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  1. Hello everybody who responded, I finally got around to trying my build. It did what I wanted it. It added extra fun in rotation. By fun I mean more decision of what abilities to use and when. But there are flaws with it. A) I feel less tanky = I don't mitigate enough damage. Just riding through trash mobs sometimes I can loose 1/2 of my HP while before I was loosing 1/5, with all gear being the same. B) Heat really is an issue with multiple targets. The single target heat dispersion can be managed with minor practice. This leads to rather bad aggro control on multiple targets. Single target threat is ok with the usage of taunts. I didn't run flashpoints with it. It would do ok/good if the group was pre-made but otherwise would be too stressful on the healer. I'm leveling one right now. And I would think that I'm running with "bad" or under geared tank. With all this being said I would say it's no feasible PvE build, but with some adjustments It can be good PvP build, because it gives more burst damage and you don't need a lot of mitigation. This is a possible PvP build http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/bounty_hunter/powertech/#::fe4fe3fdfe7fe2fef6ef3e2f5ef16: I didn't know where to put the last three points so I invested in Empowered Tech, but shielding isn't that useful in PvP because you can't shield a crit :/ Other options were Flame Surge or Integrated Cardio Package. Once again thanks for reading my idea and providing me with your feedback. I wish you all a pleasant gaming experience.
  2. Good afternoon to all, I am a casual gamer that never raided. But I am looking into it. I have a level 50 Powertech Tank. I was using 31/8/2 build ( http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/bounty_hunter/powertech/#::e2fe10fe2f2e4fef11ef5ef16: ), but to be honest I am bored with it and a bit annoyed at my low DPS while I'm running dailies. After some thinking I come up with a build ( http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/bounty_hunter/powertech/#::e2fe2fe3f2e5f2efe2fef6ef3e2f5ef4ef11: ) I would like to get your feedback on my idea. I think that it's not going to be such a great build for Operations, but it should be ok for flashpoints. I had a spare 2 points and I took Rail Loaders to increase threat on boss fights. The other option was Flame Surge. To be honest I almost never use Flame Sweep. I haven't tried it myself yet. Just something I come up with. Thanks for the time to read this post. Its rather poorly written, but it is my first post plus my major is far from english
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