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  1. So in essence, the Legacy system isn't doing what it's supposed to do until my 4th alt or so? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of the Legacy system to begin with? Basically, the cycle goes like this. I go through a planet, do the quests on part of it, level up, have to spend all that money training new skills. I go back, earn a lot of money, then level up, and spend almost all of it again. Not to mention, if you're levelling your crafting skill as you go, say for crafting your own gear and such, then sending out your companions for materials is something you're doing pretty much all the time so you can make your own gear. If sending your companions out every time they come back from a mission and keeping that little process going all the time is 'wrong' then I would very much be interested to know how to play 'right'. But if there's a wrong and right way to play the game, rather than playing how I want to play, then there's a massive fault in the game that goes beyond credits at that point.
  2. This is essentially my point. The Legacy system (which is supposed to be something for the altaholics, at least that's how BioWare sells it) is something that should reduce costs of gaining benefits on multiple characters. In its current iteration, it fails at this miserably because the only way to really get your wallet stuffed with credits is to spend a lot of time on a single character at a time, which isn't really what people with tons of alts do.
  3. Is it? I hadn't noticed because I hadn't actually spent the token yet, believing the item to be bound to the character that purchases it. I apologize for the lack of information on my part. As with any other game, MMO's do eventually have a point where there's nothing to spend your money on because you have everything you need. As I said, I haven't reached end-game yet, so the credit situation could get better at that point. But being reduced to poverty by purchasing the skills I need every time I level up? This is something that I've only encountered in Old Republic. And while I realize that gold sinks are one of those necessary evils, after a little while it starts to make the game as a whole suffer. New players become discouraged because they see how expensive the items they would like to have are, and the friend I joined the game to play with told me that the things like unlocking races via your Legacy (1.5 million credits) is really a lot of money for level 50 characters. Granted, you do have the option of leveling a character to 50 with that particular race, which solves the expense, sort of. After a while, it becomes the classic MMO case of 'he who has been here the longest, is strongest' by virtue of those characters have everything they need paid for, and new characters have a much harder time getting to the point where they can afford the expensive gold sinks that are designed for the people who have tons of money to burn. Hopefully I'm making sense. I keep feeling like I might be talking in circles. XD
  4. Newly minted TOR player here. Friend of mine got me excited about the game and I finally decided to give it a shot. I've been enjoying my experience so far, but I recently got to the point where I finally was able to start working on the Legacy rewards items. Imagine my surprise when I got to the Legacy vendor and found that the Legacy gear doesn't work as I imagined you might think. Essentially, I would like to outline some of the perceived issues from my short time within the game, coming from someone who has played many MMO's in the past. And before I get to the heart of it, I would like to mention that I searched exhaustively through the threads and there weren't that I found that addressed these particular issues all in one go, so for the interest of aggregation, here are my concerns thus far: 1. Legacy Items Need Help - When I first arrived at the Legacy vendor, I was excited. I had a little token to turn in to the vendor saying 'give me my item, please' thinking that it would be an account bound affair that I could swap between characters on a whim. A few questions around the server later and I discovered that my little token was A. A one time only deal, and the item would be bound to that particular character, and B. The item I purchased would not grow with my character as I levelled. I'm getting nearer to endgame at this point, and I don't know if the credit situation gets any better toward end-game, but it's rather irritating to see that the gear that WOULD level with my character costs an exhorbitant amount of money for a complete set of that gear, and that doesn't include the costs of purchasing all of the mods to keep that gear current with wherever that character might be at any given time. Now I'm no stranger to gold sinks, but it seems that the whole idea of having a Legacy system in the first place is to cut down on the costs of leveling an alt character. In its current state, the Legacy items appear to be little more than a gold sink for the altaholics, which makes absolutely no sense, as they're spending all their time on alts and not really earning any income in the meantime to begin with. Making the gear level with you encourages leveling of alts, not in the least of which because it's less we're having to spend on them. 2. Multiple Legacies Per Server, Please - This is something that should be addressed simply because of the fact that having only a single Legacy per server in essence sort of limits your species, class choices, etc. If BioWare wants us to level alts and experience all their carefully crafted stories, why then are they making it so that somehow, my Twi'lek is related to my Chiss is related to my Cyborg? Especially in regard to the people who play on the roleplay servers, this is like a slap in the face. We are in essence forced to have all the characters on a server be somehow related to one another, typically via familial bloodline, as that's what the surname is for, really. Either the option to have multiple Legacies or an 'opt out' for new characters function would be very beneficial in this regard. 3. Holy Mackerel My Wallet - With most MMO's I've played in the past, there was usually a point where I felt like I was actually making some money at some point, rather than consistently having an empty wallet. So far this has been rather frustrating. To finish up a planet with what feels like a lot of credits in reserve for purchases for things like med packs, or being able to comfortably send out companions on missions for crafting materials, only to get to my class trainer at each level and be dirt poor again paying for all of my skills. The crafting trainers don't seem to suffer from unbelievably skyrocketing costs for training new schematics and recipes and the like, so why are my skills suddenly costing ten grand a pop from the trainer? It begins to feel like the designers wanted every single level to be a gold sink, such that you arrive at 50 destitute, and there are even more gold sinks there as well. With the Legacy system in place, I'm having to grind billions of credits across multiple characters just to make the Legacy system work for me, much less enjoy it. 4. Materials For Crafting or Why Does It Cost Money - Typically, crafting in MMOs is one of the key sources of income for players as they level. Or, it's one of the many ways they're able to save themselves some cash in the long run, by getting crafting skills that allow them to make their own gear or weapons or what have you. The reason they're able to save the cash is because the cost of getting materials is nothing. I understand (sort of) the reason behind having the gathering missions cost something. Your companions aren't exactly working for free, so to speak. But, there is a distinct lack of any resources on planets that it becomes your only real way of gathering materials, and it's very draining on the wallet as you progress, especially with regard to your skill training at later levels basically taking all of your earnings from the planet you just finished. For those of you who managed to read through my giant wall of text, I thank you for taking the time and energy to read it. I certainly hope that I managed to get my points across, as I tend to be not very good at suggestion posts like these.
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