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Posts posted by froops

  1. The issue with your spec is that you don't have enough abilities to use.


    Most spec's will give you 2 different abilities. Rage (Force Crush and Obliterate) and Vengeance (Impale and Shatter). As your spec gives only Obliterate, you will find yourself having to use Vicious Slash because everything else is on CD and you have a huge excess of rage.


    Also, as Smash is your only hard hitting ability (and not that hard without Dark Resonance), you will find it very hard to out DPS anything, whether it be a healer, tank or other DPS.



    If you are thinking of a rage/vengeance hybrid with free force scream I would probably opt for the following spec.


    (2/25/12) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MMZGr0zkZfMrorhdzM.2


    Now you have both Impale and Obliterate and whilst your Smash's wont hit so hard, you have free guaranteed crit Force Screams and Vicious Throws. It will put a lot more pressure on your targets and you still have the benefit of excellent battlefield mobility and rage control.


    Mind you, a full Vengeance or full Rage spec will still be better in terms of PvP and PvE burst and sustained DPS than either of these hybrid specs but it doesn't make them any less fun to play.


    My 2c.

  2. Hi a friend of mine has a warrior tank and she's about ready to delete her character because she can not hold aggro. Before anyone asks we have played severally mmo's and she's always played a tank an outstanding one, but she just can't figure out what she's doing wrong and doesn't want to do any hardmode's until she can figure it out or delete the game, she' beyond frustrated and since i don't play a tank i don't really know what to tell her.


    Any and all help would be deeply appreciated.


    As the poster above to me said, without knowing what situation she's trying to tank in,what spec she is, and what she's doing when tanking, it's hard to tell what she is doing wrong.


    With the most recent buffs to threat generation for tanks in 1.3 it shouldn't be hard to hold threat against any creep or boss.


    I'll give a few basic pointers though.


    1. She should be in Soresu stance. Increases threat generation 100% in addition to improving shield chance and absorb.


    2. Taunts bring her threat to 110% of the current highest threat holder whether that be another person or the taunter themselves. If she is outside of melee range, that is 4m, then this increases to 130%. That said, it shouldn't be necessary to taunt spam these days unless it's a boss with a certain fight mechanic or you have epic DPSers who aren't using drop threat moves.


    3. Talent Spec. If she's Immortal spec this will help a lot with rage generation. On the other hand, it doesn't matter what spec you are, you should still be able to hold threat, especially since 1.3. I've tanked firebrand in EC HM in a full vengeance DPS spec and didn't have any issues holding threat. Didn't even need to use taunt on cooldown.


    4. Ability Rotation/Priority. This depends on what spec she's using as to what abilities are in the rotation/priority list. As Immortal it's easy. Sundering Assault -> Crushing Blow -> Force Scream -> Smash -> Ravage/Backhand/Vicious Slash/Assault/Force Choke/Enrage/etc etc etc. You'll find you have so much rage it won't be hard to use everything on CD and still be spamming Vicious Slash in between because you've run out of things to do.


    Hybrid is a bit different. You'll be almost always rage starved and it will involve using Sundering Assault on CD and then spamming Assault until you have the rage to use to use Impale or Force Scream. Smash is generally free with Ruin so you should use that on CD. Ravage is also free.



    I hope that helps, but either way, find out what she's doing, tell us and we'll be able to provide some more specific pointers.

  3. If you have the skills and the gear, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to queue up as a 'tank' when you are a Vengeance spec'd Jugg.


    I've ran an HM LI and the healer, who regularly runs EC SM and HM, did not have any complaints when I asked him if I was hard to heal.


    That said, if I'm required to MT or OT either EC SM/HM or EV/KP HM I will respec to a tank spec however for any HM FP I've not had any issue tanking in my DPS spec. This includes HM LI. That also said, I was required to OT in an EC HM mid way through the run when I was in my DPS spec and the healers didn't seem to have any issues keeping me up in the Firebrand/Stormcaller fight. Just threw my tanking gear on and away I went. That was also pre 1.3 changes to SSM and threat buffs.


