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Posts posted by NovaNoir

  1. Man, remember when everyone was upset because character transfers weren't a thing, and everyone was begging Bioware to merge servers so that servers weren't ghost zones?


    Those were the times.


    I really wish this playerbase would make up its mind. People spent months begging Bioware to introduce paid transfers/server merges and threatening to unsub if Bioware didn't, and now that Bioware has finally introduced them, people are... begging Bioware not to go through with it and threatening to unsubscribe if Bioware goes through with it.


    Bioware really can't win, can they?

  2. I... didn't really find Voss that hard, playing as a tank-specced Shadow with Nadia. The few times I did die (that *********** psychadelic Voss dream kept throwing me off because I couldn't tell what was happening, and that Avatar guy in the swamp), I swapped to Tharan and stomped everything.


    That said, I'd gone through from Balmorra on undergeared and underfunded from constantly making armorings and mods for my friends, so I'd learned how to use my abilities effectively.


    The spike in difficulty from Belsavis to Voss is about as noticeable as the spike in difficulty from Balmorra to Quesh. It's definitely there, and it's definitely noticeable if you're not so overpowered you're roflstomping everything. It's not insurmountable, though.


    Unfortunately, the game doesn't exactly teach you how to use your abilities effectively. For people who already know, it's not an issue, but for new players who have been roflstomping- well, people have said it repeatedly; learn to play.


    I don't mean to be condescending when I say this. The game doesn't effectively teach you how to use your abilities and such, though, so you're going to have to learn.


    Try building up some credits, then go back to Belsavis and try to solo some of the Heroic 4's. You'll probably be curbstomped, but in the meantime, the tricks you pick up will help a lot.


    Just... experiment, and see what works. It took me a long while, and was pretty frustrating, but in the end, i figured out how to play better, and I've had more fun playing the game since I learned.

  3. Belsavis is a prison planet. What is there about a prison, with walls, that is confusing? Prisons should have walls.


    The thing is, while that might be more realistic and in line with expectations, it's also annoying to play through. Which is bad when it's a game; you don't want an element of your gameplay, such as travel, to be a bother.

  4. That quite simply is not true.


    Both the Male Knight, and both genders of Consulars can go though their whole romance arc and never get a single DS point. How and when you do it decides if you get DS points or not.


    Oh, I am aware. However, you are not supposed to, according to the lore and such (Jedi are forbidden to form attachments).



    Most dark side choices for Councilor involve interfering with the affairs of others (i.e. helping dying people), exposing corrupt officials, aiding peace talks with The Sith or doing some small personal courtesy for someone (forming attachments).





    The thing is I think that you shouldn't try to look at "Lightside" as necessarily the "right" choice and the "darkside" as the "evil" choice. Very often that is how it works out, but generally Lightside just means more merciful. I'm a very lightside player but there are several points where I can consider a "darkside" option either arguably or definitely the more correct choice.


    This. Light Side is idealistic, and often naive and doesn't take into account future consequences, because in order to make things better later you still have to do bad things now.

  5. Ha! Your description of Nadia is...is...maybe I won't level my consular after all, because that sounds hilarious in a "I don't actually want to spend time on it" kind of way.


    Tell me, does Tharan Cedrax do as much transparent meta-commentary on players' relationships with their NPCs as he has the potential for? Because it seems like the perfect setup for it...


    As for #1, can I trade you for the Wookiee? Conversation 1: I WAS A SLAVE. 2: I WAS A SLAVE. 3: I WAS A SLAVE. 4: I hate Trandoshans, also I WAS A SLAVE.


    Tharan, unfortunately, does not. Although that might actually differ if you try to romance him, from what I have heard; I will wait for someone else to chime in.


    Qyzen is a great companion if you are at all interested in looking at things from another perspective. His culture is very, very different to our own, and at least in my opinion, trying to see the world how he sees it is pretty interesting.


    He is also the only companion who continuously treats me with respect and likes me for my achievements outside of being a Jedi, so there's that.

  6. I have to wonder why are the trials only limited to people who players send emails to? Is it to prevent gold spam (which still exists in a minor way.) My thought process is this, if I dont know anyone playing a game I usually wont play it without a trial as far as MMO's go. Would opening up free trials to everyone help bring more subs in? What do you think.


    P.S. And lets not forget that MANY people are lazy and wont actually take the time to send their buddies an email to let them try the game.


    It's a lot easier to sign up for multiple trial accounts for things like gold spam if you don't have to have someone send you an invite.

  7. So, I'm left thinking that Bioware's mistake with troopers was making them a Republic class instead of an Imperial Class. Would it not have made more sense to assume that in making a clone army, Palpatine was creating something that the old Sith Empire had? After all, he also reinstated grey uniformed officers and a black armoured Sith Lord.


    You're... ignoring the EU in an EU game set after several other EU games and incorporating material from dozens of EU media? And then claiming that Bioware made a mistake in making the Troopers Republic?


    I mean, you're ignoring most of the fluff of the game, then coming up with conclusions based on that. I'unno, that just seems stupid to me.



