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10 Good
  1. The thing that bothers me the most in SWTOR is the lack of customizability in your own gaming experience. All this talk about "making your own story" etc, and you can't even tick a little box in your settings that'll loop the background music. I've thought about it a lot, and what makes questing in WoW oh so much more bearable for me is that I can listen to the good ol' Hillsbrad track, or why not the Howling Fjord song? The music in SWTOR is good, it's just never there when you want it to be. Second box I'd like to tick is "Show/Hide Chat Bubbles". It's a very minor feature that is probably very easy to implement. Almost every other MMO out there has them, so why not SWTOR? Don't give me that "it doesn't fit" ********. Let me choose for myself thank you. Please, Bioware, I resubbed for the second time but there may not be a third. Minor fixes, but extremely important. Listen to your community for once instead of just pumping out updates to the Legacy system.
  2. Bumping this, I can't believe that this hasn't been adressed several months after release. I resubscribed the other day after not having played since release to see if the recent patches had done anything remotely good for the game. Turns out not even a simple thing such as this has been fixed. I was in the early beta tests last summer and filed my surveys EVERY single day, saying the EXACT same thing: MUSIC, ATMOSPHERE, AND SOMETHING MORE TO DO THAN JUST QUESTING YOUR *** OFF. To date, nothing has been done to adress these things. No wonder the servers are all on light pop and Bioware has to give away free game time. Good job, really.
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