    Now if you were to try and tank with a sub par tanking set of gear for a particular FP or Op and you were DPS spec then I'm sure people would be upset. This however also applies if you were to be Immortal spec and had crap tanking gear also.


    TLDR: If you can do the job, I don't think it matters what spec you are. If you line up for something that you clearly don't have the skill or gear for (regardless of spec) then that's a no no.

  4. Hybrid does not have higher mitigation, the fact that you think so shows you know nothing of our class or of the Immortal spec.


    From my understanding, a full Immortal build has a +4% shield chance a +4% internal/elemental damage reduction compared to a hybrid build which has 4% damage reducing on all types of damage (kinetic and force/elemental/internal)


    Now if you have 'capped' absorb rating at 50%, the shield chance will give you an overall 2% bonus to kinetic damage mitigation.


    That would mean that IF you have 50% shield absorb, then being full Immortal will benefit from 2% kinetic damage reduction and 4% internal damage reduction. Hybrid will benefit from 4% kinetic and 4% internal damage reduction.


    If my understanding of how mitigation works, please correct me. Either way, we're dealing in such small numbers, I highly doubt that a healer would care, let alone notice.

  5. I was under the impression (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken) that increasing my force crit would allow me to absorb more damage when sonic barrier procs. Since as a tank I'm more concerned with taking damage than dealing it, I figured I would ignore Ravager.


    You are mistaken =P.


    Force crit will only increase the amount of damage that you do with force attacks.


    Sonic Barrier is proc'd by using Force Scream but the damage it absorbs has nothing to do with the amount of damage you do.


    I believe it is a set amount of damage absorbed which scales up mildly with level and abilities. Overall I've read figures that it absorbs about 800 damage to thereabouts.

  6. Torhead has been updated. Here is a link to my build.




    It's is virtually exactly the same as Craxim's with the only difference being that I put 1 point into Unyielding instead of Ravager.


    Really those last few points spent in Dreadnaught, Decimate, Unyielding, Ravager etc come down to personal preference as to where you allocate (e.g. you could put them into Accuracy) them but the 31 points in Immortal, 3 points in SSM and 2 points in Improved SA are a must for hardcore endgame PvE tanking.

  7. That looks like an interesting build..Would you change it much if you wanted to purely tank for PVE HM OPS? Can someone upload a post 1.3 Pure Jugg Tank PVE Build pls? I'd really appreciate it.


    Musclemary, I would probably say that the following build is the best PvE Juggernaut Tanking build.




    The points in Immortal are absolutely necessary as well as the 2 points in Improved Sundering Assault and 3 points in Single Saber Mastery. The final 5 points you can allocate are up to personal preference. I've put 2 into Decimate for that extra AoE damage and threat, 2 points into Dreadnaught for additional damage/threat generation from all physical damage attacks (pretty much 90% of your attacks in an Immortal Build), and I've put the last point in Unyielding for that additional rage generation, even though you'll probably be swimming in rage most of the time anyway. You could put some points in Accuracy if you prefer which would help with consistency of threat generation. Probably the better option if you are optimising your tanking gear to remove all +Accuracy stats.



    For reference, this is my preferred Vengeance build.




    I PvE DPS as well as PvP DPS and this allows me to get the most of my PvE DPS whilst maintaining some flexibility for PvE or OTing if required.


    Sundering Throw is there for those times where you want to do pure burst damage. It saves you having to use Sundering Assault in order to use your Shatter so you can just Saber Throw and Force Charge in then just use every single one of your highest damage attacks in the shortest possible time. If you wanted to go PURE PvE DPS you would probably drop Deafening Defense and/or Unstoppable to pick up the last point in Accuracy and grab pooled hatred but that's only if you're extremely nitpicky about squeezing every last possible bit of damage out of a build.

