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Everything posted by freakuancy

  1. Or, I don't know, read the numerous patch articles, Q/A's, Twitter posts, blogs or articles under the dev finder that answer this question and most others. Just a thought.
  2. This. However, it is important to note to non-JK's that it doesn't just axe a romance story arc. It completely axes the entire Kira Carsen story arc, which is tightly tied into our class story. We are forced to sit through dialog and make choices during our class arc that have no meaning to us because she is incapable of giving us the companion quests and dialog to flesh them out.
  3. Millions of credits in this game is like, 10,000 gold. The exploit was just patched. Go away.
  4. Because its all you do. Uninstall and go 'way.
  5. tl;dr Pick a respose: a. Go back to WoW b. No. c. Can I have your stuff? d. u mad, bro? Thank you for saving me some time.
  6. My guildmates no longer fall through taxis. My friends no longer freeze at 50% loading. My parties can now communicate in party chat. Cheaters can no longer use dance emotes to beat raid bosses. Go away. We want the game fixed.
  7. See above post regarding this. And mods are not used for exploits, they -cannot be-. There are a few scripting languages used for application automation that people use to write farm and pvp bots. They are completely separate from the client and its LUA interpreter, and act as stand-alone programs. They do not use the API that is exposed for 3rd party addon support, and there is no protection offered against them by NOT allowing 3rd party addon support. Edit: Keep in mind this is theorizing that Bioware implements a protected API with similar constraints as Blizzards. When WoW first launched there were addons...Decursive, anyone?...that basically played for you. You could mouse over a player and the addon would automatically strip all debuffs from the target. Note that this is NOT how Decursive functions anymore, as USER INTERACTION IS REQUIRED FOR ANY ACTION THAT EFFECTS THE GAME WORLD IN ANY WAY. If your addon performs three actions on a player or NPC, even if that player is yourself, you must click a button three times. Period. There is no way to circumvent this.
  8. Uhm. No they don't. Third-party mods are client side only and impact no resources other than your own computers. Also, WoW jumped on the boat very quickly to fix mods so that they could not perform an action that effects the game world for the player. You have to click a button or enter a slash command to get -anything- done. So it it no way spams the server with any "excessive" commands. It cannot play the game for you. It cannot exploit the game. It does not communicate with the server in any way, shape or form. It only re-organizes data that the client already provides via an exposed API. You are either full of utter **** or have been misled by one of the many trolls/QQrs that are protesting things they do not understand.
  9. "Damn you Bioware! I EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE FIXED RIGHT THIS SECOND.... ...as long as it inconveniences everyone but me."
  10. Actually, no it doesn't. Considering the average number of duplicate posters across those threads you're still looking at less than 1% of the current player base. I'm in no way trying to diminish your right to be frustrated over this. However, Bioware has been forthcoming in their acknowledgement of these problems and are being very responsive in terms of patches. We're guarunteed a bugfix patch on a weekly basis and it seems we'll be getting some in-between, as well. I have my own frustrations with the game. Anybody with two open eyes knows that there are some issues that should have been handled pre-launch, but unfortunately this behavior or releasing an unfinished product and fixing it in post-launch patch content is becoming more and more common among publishers. While I don't recommend simply "bending over the table" for EA or any other publisher in regards to this practice, it is not realistic to point the finger squarely at this game and its current state and make any judgement as to its success or failure. What I do recommend is that you take this trend into consideration before deciding that the pasteurs will be greener elsewhere. Especially with NCSoft, a company that has a much worse reputation for failing to deliver on their promises than even EA. They've proven time and time again that they do not understand western markets or plan for western demands. Things are being addressed, and quickly. I am personally disappointed that my own issues have only been partially addressed by the recent patches, but I have to acknowledge that people with issues such as your own must take precedence. We all feel like our bug is the most important, and its rarely true. Be aware, however, that the FPS issue in particular is not squarely in Bioware's hands. We'll be waiting on optimized drivers from both NVidia and ATI. This is not the first nor the last game to include code that performs poorly within some environments (directx is finicky, believe me). RAGE had a similar problem when it launched a few months back, to the point that ID Software founder John Romero publicly called the situation a "cluster ****". The percentage of people suffering from that particular problem far exceeds what Bioware is facing now
  11. Finally you have something intelligent to say. From a design perspective, the Kingdoms of Amalur IP looks like it may very well be the best new property to hit the market in years. And we all know Ken Rolston's track record.
