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Everything posted by chisaineko

  1. ... 1 person is supposed to die versus 2 people. 1v2 = dead 1v1 is supposed to be a skill of player wins scenario. And it should never be 1v3 and expects to win. Yet.. BW made it possible for commandos. That's a bit off on class balance. The stuns and CC are balanced nicely to shutdown wrecking ball marauders (who can do 20k dps in 3 seconds) and troopers. I play a sorcerer whose dps tree is supposed to be dangerous too, force lighning ticks at 2600 in pve and only 600 in pvp. Its clearly broken. Chisaineko
  2. And that gets you to full BM.. which is enough to be a decent target for anyone wearing augmented war hero. This is the same problem that WoW had, where those with great armor could ignore everyone not in great armor. When a class can go 1v2 there is a problem. When a class is considered dead weight by everyone else... Don't get me wrong, min/maxing is what makes the game fun for people who play lots... but the new player shouldn't be entirely useless for more than 200 matches to get some war hero armor. Chisaineko
  3. ... making cross server queues would be a waste of money for Bioware, they're almost out of servers from the loss of players over blatant idiocy...ie, the enormous difference between war hero and the guy without war hero, or the classes that are considered "dead weight" like a dps sorcerer. Chisaineko
  4. The still get spread out. Does not add to resolve unless you have bindings active. Same as before, just far fewer people affected. As changes go, this one is a nerf. Overload never was particularly helpful since its damage was so very low. Now its almost useless. You almost never see a sorcerer running into a fight, they cannot take the damage or dish any out. Instead they're usually seen running AWAY from a marauder, who can at a whim kill them. The battle Sorcerer vs Marauder is entirely one sided in the favor of the marauder. This only makes it more so the favor of every other class. Huge Nerf to sorcerers... again. Chisaneko, 50 sorc pvp/pve
  5. Its lightning, not the ultimate power. In raw dps we are practically dead last. A sorcerer can do 30,000 damage to a single target in about 20ish seconds. Most classes can do 30,000 damage in far less time (full war hero armor), some as low as 5 seconds (3 if they get crits). We are not even remotely close to ultimate damage. Chisaneko, 50 sorc pvp/pve
  6. We have one its called "Overload" and it was just nerfed since BW thought it was too powerful. Chisaineko
  7. Definitely a nerf.. the push distance is shorter, and as a means of escape it is now completely pointless. The damage on overload has never been enough to use aggressively except to push something. Whatever they did with the change it pushes fewer people than before. As if.. in a game where the sorcs have a dps tree and are still low in total dps we needed another nerf to make us worse at everything except healing. Chisaineko, 50 sorc pvp/pve
  8. This is in response to sorcerers using the stun at long range against pvpers in huttball, apparently it isn't nice to kill a marauder (which a sorcerer cannot kill any other way) by stunning them on top of a fire trap. The range limit of 10m makes the ability useless. Disappointing... ps.. 50 sorc pvp/pve
  9. Not to pick on you personally.. but what was suggested constitutes minor tweaks from the standpoint of the implementation of the game. Its work they can do after dismissing most of their development team, which they've already said was done. No major overhaul, no revamping of the entire system, just some little mods which for the most part can probably be done from the management gui. Seriously, add an op from the Sith side to the Jedi as an option, enter management gui, load app, add Jedi players to the Sith op. Save, close app. Not hard. Chisaineko
  10. Nice idea, but the implementation is problematic. This would be an enormously expensive change in their infrastructure. If they don't have it built in already, it is not going to be added when their subscriptions are falling. Better they add a dedicated queue that allows all players on the server to queue for huttball (all players, 1 queue, random teams, same gear level). The problem is that with declining population if more Jedi are online than Sith, or visavis, then there are not enough people to put 16 into a match. We end up with 14 and 3.. if all players were equally placed in the same queue, affiliations ignored, then there would be 17 players in the queue at that time. Game on.. Chisaineko
  11. The writing is on the wall, swtor is nearly dead. The creators built a game around a story, and forgot that when players reached 50, there needed to be content for a game. It happens, novices try to build games around brilliant ideas... and it happened here. Star Wars is immensely popular, and remains popular. They should have started with the game... level 50, what do players do at 50 and built that. Then added a story which would teach the player to play well at 50. Okay, so its mostly right, minus the level 50 content. PVP specifically has a problem though, and its directly related to server population. To make a queue work there has to be enough people wanting to play pvp at that minute. The first problem is that the world is separated into two halves, Jedi and Sith with the only interaction being conflict. This is poor move, so the governments are at war, commerce still moves. Each "server" needs to have a minimum number of players to sustain the queues, whom are at that moment wanting to play pvp. 1. Open the pvp arena's like huttball to all the players in 1 queue with random teams, Sith and Jedi alike. This should massively speed up the game. 2. The new player and the old player in pvp are unable to play together because the difference in gear between recruit and war hero is ridiculous. The solution is to make a Huttball type arena with a queue for it which includes all the players who sign up, and locks the stats of all players to recruit level. 