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Posts posted by eatmydeece

  1. You're asking them to cater to audiences that are no longer there, which doesn't make any sense.


    The reason why the expansion is so story focused is because that's what a significant portion of the game's current population wants.


    At this point it would be dumb and/or moronic to do a bunch of new PVP focused content when the PVP population has severely dwindled over time.


    Lets say you play for the story, if you went as long without proper content update and content support as the PVPers did you would be in the same boat as them


    What they're doing is the difference between catering to 100,000 people vs 1000 people. They're choosing the 100k audience over the 1k audience and that makes complete sense. There isn't much if any financial gain to be made off the PVP audience that's currently left.


    Again, you seem to think im going on just about PVP....you even read the OP m8?

    Near every bit of content in this game hasn't been supported much in future content just released and left.

    If you cannot see that then you need to open your eyes

  2. As someone who plays most aspects of this game i find this announcement (Knights of the Fallen Empire) leaving me both excited and disappointed.


    I never started this game with the intention of getting too much into the Operations and PVP side of things but early on they became my favorite aspects of this game.


    The objective based PVP in this game is some of the most fun i've had but i'm left feeling very disappointed in the lack of all forms of Endgame content that has been released recently.

    PVP has near been neglected since launch.

    The stupidly long pre-season, removal of 8v8, lack of class balance, lack of content in general.

    Arenas are okay but take away what PVP in SWTOR was all about originally.

    The upcoming changes is nice but with no REAL content coming for it.....kind of a slap in the face


    Content for Operations has been in a bad spot for a while now with the droughts we are getting between releases.

    Many of the top end progression guilds from this and last tier aren't around anymore and its not because of the lack of love for the game.

    The gap between DF/DP HM and DF/DP NiM was stupid and Bioware should be embarrassed.

    And now its looking like a similar drought between ToS/Rav and the future operations which we have no certainty of getting this year

    Lack of communication and Tardiness in fixing bugs/exploits that stayed in the game too long.


    What was announced at e3 was great to see more story bringing back class stories (i'm praying its not like SoR in that regard) and moving onward from the previous storyline which ended pretty pathetically, there should have been a confrontation between the player and the emperor, Ziost was a massive fail.


    Communication as a whole from the Devs to the players has to be some of the worst i have seen in this game and needs to be looked at seriously.

    I don't think the Devs have the players in mind lately when they release content. everyone wants more story......hmmmm......maybe we should make another story driven single player RPG yeah?

    This game is an MMO but is starting to feel like a subscription RPG where subs pay for the F2Pers to access the content.


    Don't get me wrong here, i'm still gonna play this game for the story but it feels like every other aspect of this game i loved is being abandoned and when content finally gets released all those i played with will have moved on.

  3. Midian Team Annihilate 5/5 HM Rav 4/5 HM ToS

    Wed/Thurs/Sun 8pm-11pm AEST (sunday not required but would be nice :) )

    Still looking for a skilled PT tank to relieve the group of my terrible tanking so they can put up with my terrible sniper pew pew instead.


    apply on website or msg myself on the swtor forums



    you know you want to, just do it.

    unlike these other groups looking for tanks we still have a full 8 with a fill in.

    so come on, apply today.

  4. I fixed it for you.


    lol thanks, sad thing is it does seem that way lately :mad:



    Maybe its intended?!?!?! and its not a bug they just want to make fights harder to counteract the nerfs they made :rak_03:


    just the usual fix it and break it that we have had for the past few years :rolleyes:

    AAA quality control


    Seriously doe; yeah its **** but honestly the amount of rage about it is hilarious. Like its a joke to manage, yes maybe I'm a douche (lets face it I am a douche) by saying this maybe I just have a low tolerance for stupid but its seriously not hard to adjust to the fire and the 'bugged' fire disappearing is not hard to remember where fire was.. As for rubber banding that's excepted when we play at 200+ ping :(


    yah, my first time seeing the borked fire last night, wasnt too hard to adjust to, just a pain in the arse.

    sad thing is i never got rubber banded with the old animation :(


    spose im just raging cause these sort of bugs are staying on live far too long ;)

  5. Clearly Bioware dont give a **** about this, if they did they would actually fix it.

    Having bugs like this go live is a joke.


    New animation seems half arsed and when you get 2 or 3 near each other its hard to see where 1 stops and the other starts.

    Myself and another were getting rubber banded in it whereas we had no trouble what so ever with the old animation.

    We still killed it but its frustrating as hell as melee/tank atm.


    Please use Tyran's fire next time.


    ^ this, quite a sensible suggestion and one bioware should look at doing.