  12. Opinions substantiated by a lie and backed up with no data. Great analysis. When Michael Pachter blogs about this game, I will listen -- and make investment decisions, not gameplay decisions. I have no idea why people come onto the forums and lie. You don't even have anything original to say. I will point this out again to anybody who missed it -- if he were an analyst, he just violated his NDA and lost his job. But he wouldn't know that. Because he's not an analysts. Kids these days.
  13. Being a software developer is not the same as saying you are a Blizzard or NCSoft employee in order to put weight behind your opinions. As a developer you should be aware of the NDA that is quite commonplace. I've had to sign many. The key to your statement is "assuming I either make use of anonymity or disassociate my company from my opinions". That is not being done by any of these people.
  14. If OP were an industry analyst, he would been legally restrained from posting on these forums. He just lost his job. Same goes to all the idiots that lie and try and say they are game developers for other companies. Snore.
  15. Firstly, let me open by saying I tip my hat to anybody who actually completed Contra without using the 33 lives code. That's some srs business and I say that without a trace of sarcasm. However, I feel like the attitude pervasive in the video and many of the posts here are somewhat short-sighted. Video games have grown and matured into a form of digital media; yes, we could watch a movie. But the immersion that video games offer is simply unrivaled. In an age when gamers and games are finally breaking the media-molded misconceptions about mindless violence being shoveled at children, you're asking the industry to take a major step backwards. Video games are maturing into a bonafide art form, and railing against this is like going back to the early 20th century and asking filmmakers to restrict their films to hunting parties and peep shows. There are plenty of games out there that offer the no-frills challenge you are looking for. Sometimes I find myself in the mood for an eight hour session of Super Meat Boy. That kind of finger-numbing challenge still exists in many games, so my question to you and your sheep is this: Why did you buy this game? Why did any of you? You knew what you were buying. Bioware made no bones about this being a highly linear, cinematic MMORPG experience. If you were somehow unaware of this, then I place the blame squarely on your shoulders for not researching your purchase before putting down your hard-earned money. If you did know, then complaining about it on the forums is akin to walking into a five-star restaurant and complaining that they don't serve hot-dogs. It's ridiculous and immature. Go play something else and stop wasting our time. That being said...can I have your stuff?
  16. I've given up and am just finishing my character. It's disappointing, I've been waiting 30-odd years to immerse myself in this kind of deep and multi-faceted Star Wars story. All I wanted to be when I was a kid was a Jedi Knight I'd been following the game since its announcement, was an early forum adopter, and knew exactly how I wanted to play out my story arc the moment I found out about the romance options. I will admit I almost quit game over this. I did in fact walk away for several days. I was around level 30 when I found out the bug was still intact from beta, and I'm just not one to re-roll from that point. It was already ruined for me. So, yeah. Youtube'd the romance cutscenes so I have some sense of continuity when it is referenced in dialog. Moving on through Act III and will cap this toon and re-roll Imperial for a new storyline. Time to put this all behind me. I seriously doubt Bioware will have a retrofix for this, and if they do it won't be any time soon. Take heart, fellow JK's. The game is a bounty of quality storytelling. Move on and enjoy it, its time to put this behind us and accept the reality of the situation.
  17. Here's an idea. Have faith in the people who are making an awful lot more money than you, and have the professional experience that you don't. They are fixing things. Anybody who says the game has no issues is blind. That doesn't mean we're not all sick and tired of the whining and complaining. Issues are being addressed, much faster than in any MMO I've played. Stop it already. We don't care about why you're unsubbing, we don't care to hear why you hate this or that. We have our own issues and are trying to focus on what the game can offer, and enjoy it, rather than ************. Constantly ************. Grow up.
  18. At no point did I say it was designed to be this way. Ever. The very closest I came was telling someone to learn to play within its limitation as opposed to simply trolling the thread with "this discussion is useleess, the class is broken, we should not play it and ***** at the devs instead". That kind of thinking is clearly counter-productive, and I didn't appreciate it in the least. I also pointed out that this is how it works right now and players should adjust. It still works. I am personally tired of people like oholyknight who repeatedly derail these forums whining that things don't work the way they think they should. I am not going to join him and other people in responding to every question about Guardians with "this crap is broken, wahhh, we should all whine at the devs". Bioware knows that Guardians, and JK's in general need adjustment. They've admitted to it and have promised that tweaks will be coming soon after launch. In the meantime, the class is what it is. I expect people to learn to play within those limitations or choose another class. This is not unreasonable. In the end you agree with my assessment that as it currently stands, pre-emptive taunts are necessary and by using them we can do our jobs as tanks. If you took any other meaning from my posts you were mistaken, and we can chalk it up to a misunderstanding.