  8. Looks like a solid build. Currently for PvP I'm in BM/War Hero War Leader Gear. Will that be a problem with this spec, and/or should I start gearing toward Vindicator?


    Also, I'm in mostly columi with a bit of rakata Gear, same question as above.


    It depends. I personally am more DPS than I am tank but I do do both. I have only the PvP Vindicator's set because I mostly run a deep Vengeance build.


    If I am required to tank in PvE I respec to the build I posted above. I have quite a decent set of PvE tanking gear (Rakata/Columi/BH Implants and ear) that I always carry around with me.


    With this build it is quite flexible. You can PvP tank whilst doing respectable damage, stance dance to Shien Form if you're not guarding a node or running the huttball and need to take out those targets quickly and you will be able to MT and OT in HM Ops as well as put out some decent DPS in those fights where you're not required to tank. However if you are entering an Op as a DPS position, especially an HM Op, you are still much better off going deep Vengeance and picking up the Vindicator sets.


    In the end, the build above is definitely more geared towards PvE and PvP tanking rather than DPS. It won't replace the deep Immortal/Vengeance/Rage builds in their respective specialities, but it's a good and definitely viable compromise for if you want to tank and/or spank effectively in both PvE and PvP.

  9. I think that Craxim shouldn't be saying that a hybrid tanking spec is not viable at all but rather that it may no longer be the best PvE tanking spec due to the new changes in 1.3.


    I would say that it definitely is still viable and I don't see why you wouldn't be able to take a hybrid spec into any PvE environment and still hold your own providing you have the skills and the right gear.


    The following is my preferred hybrid Immortal/Vengeance build.




    The points distribution is completely unchanged from my 1.2 build and other than the changes to Blade Barricade and Single Saber Master it remains exactly the same.


    I think that if you are planning on doing both PvE and PvP with the same spec then this is the best hybrid spec. It will give you the best balance of mitigation and damage output possible from a hybrid build as well as great flexibility to play how you want for any given situation.


    Some people might choose to get Sonic Barrier, but I believe that the passive and active mitigation from Deafening Defense and the guaranteed FS and VT crits from Savagery are necessary for PvP and PvE damage and tanking and a far better alternative to ~800 damage absorption every 12 seconds.


    Others may swear by Intimidation (free Chilling Scream) for PvP, but I think getting it is too great a comprimise against damage mitigation and damage output from Retaliation. Also, I think that you'll find in both PvE and PvP, you're going to find yourself getting much more benefit from having a 1 rage cost Retaliation vs a free Chilling Scream. Less rage issues, better damage, better threat, better mitigation.


    Feel free to provide any feedback.

  10. I for one don't think most of these changes were necessary.


    I know a lot of people were complaining about threat generation, especially AoE generation, but since when did it become a game breaker that required such a significant buff to threat that damage needed to be nerfed in order to balance it?


    My personal opinion is that we could possibly have used a mild buff to AoE threat generation in the form of a talent in the Immortal tree and also Immortal tree threat could have been increased mildly either by reducing the CD on Crushing Blow or increasing damage output.


    I've tanked FPs and Ops in all specs from full Immortal, to Immortal/Veng Hybrid, to full Vengeance. AoE threat generation was challenging to say the least, but not a game breaker. Immortal threat generation could have used a mild buff when compared to the other specs but I feel that with this very significant buff to threat generation, it may possibly become a little too easy to tank and hold aggro. The lack of a challenge would make it boring.


    I hope that's not the case.

  11. 1/ Veng or Rage?

    It depends what you are planning to do. If you are talking about raiding veng >> rage. Basically, single target DPS is nearly the only thing that matters for raiding because the real fights are boss fights. Vengeance give you a far better DPS. Even in fights that needs burst phases vengeance performs very well (because they last at least 10s and that's largely enough to pull out a good rotation with all your damaging skills and low duration DoTs upfront).