    Actually a response to acknowledge the bug and that its being fixed or looked at would be nice Bioware, the usual no communication routine is getting old for alot of people.

  6. Annihilate (8/10HM) is recruiting skilled players to fill out our roster.

    We try maintain a roster if about 9-10 players with people rotating week to week.


    We are after a Tank and or RDPS


    For Ranged DPS we would prefer Sniper or Merc but would accept a Sorcerer if they were exceptional.

    For Tank, ideally a Powertech to pair with our Assassin (our backup tank has both sin and PT to fill in with)


    Raid Times are 8pm-11pm Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday AEST/AEDT/GMT+10


    Still this ^


    Apply on our site themidian.enjin.com or msg me on the swtor forums to discuss further

  7. Annihilate (8/10HM) is recruiting skilled players to fill out our roster.

    We try maintain a roster if about 9-10 players with people rotating week to week.


    We are after a Tank and or RDPS


    For Ranged DPS we would prefer Sniper or Merc but would accept a Sorcerer if they were exceptional.

    For Tank, ideally a Powertech to pair with our Assassin (our backup tank has both sin and PT to fill in with)



    Raid Times are 8pm-11pm Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday AEST/AEDT/GMT+10


    Apply on our site themidian.enjin.com or msg me on the swtor forums to discuss further

  8. So much hype for the Ziost conclusion, we get a cutscene and probably the worst daily area to date.


    Bioware needs to pick up its game, SWTOR is getting to the point where its getting so stale due to lack of content being released, content with replay value.

    Communication in the PTS forums from the devs is near non existent and the latest round of changes are a joke.

    I feel sorry for the marauders they are getting royally f****d in the arse, RiP annihilation.


    Also can i please feed the monkey that is the SWTOR PVP team? So that it actually does something meaningful for PVP, i havnt PVPd much in the past year because its such a joke.


    RiP SWTOR when Star Citizen launches is all i can say.

  9. Midians main progression group (Annihilate 8/10) is looking for 1 or 2 players to expand its roster.

    This group runs on a 9-10 person roster with players rotating.


    We are after a Tank and or RDPS

    For Ranged DPS we would prefer Sniper or Merc but would accept a Sorcerer if they were exceptional.

    For Tank, ideally a Powertech to pair with our Assassin (our backup tank has both to fill in with)


    Raid Times are 8pm-11pm Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday AEST/AEDT


    Apply on our site themidian.enjin.com or msg me on the swtor forums to discuss further

  10. Pug groups are pug groups and ultimately the people putting it together have every right to ask only for people who have killed up to a certain point.

    Lately there have been some f*****g abysmal pug groups due to double xp and people trying to take fresh 60s that they have no clue on how to play into those runs.


    Go join a social guild that does open raids, contrary to popular belief they are actually always recruiting.

    Most of them are willing to teach if you actually socialize and become a part of the guild, having voice comms helps .


    Or you could always start a pug run yourself saying no cheevos required :rak_02:

    Unless all you want is a carry



    So if you ask me i see no problem with people asking for cheevos, but im an elitist c**t so who cares.

  11. Recruitment Update


    Summary (8x APAC teams/2x US Teams)


    - Team Darkness (3/10) Full GMT+12 New Zealand (Leader: Enceladus)

    Sunday/Monday, 8pm - 10pm GMT+12


    - Team Annihilate (8/10 HM) Full GMT+10 AEDT (Leader: Zarth & Khaos)

    Wednesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm GMT+10 AEDT


    - Team Exterminate (7/10 HM) Full/Trialing GMT+10 AEDT (Leader: Zarth & Khaos)

    Sunday/Monday 8pm-11pm GMT+10 AEDT


    - Team Devastate (7/10) Full GMT+10 AEDT (Leader: Maban & Raor)

    Wednesday/Sunday 8pm - 11pm AEST


    - Team Reya - (5/10) LF 1xRDPS GMT+8 WA/Singapore (Leader: Reya & Healerproblems)

    Tuesday (not a must) /Wednesday/Thursday, (6am -9am Server Time)


    - Team Eradicate Full GMT+8 Singapore/Malaysia 9PM (Leader: Elder/Burnt'it)

    Monday (6am -9am Server Time)


    - Team Dominate - (3/10 HM) Full GMT+10 AEDT) (Leader: Animus/Hecatus)

    Friday Night 1030pm -130pm AEDT


    - Midian 16M (3/10 HM) Limited, preferably multirole players Saturday 9pm-12pm GMT+10 AEDT (Leader: Xalkane/Klevana)

    Saturday 9pm-12pm GMT+10 AEDT


    - Midian US Team 1 (7/10 HM) Limited (US Pacific Time Raid/HM Progression) (Leader: Asthovias)

    Tuesday/Wednesday/Monday 8pm - 10pm PST


    - Midian US Team 2 (3/10 HM) Full (US Pacific Time Raid/HM Progression) (Leader: Mom)

    Tuesday/Sunday/Monday 8pm - 10pm PST

  12. Recruitment update:


    Team Midian Friday - 10:30pm-1:30pm GMT+10. Group is after 1 tank, currently clearing SM and first bosses of HM.

