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Everything posted by Alassa

  1. There is also a guild called Colonial Marines Special Ops, they are Republic side. They focus on doing Raids and have managed 3/5 HM DF and 2/5 HM DP. They are a friendly, helpful group. Raid is about twice a week, with progression aiming on Fri nights. Raid time is 8PM PST. Have any questions, lemme know.
  2. I know how everyone feels. I really want the entire set myself, but the mask itself goes for like 17 - 20 mil, the sash 20mil, the gloves from 6 - 17 mil. I have my eye on the entire set that's on sale for 14mil, but it's not likely I have enough funds before someone picks it up. It's really frustrating but I'm determined to get it. I'm on the Begren Colony btw. I'm almost wondering if I trade my entire Calo Nord, Covert Armor, and one of the Speed Suits sets i can get a Revan set. xD I'm getting desperate.
  3. Your guild looks nice. Unfortunately the raid time is like an hour too soon for us. Thanks for answering though.
  4. Hello Jedi Covenant people! Me and a friend are looking for a heavy raiding guild. We enjoy raiding and progression. We have both done HM DF up to the 3rd boss. We have multiple toons. I can DPS/Heal. I was learning how to tank. My friend is a experienced tank and can also dps as well. I have a Sent that's nearly all 78s. I have both a Scoundrel an Sage healer nearly maxed out in 78s. My friend has a Shadow Tank well geared, along with a guardian. He has other toons but those two are the ones he plays the most. We are looking for a guild that can either clear DP/DF or is progressing toward clearing both ops. We are available any time after 10PM server.
  5. Hello Harbinger people! Me and a friend are looking for a heavy raiding guild. We enjoy raiding and progression. We have both done HM DF up to the 3rd boss. We have multiple toons. I can DPS/Heal. I was learning how to tank. My friend is a experienced tank and can also dps as well. I have a Sent that's nearly all 78s. I have both a Scoundrel an Sage healer nearly maxed out in 78s. My friend has a Shadow Tank well geared, along with a guardian. He has other toons but those two are the ones he plays the most. We are looking for a guild that can either clear DP/DF or is progressing toward clearing both ops. We are available any time after 8PM server.
  6. Here at Colonial Marines Special Ops, we are looking to expand our ranks and progress even further in providing high end raiding experience for all of Bergen Colony and for you as well. We are looking for level 55s of all classes. Tanks, healers, dps. (this however, does *not* mean we are only recruiting level 55s. We welcome *all* levels )We are a laid back and fun guild that enjoys helping out one another. Be it from alts to gearing up a main so that all of us can partake in raid groups. We currently have one progression raid group, but we are looking to expand into either a 16 man raid group and eventually into two progression teams. Our Progression team raids Thrus/Fri 8PST. We always raid at 8PST. When we are not doing progression, we either do SM ops for comms or just have a fun night doing wzs, open world pvp, achievement hunting, alt leveling or whatever else we're in the mood for. Our only requirements is that you have a good time, treat each other with respect, be willing to learn, use either TorParse or Parsec and use Vent. You do not need to have a mic, just the ability to listen. For gear requirements it is preferred that you have a minimum of level 69 gear. It is preferred, but not mandatory, as we will help you gear up. Also, we will either do a dummy trial or a ops run depending on your class to test out your abilities. Just so we know how we can help you become a better player and make Colonial Marines Special Ops an even better raiding guild and an even better experience for you and your raiding experience. If you think this is the guild for you or would like more information, please feel free to contact me either here or in game. I go by the name Vucora. If I am not available, do a search for Bandit, anyone with Bandit in their name will be one of the other people you can reach. If Bandit is not available, contact Tromwold. If for some reason none of us are available in game, feel free to send either one of us a mail and we will answer it as soon as possible! We would love to have you!
  7. Best I can do is get past the login screen, but get stuck with the loading screen. Other times, I can't even hit the play button.