    2/ Acc and surge :

    These secondary stats should be looked together. Because gear always give accuracy or surge (some crafted gear give both but they become irrelevent for endgame). The basic rule then is to get at least 100% accuracy and then everything else on surge. You will have a ton of surge with the 3% accuracy bonus but you don't have to worry about that.


    3/ Crit or Power :

    Another pair of secondary stat that compete together. Basically, crit gives you more at low level but have a true DR that power don't have. So you want to stack crit until you get to a point where the DR is too important.

    As far as I know, the turning point is around 200 crit rating. As far as you have a crit rating between 180 and 250 you are good. Everything else on power obviously. In theory, the more strength you have the lower the turning point is but it's not as simple as a crit % works well. So just keep it around 200.


    4/ Power or Stength :

    That's actually only important for augments. Since you have +6% strength, strength is better than power ... always.


    The first point of this post is ok, however for the OP, I would refer to my post above it.


    Accuracy and Surge do not come hand in hand. The combinations for end game Jugg PvE DPS gear are: Accuracy/Power, Accuracy/Crit, Crit/Surge.


    In regards to capping crit rating at 200. 200 is way too low. 200 crit rating gives you 7.81% crit on top of the base 5% and whatever you get from your strength which unless you have 2000 unbuffed is below 12%. It is important to note that the critical chance bonus and it's associated 'soft cap' for diminishing returns from strength and from Critical Rating are on separate and completely different scales.


    Refer to the link I posted for calculating crit chance bonuses. This is the direct link. http://www.jedilace.com/2012/02/03/calculating-critical-hit-chance/


    Lastly, strength is not always better than power. It's situational based on your current strength rating. The point where you decide that enough strength is enough and power is better is up to you.


    I'm sure there is a way to calculate the exact unbuffed strength level where power becomes the better option for improving DPS over time however it would be based on your surge rating and would vary per player. If I get the chance I will try and work out a rough formula.

  12. Have a look at the following link. It nicely lists out all of the calculations for all attributes and puts it into a nice visual graph.




    I am a vengeance PvE jugg and by far that is the best spec to choose if you want to do PvE DPS.


    As for prioritising stats:


    1. Accuracy: 100%.


    2. Surge Rating: ~250 = ~73-75% Crit Multiplier. This is because as stated, the diminishing returns makes it less worthwhile to further increase surge over another stat.


    3. Crit Rating: ~500-700. After this, diminishing returns starts to steepen and you're better off trying to increase strength/power. Depending on your strength your unbuffed crit rating should be around maybe 30-35%.


    4. Strength: As far as I know, there is no diminishing returns on your strength rating's contribution to weapon damage bonus and it also helps to improve your critical chance. Whilst there are diminishing returns on its bonus to crit chance it's a very shallow curve, almost linear.


    5. Power: This is interchangeable with strength depending on what your current strength stat is. As far as I know, strength improves only your weapon damage bonus by 0.23 per point of power. Strength increases it by 0.2 however by the time you factor in the 6% increase with your vengeance talent and 5% bonus from class buffs, this becomes a 0.2226 bonus. It also increases your crit chance however around 1400-1600 this averages about to about a 0.0056% bonus per strength point.

  13. For starters this isn't ment to bash vengeance juggs.


    I'm mearly trying to find my purpose on the battle field. I have been immortal for a long time and only tank in pve but when it comes to pvp I use a 7/32/2 variation and with mixed battle master / recruit gear. I am normally around 4th in damage. I just moved to candoruos ordo and most people seem to be in war hero so I'm not doing to bad in my opinion.


    Now that's over with... I play my jugg to keep healers off my guildes targets with interrupts choke push etc which I know is good but any jugg can do that. I'm just looking for my nitch in VENGEANCE spec not rage or immortal.


