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Everything posted by lordchimpanzee

  1. I really loved that passive-aggressive part of the rant. The part I read anyway.
  2. They designed the whole game around the class storyline and voice acting so it's a shame they aren't providing real incentives to experience all of it for ourselves. It doesn't look like any incentives for experiencing the other storyline(s) will be implemented either. Unless they think another credit sink for marginal xp increases under "special" (WZ/FP/Space) circumstances count. I'd be okay with it if they added it on top of a free double experience increase, but the more I see of Legacy the less doubt I have for cancelling my sub. If I was an evil genius working for Bioware I'd be preparing those cease and desist letters to Youtube with the internal release of the next subscribers count.
  3. That's an easy question someone at Bioware forgot to ask their focus groups. The answer is the grind. The class storyline(s) are essentially a single player game with multiplayer co-opt. The changes they're making by adding purchasable xp upgrades shows they still don't understand that simple fact. We don't need another waste of our time by adding more to our grind. In the case of legacy in general it's credits. This is where they could actually learn from SWG. With Jump to Lightspeed being the notable example. After mastering pilot you received double xp. So if you went from being an Imperial pilot to Rebel/Neutral pilot it made the grind easier while opening up more ships and relatively different content. If Bioware gave you double xp after completing a lvl 50, a certain legacy level or whatever it would provide incentives to continue onwards with different toons. As well as giving them more time to get the MMO end-game features together. As it stands now it's just easier to unsub and watch Youtube videos. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.
  4. QFE. Bioware doesn't seem to understand that pvp is not just a warzone sideshow.
  5. So basically you want communication, teamwork, and coordination between strangers. Yeah, that's not going to happen much in a pub.
  6. Yes, I know you have a very large e-peen. Thanks for sharing. That still has nothing to do with lower levels not being able to compete. Everything to do with you, your spec, and equipment. The only way we're going to get a mythical level playing field is if we all are the same class, with no different levels, equipment, or expertise. Though it's not like lower levels are lacking in crowd control abilities or damage output.
  7. You're still completely wrong when you say that lower levels can't compete. Only when it comes down to a lower level healer does that warrant any merit.
  8. Bria owns you. http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/724/zomgsithassassin1stpvpw.jpg 1st time pvping as a Sith Assassin. > lvl 20 -Watts P.S. Haha I'm defending Hotbox!
  9. Running to a shuttle only to have it take off and leave you there cursing for 10 minutes. Or laugh hysterically like a madmen. Whatever mood you were in at the time of that travesty.
  10. Hi, Watts from Bria here. I'm on Fatman. Only err I'm Wattsz there. I just took the biggest dump of my life after not pooing for days.... DAYS! I don't really have anything to say except ZOMG I JUST HAD TO MAKE A TOON ON THE BIGGEST SERVER NAMED THE FATMAN.
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