easy modifyer key is shift... both ALT and CTRL are hard to press and are not natural to me.

    I have to more mouse buttons but I have them bound for stun, hard stun and with shift for cc break and interrupt.

    I will try F key as you suggest as well. Seems that could work. Is there a problem when i click SHIFT + W + F? (when I have bound SC on F without shift F? Nevermind that I will use both binds for that to work as intended.

    Time to play the PIANO :D



  14. Hello folks, I need some help!

    I am struggling with mastering my AP powerteck because I dont use shoulder cannon at all. I am a keybinder and have all my skills bound. But I cannot find a suitable place for SC to use while I am using my rotation. I have granade on Q, punch on W, railshot on E, mag blast on R, knife dot on T, bigg nuke on shift W, and crit offensive cd on shift E. I am moving with my mouse and starfing with A and D. I just cannot use SC while I am doing my rotation and this means I have low burst and pressure when needed.


    How do you do it? Any tips on where to bind it so I can use it? My hand is Q-R orientated and T is a bit far for quick press. 1-5 are defensive cds. Shift 1-5 are utility (tounts and stims)

  15. You have no choice - advanced prototype. Pyro is just too weak nowadays and has nothing to offer. AP has better defensives (one but important passive more) and better dmg - both burst and sustained. Pyro has best ingame animations but that is all it has to offer. In PvP yoi are a thread to noone as pyro but you kinda counter madness sork because of dot dmg reduction passive. All in all pyros hits are weaker than all of APs attacs.


    Try both specks out you can switch them easily. Just dont waste credits on auguments because AP uses power and pyro uses alacrity and crit. By the time you min max your BH you will know what speck to choose.


    Also read more in the forums. All topics show that AP has insane burst - you can kill in 3 globals while pyro is nerfed to the ground and thus unplayabe.

    If you are chosing for levelling choose pyro. It has more aoe dmg while AP shines after lvl 54.

  16. Well friend, every class has a counter. Your counter is melee with lots of dcds and being the focus target. Not much you can do. Juggernauts when specced rage have root every 12 secs and hit hard. You cannot survive their dmg. You have a few cds to use - dodge for 3 secs, root, and the bomb that lowers their accuracy. You cannot be lept to because of the cover passive. If they dont die while you rotate those skills you have nothing else in your sleeve agains them.

    But you can use ppsitioning to your advantage on some maps. Take high ground and when they come for you first use dodge. After that push them down. Mind that juggs can be immune if thet leap at you. Then count to 6 and push them. On maps with no high ground just run away and dont fight them. Kite instead and they will lose the urge to kill you. In WZ if a jugger or marauder is chasing you instead of pressuring your team or nuking a healer then you are doing good! Juggs have to dotspred and their place is in the middle of the fight. Rage juggs should be focysing healer or a priority target. You are not one. So if you have their attention as a target dummy - you are helping your team as much as dpsing their healer. So go ahead and walk those bums all over the WZ. Dps is not the only thing that matters in a WZ game. Yes this is your job but don't waste this opportunity :) disposition those classes and ask for an assist for easy kill. All operatives will be glad to help. Same goes for your friendly assassins. And that is part of their job. Be a bait and spread their team. Just dont stand in one place. Truth to be told you cannot stop a jugger, mara or assassin with cooldowns ready. You can kill those who have their DCDs on cd.


    Short answer: You cannot beat jugger, mara or assassin alone, but you can shut them down so they fail their job.

    Jugger vengeance job is to be in the middle of big fight and dot spread.

    Mara and rage jugg have to be glued to a healer or priority target (ap powertech or sorc)

    Assassins should be on nodes or on a priority target.

    If they are after you just kite them away. Root them to stare the big fight and roll to a nice position to conrinue your job. Repeat if needed. They will stop chasing you or they will fail their team.


    Your job: Be as far as possible. Use your range. I would rather dps they tank who is in the frontline rather risk it to throw one ambush on their healer. Try that and you wont be tunneled by melee. You will be priority for operatives though :) pvp is fast pieced

    njoy your class :)

  17. Rage sith warrior uses more than ten abilities in the rotation. Marksman sniper is easy. You use (1) ambush, (2) followup, (3) channelled ability, (4) again followup, (5) two times snipe, (6) again followup then repeat. This is4 abilities. You have one dot and one aoe. All that is left is 5 defensive cooldowns and five offensive. Njoy
  18. One more thing allways do heroic 2 in a group of four! All tatooine heroics with bonus give 600 000 plus credits and take lless than 20 mins. Again BONUS is aust this is what makes you rich. Dont forget to sell on the GTN all the companion gifts. When you add that tatooine heroics give 800 000 credits ;)
  19. Just to clarify first guy is not kidding. All you do until 50s is spam supressive fire. It does tons of dmg and will do the trick. Dont forget to compliment it with a mastery point. As for the rotation for sniper and gunslinger this is endgame. If you try it you will get out of resouce too early and then you get to do second guys tip - sent companion and drink coffee. The rotation is doable in endgame when you get necessary passives. Until then u have two abilities ambush and snipe. Try spamming those...

