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Posts posted by Lillilii

  1. Hello :) Lvl 70 Sniper here. Died about 20 times before I read this thread! Went back and killed it!

    All I did was go get repaired (doh) and buy fancy medpac off of marketplace and go back in doing the "draw her to the whirling heal spot by the stairs" thing. I moved back and went into crouch. I didn't have to re-spec or anything, just used my bought medpac once and anything healer-like the sniper has already plus adrenaline probe etc (can't hurt lol). So there is hope! :)


    Actually my sniper has a bigger problem now as Arcan has fallen in love with her (and he has a voice that sends shivers down her spine), Theron has just gotten dumped and poor Vector is who knows where!?! <3

  2. I think you are expecting too much. There are so many LIs, creating personalized scenes for each or most of them would be too expansive and / or time consuming. The ME2 option is all you can hope for: Unvoiced, universal scenes / letters where only the NPCs skins / names need to be exchanged.


    I hate to be rude, but this is not some kind of online **** game ;)


    I totally disagree.

    Someone earlier pointed out that the game revolves around the stories and interactions - just as much as slaughter on different planets. We see the consequences of the choices we make. Now that we have the Kotfe expansion thinggy, our actions (we are told) will colour the final outcome/conclusion. With the strongholds came the option of more "off game" play for those who want to decorate and entertain (something I miss from the original SWG). I class LI's/romances as a parallell story to our missions and character developments. I would think this would matter loads to the rp players out there too. I still don't think it's unreasonable to wish for more of any kind of interactions with companions (be they LI's or non-romancable companions). Neither do I think it would have to be expensive. I just don't like the thing of so say having companions who tag along with you on these amazing adventures either being silent or repeating comments like "Up and at 'em" or "Don't let me die" five billion times ... Any decent story, which Star Wars IS, should have a pinch of romance in the mix of it all. Otherwise it's like baking a cake without the sugar or baking soda if you like.

  3. The sexiest voice in game in my opinion is Keepers! I love the different Brit accents. There's this sweet Welsh mission man on a bridge in Dromund Kaas but I can't remember his name. Best female voice is my Agent :) She sounds a bit like Keeley Hawes (of Ashes to Ashes, Lara Croft etc.) The masterful brit-Sith voices make my knees buckle lol
  4. You are starting to sound like that person that expects everything from every chapter.


    Gee even real couples don't always flirt.


    ... Maybe not if they have mundane jobs like accountant or dinnerlady - but If I was a sith and could get killed on a daily basis I would jolly well flirt and expect to be bombarded with letters, chocolates, kisses etc before and after almost every life or death mission. I mean look at Bond!

  5. Seems I aimed waaaaay to high in trying to get people interested in finding more variety in companions. I agree with what most have said. My sith juggenaught just got to lvl 65 and was defrosted after 5 years. She had desperate, emotional letters from both Quinn AND Theron (despite the fact she had not yet romanced Theron). So when she meets up with Theron again you'd expect them to leap into each others arms etc - but all is quite blasé. I cannot understand- and find it hard to accept - the "coldness aloofness". Feels very off and robotic. Seems an area the devs have neglected. Like some of you said, we only need little bits and pices to walk on clouds for a while (as in real life lol) and that would make such an enjoyable difference.
  6. In my opinion it's about time we got some more decent variety of romancable companions that talk. That IS what a companion should be isn't it? A talking friend/lover. There are lots of good options in-game already to work with ... There could be more variety in ages and customizations. Appealing companions you'd (almost) give your life for. I do love droids and all, but romancable companions spice up the sometimes punishing missions. I propose people come up with male and female "best of the best" npc's or characters from the game and then we all wait and see if anything can be done? :) Use your macrobinoculars if you have to and deploy those seeker droids.
  7. Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I felt its kinda related so i posted ;3 apologies if its the wrong place ~

    I made a YouTube video where i play as Lord Cytharat, best cut-scenes :p Check it out and tell me what ya think :) I hope you enjoy it ~

    Here is the link:


    I think it was awesome! I only bumped into him on Makeb recently and he would make a super in-game companion for us women to romance :) Thanks for the clip (bit long, but good nevertheless)

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