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Posts posted by DocZoloft

  1. You are more than welcome to apply to The Art of Warfare. We have many ops teams for you to choose from and have folks that are active on teamspeak 3 at all hours of the day. For those introverts like you and me, we also have a quiet room so that you can be available without having to listen to incessant chatter. Check out my signature for general information, or email me at Zoloft@taw.net if you have specific questions.
  2. Everyone is having a blast with 3.0's new content! If you're coming back to the game and looking for a solid guild experience, whether you're Republic or Empire (or both!), come check us out. Whether you like a little bit of everything or you focus on one specific area of the game, we are committed to creating a satisfying environment for your gaming needs. We have lots of opportunities to get involved both as a member of a team or in our robust leadership staff. With each new patch, there's a fresh start for everyone - now's a great time to get involved and settle in with a guild you can rely on for the long haul. Go to TAW.net to get started.
  3. You are welcome to apply to The Art of Warfare. I would recommend chatting with our NiM PvE officer by sending him an email at Erunian@taw.net. You guys can discuss current team availability or possible leadership if you want to start your own team. Pre 3.0 our most advanced Republic team was 5/5 NiM DF 1/5 NiM DP and our most advanced Empire team was 4/5 NiM DF 1/5 NiM DP. Check out my signature for general information about us as well.
  4. Hey, you should consider applying to The Art of Warfare. We strike a good balance between having a good time and getting things done, and we are looking for more avid pvp'ers. Don't let our structure scare you - because we have our ducks in a row, our members are free to have a good time and are well taken care of. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general or email Quotation@taw.net if you have specific questions about our pvp teams.
  5. Hey there! You are more than welcome to join The Art of Warfare. We have players online at all hours of the day, with most logging on between 4pm-11pm PST, and our weekly guild-wide event is held on Sunday. Check out my signature for more information or email me at Zoloft@taw.net if you have specific questions.
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