    ....Or you could buy the CE and buy the Imperial trooper armor from the CE vendor for your agent.... just saying.


    That's really not cheap at all, you know.

  8. For me it was and still is the mission on Coruscant you do for The True Republic.



    You know, where you have to intercept some information from a Delivery Droid to stop a corrupt senator. Vowing to take the senator down should not be the dark side choice. And allowing him to go should not be light side.





    The Light Side points there, in letting the information go, are gained because you are allowing everyone to make informed decisions, allowing them a choice in whether they want to go over to the Empire or not. The other option gets you Dark Side points because you are taking away everybody's chance to choose. It's all about trusting your people and allowing them to make the right choice.


    Tython as a Jedi Knight, I encounter two padawans in love. I can keep their secret (dark side) or tattle on them to their masters and get them thrown out of the order (light side).


    If I'd understood how the game worked better, I'd have just abandoned the quest, as it is I pretend it never happened. :(


    The padawans offered you a crystal in order to get you to keep your silence. In taking the bribe and keeping your silence, you would be giving in to corruption.


    And, Jedi are not supposed to get into romances at this time. Keeping silent earns you Dark Side points because you are going against the Code you represent.


    The one that really pissed me off is from a quest in imperial Balmorra bonus series.


    So basically some imperial officer orders to kill the villagers despite the fact that they wanted to supply the food to the empire.


    The light side choice is to punish/dispose of him. While the dark side is to let yourself get bribed and let him do more stupid things that would undermine the empire.


    That's just stupid. Looks like BioWare's idea of Sith is to let yourself be bribed by some incompetent worm and by that letting his incompetence sabotage the imperial effort. It's beyond ridiculous. A true Sith and dark side option would be to kill the guy and then take the credits he was offering as a bribe while at the same time making imperial military a great favour.


    Taking the bribe is an act of selfish corruption, thus the Dark Side points. You get Light Side points for disposing of him and allowing the villagers to supply food because it is the right thing to do; you do not get Dark Side points for doing the right thing, even if in this case the 'right thing' is helping the Empire.


    If you killed the guy and took his credits, you would no longer be corrupting yourself in taking the bribe; thus, no Dark Side points.



    I generally feel like I have a good handle on why some most choices are lightside or darkside. The only time I really felt like they should have been reversed was on Alderaan when one Organa military leader asks you to rescue his daughter from House Rist. The Lightside option is to continue to allow an untrained young woman to help your war effort despite endangering herself and her father's protests and the darkside option is to tell her to get to safety.


    This one is similar to the Senator's quest above; you are taking away the woman's right to choose for herself whether she wishes to endanger herself. You earn Light Side points for letting her choose, and Dark Side points for taking away her right to choose.



    Personally, my biggest /facepalm moments for DS decisions were the Knight's flirts. Seriously??? DS points for FLIRTING????


    As above, Jedi are not supposed to get into romances and such.


    The one thing that's clear from the Imperial storylines is that LS/DS really isn't about helping the Empire. It's all about whether you're being selfish, brutal or dishonorable. Letting a creature eat people for the promise of treasure is dark side - you're being selfish. Manipulating the Jedi is also dark side - you're basically allowing him to remain brainwashed when you don't have to.


    Dark side actions may or may not help the empire, but they almost always benefit you - it's a matter of taking the easiest, most selfish, most brutal path to getting things done. The game looks at the nature of the act to judge LS/DS, and not the impact on the galaxy as a whole - which is why Jedi will get DS points for interfering in politics, even if they're doing so to help the Republic. The game's consistent about that much.


    So, in essence, this.

  9. -Fixed Matrix Cubes


    -Broke something else



    pretty much what were gonna get.


    - Fixed Matrix Cubes


    - Accidentally banned half the people on the forums


    We've already gone into maintenance mode twice this week; the players will probably be upset if we do maintenance again. They can wait until Tuesday to be unbanned, right?

  10. The thing most players seem to want at later levels is not so much more content, but more substantial content. That is, not the same group of dailies, the same few flashpoints, and recollecting the same datacrons, and rolling a new alt when you get bored of your current character.


    A greater variety of end-game content would probably help somewhat, as far as I can tell. As it is, you are kind of forced to do the same few Heroics/Flashpoints over and over at later levels, which grows boring and tedious quite quickly.


    I imagine just giving people more content would probably help with that, as it reduces the tedium of doing the same bits of content over and over, in favour of... doing the same bits of content over, I guess. But hey, you've knocked off an over! That's something, right?

  11. Just make all the companions that are currently romancable bisexual, that will take some work but is probably the best solution.


    That would actually be a pretty terrible solution, as far as character development and roleplaying go. It doesn't fit many of the characters currently available for romance, and it seems lazy.


    As I understand it, the reason that Bioware is taking so long to release the SGR's is that they're attempting to put a lot of effort into it. That is, they're not just going to rework some of the currently available romances' dialogue to read as a gay romance instead of a hetero one, they're going to work from the ground up to make the SGR's actually fit with the characters, and possibly make entire new romances just for SGR's.


    Which, in my opinion at least, is a lot better than just tweaking the current romances to say 'she' instead of 'he'.

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