  8. Okay, so it looks like my opening is wrong. Also, yeah, I'm lucky to get 9K crits, most of the time I'm stuck in the 7-8k range. So, if I'm understanding this right, my rotation needs to look something like this? > leap > zealous > Precision Slash > Storm > Master Strike > Rush. But when I have the HoJ procced, it instead should be Precision Slash > Storm > Master Strike > Dispatch. And always use my focus builder (zealous) / keep it on cool down expect when I'm using Precision Slash. Right? And how often do I use cauterize? I try to use Zen as often as possible. Same with cauterize. And how do I activate things 'at the same time?" I'm a keyboard player. Don't know if that makes a difference or not. Sorry if I'm making this more complicated then it needs to be. I seem to have a habit of doing that. I'm a bit obsessed with getting my DPS the highest I can, so I'm willing to do nearly anything. xD (Vent calls/Pms/Create vidoes/etc. )
  9. Since I'm not sure my PM went through or not, I'll retype what I had. Yes, I did use precision slash while using my master strike (I'm assuming precision slash is the armor pen you're mentioning in your post?) Typically my rotation is something like this > leap > Zen > Precision slash > master strike > Blade storm> dispatch > cauterize > blade rush. (For precision slash I try to pop it every time when using BS/Dispatch or BS/Master Strike. I also pop zen as often as I can, same with Zen. I also pop up cauterize whenever it's not on cooldown) While I'm waiting for BS/MS/PS/cauterize to finish cooling down, I use blade rush until I either run out of force or my CDs are finished. Am I doing this all wrong? Thanks for being willing to help this semi- noob. Much appreciated. (also, if you need my gear stats and such, I'll be happy to supply it the best I can. Even create a video of one of my dummy parse so you can see exactly what I'm doing. Again, thanks. )
  10. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I tried a few variations (still sloppy I'm sure) where I tried only to do Master Strike and Blade Storm when I had precision slash up and sometimes precision slash and zen up at the same time. I managed to bump it up to this high, but I can't get past that. If you need my gear, I have a link to match the best I can. Few things off, but to give you an idea. http://www.torparse.com/a/499274/2/0/Damage+Dealt (If you rather move this to a PM convo as to not highjack this thread, I'll understand)
  11. I hope I'm not hijacking this thread. if I am, sorry! I just see all these high and amazing numbers for Combat/Imp equivalent spec and I'm *dying* to know the rotation you guys use. If one of you awesome dpsers could PM your rotation or something, I'd greatly appreciate it. Right now I'm stuck in like 2.5ish range. Even though I have nearly all 78s. All I have atm is a two piece bonus. Anyway, keep on the awesome dps! I shall continue to droll in the meantime.
  12. I've read through this a few times, the only issues I seem to have about it is that the rotation seems really hard to memorize as there's so much to memorize and if you get one part of the rotation wrong, you're pretty much hosed. Has anyone tested this rotation on an ops? Because in an ops I don't think there is anyway to do *all* of this rotation as you're constantly moving/being knocked back/etc. So as I mentioned, if you miss one part of the rotation you seemed hosed. The rotation also seems dependent on procs. Just my observations.
  13. I'm trying to improve my DPS and I'm looking for any advice I can get. I'm in 72s/with a few 78s. Last I checked, my dps was around 2.2ish. What is the rotation I should fallow? I basically spam Blade Storm, Precision Slash, Master Strike and Dispatch, and Cauterize as often as I can. What are the best stats I should have? I know I have too much accuracy as I'm at 112%. My melee crit is like 18% from what I can remember. My surge is 60/65ish I think? ( I can't get on at the moment to verify) I have 7 Strength augs and 7 power. An Arkanian Serendipitous relic and an Obaron Serendipitous relic. if you need more information, let me know. Any help would be appreciated!
  14. Okay, thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
  15. Okay, thanks. How would he go about doing that? The only thing he can find for contacting them is to call or go in game and for preferred status, there is not option to email. Is there a way to contact customer through the website?
  16. Well, a friend of mine time card just ran out and he's now preferred status and the game's telling him that he is only able to unlock two characters instead of six. Also, Also his MySWTOR page showed that he had 15996 days left before it moved him to preferred. Here is a screenshot... https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/v/996618_347179552085573_1467947369_n.jpg?oh=a2dc7ee54bf427087a8cb81316580a13&oe=525ECBBA
  17. Is it true that they reduced the preferred status character unlocks from 6 characters down to 2?
  18. Is it just me, or have they put a limit on how many regulators you get from slicing missions? For the past two weeks or so, I've gotten only 12 each week and no more. If there is a limit, why is there one? And can it be increased? 12 seems awfully low. The only thing I don't know, if the 12 limit is restricted to just one character, or if it's 'account' wide.
  19. I, for one, am in favor of creating a toggle that turns off *both* OGR and SGRs.
  20. I for one hope they eventually release a decent smuggler armor set. I absolutely *hate* the pillow top collars options we have in game, and those that aren't pillow tops aren't much better. The Agents on the other hand have some *awesome* sets I'd love to be able to put on my smuggler.
  21. Okay, so I'm curious. I found the sets for the Gree and the Voss, but is there any sets for the Belsavis Rep system and the pilot ones? If so, where can I find them? As I'd like to take a look and see what the gear looks like. Thanks!
  22. Floating Lightsabers of Doom. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3090640/pics/original/1277092.jpg Even Doc seems afraid. Beware! http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3090640/pics/original/1277093.jpg Mind/Remote controlled speeder? Comes with lightsabers! http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3090640/pics/original/1277094.jpg
  23. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3090640/pics/original/1052134.jpg Scourge's too cool to do any work and is making sure the others get the job done. If not, he'll cut them down. (that's some tough armor too!)
  24. Ah, okay, thanks for the info. Helps explain some of the price. I would buy the mats myself, but I don't have a toon that can create what I'm needing. And yeah, no one did pay the 5M, the seller had to reduce it down to 3.5, which surprisingly, it looks like someone or (someones) bought both 27 armoring at that price. About 2M out of my price range. lol. xD Hopefully I can find someone willing to make them for me. I'll def cover the crafting price. Just wish I could get them sooner then later.
  25. haha, yeah, the curse of being on a not very populated server. I've never seen a 26 Might Armour, only 26 Guardian and it's 999,999 Mil. xD Hopefully I can get what I want sometime soon!
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