    Thank you for reading :)


    You don't really have a 'niche' in PvP is a Vengeance spec Juggernaut per say. Your role is and should be extremely broad. There's no single role that you are cornered into playing and the best is to try and play a bit of everything based on what's required in a certain situation.


    I personally don't generally guard people unless I'm defending a node with a healer or the huttball runner because in PvP DPS gear we're pretty squishy already. Guarding someone who's getting focused and taking their damage will cause you to die very quickly. I choose defend healers by using taunts, intercede, intimidating roar, chilling scream, force choke and force push.


    Also as a Vengeance spec warrior you'll find you're very good at finishing people off due to near guaranteed Vicious Throw crits. Target people on low HP to finish them off quickly and then go back to what you're doing. Always focus fire healers, interrupting casts using disruption, force charge, force push, force choke, intimidating roar etc.



    In the end, your goal is not to get max medals or be on the top of damage dealt or protection done etc, it's to play the objective of the warzone. If you play the objective and win you'll get far more valor/commendations than getting top damage/medals and losing. I've finished (and won) games where my end DPS was less than 50k. I had nearly the top medals mind you, but this was a huttball and rather than running around blindly attacking anyone in sight, I ignored enemy players who obviously weren't playing the objective and just scored over and over.


    Don't think about what you need, but rather what your team needs you to do.

  14. So I just hit 50 today. Looking at the recruit gear would I be better off buying the tank or dps set for immortal PvP. Normally I would use the dps set like I have been but with the upcoming changes in 1.3 what do you folks think will be better?


    With the upcoming changes in 1.3 you should just spec Vengeance for PvP and get the DPS set lol.


    However, if you're hell bent on going Immortal for PvP then you should get the tank set. We're not like tankassins where we can tank and do damage at the same time. We have to choose between survivability OR damage and if you're going Immortal then you've already made your choice to go survivability. You're better off committing to that decision and just trying to annoy enemies/guard as much as possible whilst staying alive as long as possible. Don't expect to do any decent or acceptable amount of damage. Especially so once 1.3 comes out.


    If you go Immortal and pick the DPS gear, all you're going to be is a super squishy flacid noodle holder.

  15. If we had a talent that rooted our target when we Ravage'd I think Vengeance would be clearly the best pvp spec as well.


    That's actually a great idea. Although I'd probably propose that rather than rooting the other player, it could just slow them down, similar to Force Lightning. That would allow us to complete the Ravage without them running out of range. It probably also wouldn't need to be a talent, but rather just added to the skill in general, available for all specs.

  16. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1010MZcGMRMuzdGRZGR.1


    It hasn't let me down so far and I am usually in the 1 to 3 in damage at the end of a pvp round.


    You've gone full Vengeance but haven't picked up Savagery? If you haven't already tried, I would highly highly highly recommend dropping some points in other talents and picking that up instead.


    Drop the 1 point in Payback and 1 point in Malice at least and put them into Savagery.


    +60% chance to crit on Force Scream and Vicous Throw > +2% Force critical chance


    Also, keep in mind that Unyielding works in both large group PvP and 1v1 situations whereas Deadly Reprisal only really works when you're already getting caned by AoE.

  17. I'd like to go veng, but I just don't see where veng has good burst. It all seems like nice, smooth, sustained damage - the damage is good, don't get me wrong. I just don't see how you can consistently make a healer scrabble b/c someone is at 60% health the way rage will.


    Edited to clarify: I'm not bashing veng for pvp. It just seems to me that it's lacking a burst mechanic to scare a healer into reacting badly. If someone could show me otherwise, I'd be happy to play with veng - though videos don't really do that - they tend to go "zomg I got 3 back to back 3k crits" - ok, that's nice, except you crowing about that implies that that's not something you often see. I'm bad - I admit that, but I can scare a healer by routinely getting 4.5 to 5k smashes with a 2.5 to 3k scream 1 gcd later. They see that enough and they try really hard to keep everyone over 60% health, which inevitably means they will fail at doing so on themselves.


