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Everything posted by SolarSaenz

  1. Yeah. I think I'll wait till like Friday night. I have a suspicion that either tomorrow morning or Thursday morning they will have like a 5.6a patch for fixing the FP.
  2. They would, except they're too busy getting next week's Cartel Market stuff ready. Sorry. That came from my ultra cynic side
  3. I 100% agree. Dasty is sort of a White Knight around here. I heard they were thinking of promoting him to captain of the guard. (Dasty, don't hate me. I'm just teasing, not meant to be taken seriously). I haven't tried the new FP; I haven't even been able to login to the game since Sunday, and I won't be able to for a while. I've been watching some of Vulkk's live stream on YouTube, and it looks good, as in it the environment is visually appealing. It's a shame to hear there are big problems with it. On an unrelated note, Dasty, how are you feeling about the UCs dropping from disintegrating gear from command crates? How is your experience with that. I ask that as a legitimate question, not trying to argue anything. I am genuinely curious how people are reacting to the new way of earning UCs.
  4. I won't be able to login to the game for some time, and I haven't seen any posts yet about this. How many UCs are people getting from disintegrating gear from command crates? Are you guys happy, sad, don't care?
  5. The cynic in me says that if they are not openly advertising them, then the number of UCs gained by disintegrating gear is something we will not make us exactly rejoice.
  6. Do we know how much UC we will get for disintegrating gear from command crates? I was a little disappointing to hear that only gear (items with stats) will yield UC if disintegrated , but I guess I should be grateful that we are getting any UC at all. And, I didn't see a reference to Darth Hexid in the patch notes. Was that just a simple mistake? Are eligible players still getting Darth Hexid with the release of 5.6?
  7. When I start the game at the character selection screen, I can't click the button to play any of my characters. There is that message about the game needs to fully download or something like that. I was playing earlier today. I haven't done anything really to my computer since when I was last playing and now. The problem just started happened about 30 minutes ago. Anyone else having this problem today? I'm going to try a reboot in a few minutes to see if that helps.
  8. Somebody's been busy! I think I'll only have a little over 200 by the time 5.6 is released.
  9. I was thinking about that myself tonight as I was doing my PVP daily. I was like "I'm kinda wasting time earning UCs until 5.6 because essentially, I'm earning only half as much as I would after 5.6. And, I'm not spending any UCs until 5.6. So, in a way, that announcement discourages me from doing PVP until 5.6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I'm skeptical about this as well. As of present, my cynic's side worse case scenario is that they would introduce fractions of an unassembled component, and disintegrating a green gear piece would yield like (1/2) a UC. I am waiting for this UC "gotcha" thanks to being burned by the legacy CXP "gotcha" and the server merges "gotcha".
  11. Yes. "Thankfully", the SWTOR's cash shop is mainly cosmetic stuff. The only things that come close to P2W, and depending on your point of view may or may not be some "softer" form of P2W, are the C/XP boosters. But, thankfully, you can buy CXP boosters with in game tokens and credits, and you earn regular XP boosts through completing in game missions. They can charge a pretty penny for cosmetic items though. The unstable whatever lightsaber cost like $60 in real life money, if I recall correctly. It's still purely cosmetic however and doesn't give anyone an advantage in game.
  12. This game had a lot of potential. Back when the game trailers were released (well before the game), the game trailers had me very excited about not just the game but Star Wars in general. I remember thinking when I saw the Return trailer, "This 6 minute trailer has me more invested in SW than the entire prequel trilogy". We could take a nice long stroll down memory lane from game launch in December 2011 till now, but I feel that's beating a dead horse (even though we already are). Suffice to say, BW/EA had a real chance a WoW rival (maybe not a WoW killer) especially with the SW franchise power. But, they dropped the ball and can't seem to pick it up. Now, it looks like the game will just continue to limp along with dwindling player numbers until it eventually closes down, however long that takes. It's a shame, really. I'm not laughing in derision or hoping for the game to fail. I really am sad that this game didn't come close to its full potential. On a not so related note, the new trailer for the WoW expansion almost makes me want to give WoW a second chance. I tried WoW for a little bit but couldn't get into it. I thought it just wasn't my cup of tea.