3. An option to eliminate the ridiculous gear mountain would be to eliminate recruit gear from the game and issue Battlemaster to everyone in its place. The difference between Battlemaster and War Hero appears to be less than 5%, which is enough to be a reward, but not so much that the game is destroyed. 4. The last piece is to add content to the level 50 game. If for example IF there are level 50 flash points and operations different between Sith and Jedi, open them up to both sides. Do that and you have effectively doubled the content in the game. Just don't make the mistake of adding more levels, any addition will invalidate the leveled content before it. The best longest running and most powerful games are all built around the concept of skill to play, with two levels: novice, and experienced player. They can have any number of steps in Novice, but once they graduate to "player" thats it. Building a skill game is arguably much more difficult, but the player retention is also higher. This game is dying... sad to see. Not much time left to fix the fall. Chisaineko
  12. Anyone on Jedi Covenant doing this... ? Chisaineko
  13. Not having to use the space bar to revisit the same intro hundreds of times... priceless. Chisaineko
  14. Put this in context.. the "team" on the left was training a combat team. You and the shadow were the odd extras. It was far more important to the team that they get it right, than winning the game. Perhaps if you were a team member it would have made more sense. Chisaineko
  15. At some point you will realize the addition of healers only helps in limited situations, and start insisting on no healers at all. Each healer who is "healing" takes 1 dps away from the combat, which if they were fighting at your side would kill the opposing player rapidly limiting the amount of damage you take. The healer is not able to heal more than 1 person at a time in a fluid match, meaning the battle moves and keeps moving. The simple answer is that healers should be able to go 1v1 with any other class with a chance of winning. Chisaineko
  16. As a pvp sorcerer, the only thing I want to do with the silly bat is turn it off. Can we have a combat stance that does not include a silly useless glow bat? Chisaineko
  17. And you see the concern of players over the problem... Healers dps is ridiculously low compared to every other class. If the "healer" is not healing..... they should be able to go one on one via some mechanism with any single other class whom is equally geared. And they should win assuming equal skill against any less geared player. And before you say stuns and run... the activation timers on the stuns are ridiculously long for pvp. Something has to give, the sorcerer class is next to useless. Chisaineko lvl 50 Sorcerer BM+
  18. Why does bioware hate so much on Sorcerers? To get one good set of war hero armor we need to buy the Force Mystic and then mod it with Force Master (or Stalker) mods. The mods put in the Mystic armor are pathetic. Maybe someone can encourage Bioware to separate the mods, armoring, and enhancements from the actual (ugly) armor pieces so we can buy what we want the first time instead of needing to buy two entire sets to get one decent set. Chisaineko
  19. And before you say it.. the sorcerer "taking it" should be a mix of self healing and bubbles. Perhaps the self-bubble for the sorcerer needs to be an unstunnable action, and worth 3 or 4 times the damage a bubble on another player lasts for. Self bubble for 20,000 damage, uninterruptable and works through stuns.
  20. ... still a speed bump. Seriously, if a Sorc goes 1 v 1 with a marauder, the sorc does about 6k damage before dying. The marauder easily does 30k. This is a major imbalance. For this to work, the sorcerer has to be able to live through all the damage the marauder can do until both are down to one hit to win. As it stands the sorcerer cannot take the damage the marauder dishes out. Ergo, extremely unbalanced.
  21. More hunting for lost relics and power. Some kind of segue into the Jedi order... (for power, of course... if Revan could do it, why cannot I?) Some kind of resistance to all the pvp stuns and interrupts (err.. where'd that come from?) More story on the struggle behind the scenes as a dark council member (with distinctly different light and dark sides) Chisa
  22. If anything the sorcerer dps should be high enough to justify killing them first.. as in you can kill me in three hits in 5 seconds, but... I might kill you too. As it stands now, the sorcerer builds (all of them) are nothing more than a speed bump to other classes.
  23. Healer's dps is low, when they have someone to heal. One on one, they should have a chance of beating other classes. If not through raw burst dps, then by dots or some other mechanism. At present can you see equally geared sorcerer killing a sentinel ? This should be possible, 1 on 1.
  24. What is it with developers they can't understand... if a healer is not healing, they should be a real credible value to the team as dps.
  25. Some healers prefer the critical heals and push Crit/Surge up as high as possible trying to reach the critical of every two heals. Others like all of their heals to hit for known amounts so they can be more efficient in force use, and this group prefers power. Which you pick depends entirely on how you like to play. Personally in a raid environment I like to know that the next heal will be a fixed amount with a small chance of a crit, rather than always hoping that I don't miss the 1 crit for every two heals or the tank dies. Chisaineko
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