    I run a full vengeance spec at the moment for PvP and PvE. Below is my spec.




    The burst from vengeance isn't bad, it's just not going to be as high as rage.


    For maximum damage in the shortest period, after saber throw and charge, I'll shatter, impale, force scream (almost guaranteed crit) and then ravage. By that time, shatter and impale are usually back up and I can keep hitting them hard. With crit at about 35%, if I get that rotation off, most softer targets would be looking at about 11-12k damage. After taking all of that, they're usually within vicious throw range. If not, then just force choke and the bleeds will bring them into vicious throw range. Also, a near guaranteed vicious throw is a godsend for trying to finish off pesky healers or people with healers.


    I might not be hitting them for the 5k crits but I can do consistent high damage to bring down an enemy's hp and it more than worries a healer when I'm focused on them.


    I have tried rage as well as a hybrid veng/rage build but I think I prefer the playstyle of vengeance. I felt that with rage, I would hit them hard with that first smash crit, but after that I'd run around tickling them, waiting until my next smash was off cooldown.

  18. if your dead set on rage you may wanna roll juggy. they smash about 10-15% harder then marauders due to sundering assult.

    my buddy is a juggy and i am a mara, he smashes an avrg of 5900 while i am at 5000... thats with and without the crit


    I'm sorry but that is incorrect. Armor reduction from SA does not affect smash as smash does force and not kinetic damage. If he hits harder with his smash it is due to other factors. Possibly the focus he has in his offhand giving more force power.

  19. Newb Q - How are you getting DPS (ie 1300) from the training dummy? When I upload my combat log after practicing on the dummy I just get total damage from askmrrobot. What am I missing?


    Thanks again for referencing the guide btw, I mainly PvP so I've only gone on a total of 3 raids, the last one which was earlier this week, I tried out this rotation and it made things much easier. Although I did scroo up and died early twice so my DPS was 4th once everybody got their logs up. But I'm confident I couldve got at least 2nd if I stayed upright, just one of those things where I wasn't familiar with the fight - kinda like not popping a CD or CC when you see a marauder with glowing hands :(


    Alternatively you could just use a stop watch, attack for 3 minutes then divide total damage done by 180 to get average DPS over 3 minutes.

  20. You triple posted....


    2 of them 2 hours after the 1st post...


    I used a vengeance/rage hybrid (4/25/11) with free force screms. I didn't get dominate or shockwave but rather impale and deafening defense.


    It's excellent for PvP as it's extremely rage efficient. Free smash, free force scream. I chose to use Shien form so all your moves regenerate 1 extra rage.


    It definitely doesn't output as much damage as a pure vengeance spec however for PvP it's perfectly viable and does great burst damage.


    If you spec into dominate and shockwave it'll be a much different playstyle. You won't have free force screams or almost guaranteed crits on force scream and vicious throw. You're going to rely more on a smash that will crit pretty hard, but not that hard. Also, you'll only be able to do a big crit on it whenever your force choke is up which isn't that often. That or you won't be getting impale.....but then you'd have nothing to spend your rage on.


    In my opinion, not going that far into rage and using the spec I listed will be much more effective. You can swap some points around if you wish. But getting obliterate, impale and savagery are a must imo. Free force screams are also pretty much a must.

  21. I personally do not really like the changes at all.


    The increase in threat generation was not necessary and the reduction in damage in Soresu form definitely wasn't necessary. Actually all of the changes weren't really necessary.


    Even as a 4/33/4 Vengeance spec Jugg I have tanked most HM FPs and I don't really have a huge issue with threat generation or damage mitigation. I do admit that when the DPS is good I do lose aggro but that's all part of the challenge. You need to be on the ball to make sure you throw that taunt at the right time in order to grab aggro back.