    To sum up supressive fire for the win. It has no cd for a reason :)

    Happy shooting

  20. If you like the spec than just play it .....?

    Yes, there might be better classes to play but as long as you have the correct gear every class is viable for operations.


    For example I like saboteur and have played it since patch 1.2 when I created my slinger. My class has been on the low end of the bracket for quite some time. On the other hand it has seen nicer days too. Regarless the performance I like the style and won't ever stop playing it.


    How? I want to do competative pvp. Any ideas? You dont even scratch them!

  21. Plus one to your long statement. But I think we cannot have big pvp zone because of game engine. I would love to see an option to choose arenas or wz amd an option to exclude a wz from the list. But then again noone reads constructive cryticism. Sadly. Upper pvp toer is a must if we want to play ranked because what is the point now? But then you have ballance issues - sorc has bubble and no way we can break it. Yes mercs can prevent it but no break it. So if we have a reason to play ranked youu will not see anything but two tanks with two sork heals. Tgat being said gl having ranked when it is ruined with one ability! You pointed lut wow as a good example. There is no insta heal and immortality bubble in arenas. So there you have it :)

    I love how swtor introduced tount in pvp. I give them that it is brilliant. Also I wold love to see grid like addon.

  22. Saw this tweet today.



    Everyone from this forum, just go and spam the chat with your PvP questions. Don't get distracted with any news you may here.... like HK-55. Just spam ask about PvP and PvP updates. See if they'll at least address anything.


    Not gonna happen. I made a suggestion thread asking for more credits per wz win and lose so we dont have to grind pve missions. Guess what - zero replys. None. And it is not big of a change. 15 mins 12k for a win 5k for a loss. Tatooine heroics in a group - 15 mims 600k credits. Accept it we are forced waisting our time with pve... And pve content. Take a look at leveling. WZ leveling is two times slower than FP levelling. We are forced to level and play the pve instead we get to enjoy pvp. Yes it is optiomal but if you want to buy malgus set for example you have to grind pve, not pvp.... I wont pay them two cents besides my sub just because we are left with no content or ballance.

    So go agead ask them. Or why even bother.

    For me their useless and meaningless dev talk is wasted time of doing WZs.

  23. :D


    I've never heard of that before ... :D





    I just did an AHG which made me believe that this is the new "burst meta trolling AHG" tactic :


    AHG has been reduced into


    1. getting the most kills

    2. hindering the other team from getting their node in the last round

    3. profit !


    This is the nbew - as I call it - "meta burst trolling AHG" tactic. I mean, the whole map has been stripped off of all kinds of tactic - this one remains. I have seen it several times now, and it works frighteningly well.


    For the "duel-happy" crowd out there, this is THE perfect tactic !

    Because they just LOVE duels - and since duel/burst heavy classes are dominating these maps anyway ... Profit !

    With their heavy burst / duel capabilitiues are are more than able to trioll the other team via preventing them from getting their node !


    I have see it. We should hve won, because we had more orbs. A lot more.

    But they won, because of this tactic. They had more kills + 2 nodes in the end.


    Tactics in AHG are dead now. Long live this meta setup !


    I feel you! Yesterday. Same warzone. All of my team went one node and then in the middle to kill and duel. I asked for one more to the enemy node so we can slow them while our team controlls our node. Noone came ofc. I was with my ap powerteck so i was able to slow them and draw two more enemy players to there node so that my team can make a few kills in mid. This was my tactic the whole wz. I even stole enemy. Node once wich gave my team huge advantage. But then my team left our node unprotected and lost it. In the end we won by 3 points - my tactic in the beginning won that game. But I was last place in points because I had too much respawn time :). And noone understood this tactic. I wish I was not doing operatives job who were rushing in the middle! Learn your class - I am not supposed to be there! I have to be glued to a healer the whole time! A close win is a win BUT one more not brainless guy in my team would have mean faster win.

  24. What is your endgame plan? Pve or pvp? Marksman was nerfed too much. I will speak for pvp only. Marksman has the most range in the game but is easily losed. There are many warzones and almost all arenas where you are having hard time because of the terrain and topography. Positioning is key. You have good defensive cooldowns but they will not save you if you are the main target. You have one root, one push with root to keep melee out of range but against two or more melee you are dead. You have one roll wich helps you reposition. Against ranged it is easier because you outrange them. If you are left to freecast you can kill anything.

    Operative on the other hand is better in PvP bit much jarder to play and master. It is a killing machine and a node king if in the right hands. It is a lone wolf and team play is his weak spot. Your job is only objectives and solo kills. I have battled many operatives in 4.0 with juggernaught, ap powertech, madness sork and arsenal merc. I have lost all 1v1 when the operative has his cds.

    So choose wisely.

    My suggestion for pvp is operative. Hard to master but pays back. Solid choice for solo pvp. Controlling and assasinateing only one node can win you a game even with a bad team.

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