  13. You're right. There isn't any PUBLIC information about this. I said . Surmise is just a fancy word for guess to put it simply (google the definition if curious). Why do I "surmise" that SWTOR doesn't have a lot of resources? Pretty much after 3.0, we've been getting less and less quantity and quality of content. For example, In 2.4, we got 2 FULL ops and a daily area all wrapped in the conclusion of a side story (dread masters). And that was just 1 update. This whole year, they couldn't even bring out one full op. Is it really that big of a leap to think that less and less content means less and less people working on the game? Less SWTOR staff implies less budget because of the cost of salaries and other things related to hiring and keeping people employed.
  14. A group long time players and influencers representing us, the SWTOR community, formally petitioned BW/EA on all the things you asked for and then some, which for the record, I personally am on board with mostly everything. This was BW/EA's official response. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NIgfiSzCy1o/hqdefault.jpg ( Sorry, I couldn't help my self. To be fair, this isn't a knock to you or your ideas. As I said, I think the ideas you mentioned are great).
  15. That would be nice, seriously. But, judging from the way things are now, I surmise that SWTOR doesn't have the resources to pull off a third faction, at least in the way you're thinking. We could always start a kickstarter or GoFundMe on behalf of BW/EA so they can have some $$$ to make it happen though
  16. The obvious answer to your questions is this. None of it has been implemented yet. To elaborate more, remember SWTOR seems to have a lack of resources. They couldn't even get 1 FULL operation out in one years time during the year that was supposedly all about the group content. If they want to do anything that means other things in game they want to do have to be put on the back burner until said thing is ready to go live. Don't hold your breath on this one. Cartel Coins are SWTOR's real money maker. It would not make sense to provide a way for BW/EA to potentially lose out on revenue by making CC available in game more. You may not like it at all, but selling cartel coins is profitable for BW/EA. I can't see them jumping at the idea to implement a way to lessen those profits. I don't have official numbers, but going by how much stuff costs in the CM (they were selling those unstable whatever lightsabers for approximately $60, real life money, the price of an actual game) and based on what some people have said (there's a thread about how much people have spent on CC), I think its safe to say that revenue from CC is equally or more important than subscription fees. Again, you may not like it, you can argue about a better business model or different method, but it is what it is.
  17. SWTOR for whatever reason seems to attract the worst of humanity and the gutter trash of the world. Sadly, those are the people keeping the lights on, so BW/EA won't do a thing unless there is some blatant abuse and/or something downright illegal going on. The SWTOR community disgusts me. I have to collapse chat most of the time I'm playing.
  18. I always thought the family tree was from the beginning supposed to be there purely for headcannon and RPing purposes.
  19. Yeah. I remember in the live streams leading up to 5.0, they tried to "sell" us the RNG system by saying they wanted to "simplify" gearing or something to that affect. Honestly, I felt that they were insulting the intelligence of the playerbase with that remark. But, oh, well.
  20. Just out of curiosity and to try to compare swtor to its "peers", how many ops "should" swtor have released with? I know that at 1.0, they had EV and one boss in KP. How many FULL ops "should" SWTOR have released to stay competitive with its "peers"?
  21. I can't believe I'm agreeing with this guy, but yeah, he's onto something. Some of the finer details may need to be tweaked, but overall, it's a good idea.
  22. When I first heard of the vanilla WoW servers, I thought that it might be nice for SWTOR to have vanilla servers. But after I thought about for some time, I came to think that it wouldn't really be worth it for me at least. At vanilla, there really wasn't that much to do outside of the lv 1-50 content. And, I think I personally would get bored on vanilla SWTOR after about 2 maybe 3 months max. Yeah, for a while, the nostalgia factor would keep me in vanilla SWTOR, but once the nostalgia factor wore off, I wouldn't be interested really. Please note that this is just my opinion on how I think about a hypothetical vanilla SWTOR server.
  23. That's the sad part. Yes, EA is doing some overt money grabbing with BF 2, but the players are the enablers. EA does this pay to win with RNG loot boxes because they know people will pay for those "exciting" RNG loot boxes. And, EA will be laughing all the way to the bank, as the saying goes. If people weren't going to pay for RNG lootboxes in a P2W scheme, they would change their revenue generation model. Sadly, child and teen gamers will probably always be there and be a target audience because they don't know any better and are suckered in by how nice the game looks (to be fair, BF 2 does look spectacular) AND some of them will charge their parent's credit card bill up to the sky buying said loot boxes because they might not understand the value of money and full impact of charging up a huge credit card bill that ultimately they may not have to pay.
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