    In regards to AoE threat generation, whilst I guess it would help with that, again I didn't see a huge issue. If I got in there first, pulled them together, smashed and then spammed sweeping slash I didn't have any issues with threat. If they lost aggro, aoe taunt and by the time that wears off everything is dead. If I lost a target off to the side I'd throw off a normal taunt and bring him back in.


    In the packs with multiple elites or ranged mobs where you can't aoe burn them down like that, if you use a proper kill order (i.e. target, then fire, then shield etc) I never had an issue with holding aggro on the additional mobs as well as long as the DPS weren't attacking the wrong target. Even if they were, I still had my taunts at my disposal. If my taunts are both on CD, then I have intercede, force charge, force choke, intimidating roar, chilling scream etc. All abilities that you can do to manage damage being dealt to other party members until your taunts are back up.



    Overall, what these changes, what they've done is make what was already possible and fun, when applying skill in playing the class, easy and boring whilst at the same time nerfing damage further whilst in Soresu.


    Even if they are hell bent on increasing threat generation, fine, but leave everything else as it is. There's no need to further nerf the damage in SSM, backhand and crushing blow. I tank in a full DPS spec and have had healers tell me I wasn't too bad to heal as well as DPS tell me that my threat was fine. What is the point of spec'ing Immortal if all it does is increase threat I don't need and reduce DPS that I do need? And yes I do realise that it improves damage mitigation and rage generation, however the changes to SSM mean that the gap in mitigation between going immortal, immortal/vengeance hybrid and being straight out vengeance has narrowed.


    I feel for the juggs who wish to stay in Immortal and I for one will never respec back to Immortal in it's current or proposed 1.3 state.

  22. I like to intercede out to ranged dps if I really need rage that way I can saber throw and jump right back in and I'm also lowering threat and reducing damage to that ranged dps and I don't waste time having to run backwards.


    I think that interceding, saber throwing and then charging back in would be a significant DPS loss. That's 3 GCD that generate at most maybe 3k damage if you crit the saber throw and force charge. Whereas if you were to use that on say Sundering Armor, Impale and Shatter you should be doing at least about 5k+ even if you don't crit all your moves. (Of course numbers are dependant and gear and the target's armor/mitigation)


    I think if you're trying to maximise your DPS then you need to avoid that situation where possible and stick with the rotation but obviously if you really are that low on rage then it might be necessary. However, once you have the 4 piece PvE set bonus you no longer need to be at 10m to use your saber throw to generate rage and can use it in your rage recovery rotation like in the video.

  23. I was wondering, since I've been playing a little longer this game and getting rakata stuff , the Eliminator set bonuses (-5sec jet cd, chance of rs doing a crit) aren't that great, but the Rakata has some really nice bonuses.

    Wouldn't it be viable to remove the mods from the Eliminator BM and put them on the Eliminator Rakata instead and use that armor for pvp?


    Yes. As only WH and Campaign set bonuses are locked to the armoring mod you should be able to rip out all of your mods from your BM Eliminator set, put them into your Rakata Eliminator set and wearing that new modified Rakata set should give you the Rakata set bonuses as well as the Expertise from the BM.


    Alternatively, it would make much more sense to just rip your BM mods into your old Columi/Tionese set, seeing as they have the same set bonus.


    Once you start getting some WH gear though that's no longer going to work unless you just don't rip over the armoring mod...



    I actually have a Jugg and I would prefer to keep my BM PvP set bonuses for PvE but that's a bit harder to do as I would need to farm a completely new set of BM armor if I replaced my PvP mods with PvE mods...

  24. I'm getting to the point where I'm getting augments on my end game gear and I'm not sure what the best augment is to use to maximise my PvE DPS. I am spec'd into a deep vengeance spec. 4/33/4


    Right now I'm using Advanced Overkill Enhancement 22s (+12 endurance, +18 power) however I have heard some people say that the alternative stat augment, Advanced Might Enhancement 22 (+18 strength, +12 endurance), is better.


    What do you guys use and what is the reasoning behind it?

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