  19. This is definitely one of those situations where DPS coordination is key. You don't have Hilt Strike yet and iirc you don't have an AOE taunt yet, either. I usually chose the mob that was farthest out to Leap to, smack him with Blade Storm, then try to split the difference between the remaining two, putting taunt on one while I build aggro on the other, then switching targets. You can usually keep pretty tight aggro on melee while doing this with just Blade Sweep as long as your DPS is focusing on the ranged that you're actively building threat against. If things are taking too long, throw another taunt at the farthest ranged -- I thank God for the range on that ability in this game -- to buy yourself some time until you can get over there with another Blade Storm. Should be more than enough to keep him from pulling healing aggro until you whittle the other two down. This is why I say pre-emptive taunts are necessary for Guardians. Especially at that level -- you have almost nothing to work with and its really kind of a pain in the ***. I'd really like to see them put that threat bonus on sunder stacks or provide us with some other threat-generating debuff, and early on in our progression.
  20. I've said repeatedly that Guardians need a threat bonus to sunder stacks to become balanced. Until that happens, we're pre-emptively using taunt on AOE packs. Sorry? The relatively short cd's and extended range of the ability allow us to do this. As the class is currently designed, taunt is not an "oh ****" button. Period. I think the confusion here is I was giving advice on how to tank with the class as it currently stands. And a slight imbalance does not indicate that a class is 'broken' nor does it mean we cannot discuss the class and should instead all throw up our hands in defeat and not play it.
  21. I wouldn't say "never" use it. I throw it in somewhat proactively at times.
  22. Take a look at your surroundings and use any environmental object that will allow you to block Line of Sight. Peeling enemies is very tricky in this game because even much of the melee will simply pull out a blaster and begin shooting when you move to ranged. Use Line of Sight to your advantage to group these guys, so you don't end up flopping around from target to target like a paraplegic.
  23. Firstly, I never said it generates threat. I said it temporarily puts you on top of the threat table for its duration, and ignores threat generated by other players for said duration. After the duration of the ability has expired, all threat gained during the taunts duration is calculated and added to your previous threat value. This is exactly what it does, to the letter, in SW:TOR and most other MMO's with a classic tanking mechanic. EVERY ability you have generates threat. DPS has a 1:1 ratio of threat to damage dealt, while we enjoy a boost to threat equal to 150% of damage dealt while in Soresu form. I would also like to point out that Blade Storm has a 200% bonus to threat, the same as Hilt Strike. Continuing to ignore this ability is probably why you don't like tanking very much. By 200% I mean an additional 50% above the 150% granted by Soresu form. I understand that Blade Storm's bonus threat is missing from the tooltip, but it was calculated in beta and I (along with many others) have tested it since launch. The bonus remains. I understand that this may seem semantic, the 150% versus '50% more', but its very important to understand. Your DPS is putting out threat with every ability they use. You are exceeding them by 50% while in Soresu and another 50% (for a total of '100% more' or 200%) with Blade Storm and Hilt Strike. To further clarify: Without Soresu, your threat is calculated as such (Where T equals threat and D equals damage done): T = D Its that simple. This is the same for all DPS classes without an aggro drop active. With Soresu it is as follows: T = (D*1.5) And using Blade Storm or Hilt Strike while in Soresu calcs as: T = (D*1.5)+(D*.5) Note that the bonus threat is not calculated after the Soresu bonus (i.e; T = (D*1.5)*1.5), as you'd end up with a 225% bonus to threat. This is a common mistake in threat calculations (and one I made myself when I originally posted this). To say that you only generate threat while in Soresu and that it's only 50% indicates that your knowledge of tanking, and combat/threat tables in general, is limited to what you read in your tooltips. Please, I am asking this as a member of the community who wishes to see it succeed -- do your research and learn your class before spreading disinformation on these forums. I posted a thread earlier today with some valuable resources that I believe you need to look into before continuing with this discussion. This is not meant to be insulting in any way, it's the pure and simple truth.
  24. I've found the information provided therein to still be viable. As I mentioned, however, the math may be a bit different now that the game is live. Unfortunately we won't know until the combat log is re-implemented and numbers can be parsed and analyzed once more. I will keep this list as up-to-date as I can as new information becomes available, providing the thread lives that long.
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