    Currently gearing up to do HM.


    Our 16 man run on Saturdays 9pm-12pm GMT +10 (1/5 ToS, 1/5 Rav HM) Is looking for a reliable multi-role player. Group is clearing sm and first bosses in HM with ease. Group is still gearing up for HM.


    Team Devastate - Wed/Sun 8pm-11pm GMT+10 (4/5 ToS. 3/5 Rav HM) is looking for an exceptional ranged dps to fit into their roster.

    Hey everyone,


    The way we like to run team devastate is to run 9 members ideally. This gives us the utility, depth and flexibility that makes this group work so well.


    There is a opportunity to fill that 9th position at the moment. Our group is currently 3/5 Ravagers and 4/5 TOS in their respective HM's


    This is the way the 9th position works in our team. We run a rotation system where we swap ppl around. typically that would mean you may sit out every 5 weeks or so for a entire lockout. Having said that our 9th position also fills in for any afk's so whomever is on rotation on that week can slot straight into raiding that week even if they are due for a rest.


    What we are looking for is a ranged dps that can bring some big dps, have excellent raid awareness, can make our raid days/times of Sunday's and Wednesday's ( 8:00pm to 11:00pm GMT+10 ) and it would be a big benefit if you have multiple toons you can play at a high level or multi specs like a ranged dmg spec and heals toon or spec ect.


    Anyone can have a chat to me to see if the position is right for them but we will be selective about who we pick as it needs to be both right for the group and also the 9th person. If im not available for whatever reason our 2IC is Karboom and he can answer any questions you may have or let me know you want to have a chat.


    Cya all in game



    Please put apps in on our website at themidian.enjin.com

    Or /who Midian in game and ask for an officer for more information (officers may direct you to fill an app depending who you get)

  13. Looking for dps or multirole players for our 16man group

    which runs GMT+10, 9pm-12pm saturday night.


    Have some people in group that are developing for HM content so looking for people with patience.


    Currently clearing Ravagers and Temple sm and doing first bosses in hm, would like to be doing HM only but its been a ***** to gear people in 16m sm atm :mad:


    either PM me or put an app on our site themidian.enjin.com

  14. :edit


    does this thread even matter anymore with so many people from progression guilds having done "that"

    and not being able to actually keep track of whether they are using said gear or not.....

    and nothing against four of five.....that post was gonna happen to whatever guild posted first after "that" happened

  15. Hey, Midian (empire) is currently on the lookout for raiders coming into 3.0.


    Our main group (5/5 df NiM, 4/5 dp NiM) is also on the lookout for a full time tank.

    This group runs 8-11pm aedt, currently running Wednesday and Thursday nights with more nights being organised for alt runs in 3.0.

    If starting an hour later doesn't bother you throw an app on our site themidian.enjin.com


    Hope to hear from you :)

  16. /signed


    yup, this is a definite must


    We have 4 rooms in the crew deck including the hallway, 1 command room, officers deck and small pieces here and there to go and we have already used we have used 645/700.

    I honestly dont see us being able to finish our guild ship with the amount of hooks given.


    Another 100-200 more hooks are needed for people to fully decorate their guild ships imo.

    The amount granted when you have unlocked everything is a joke and needs to be revised

  17. Recruitment Update


    Midian Annihilate (NiM)

    Raid Times - Wednesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm AEDT GMT+10 / Wednesday/Thursday 1am-4am PST


    Still looking for 1 or 2 skilled players (tanks or dps) for our team annihilate (5/5 df 4/5 dp NiM)

    Preferably have NiM experience and have great raid awareness.

    Having NiM capable alts and being able to perform on said alts to a NiM standard is a bonus.


    Preferred classes/roles

    (this is what we would prefer but player will come before class if the player is exceptional)


    TANK -

    - Assassin (must not force speed back peddle)


    DPS -

    - Marauder (proficiant in at least 2 specs)

    - Powertech (knowing both specs is preferred but pyro is fine)

    - Sniper (proficiant in at least 2 specs, marksman a must)


    Contact myself via though PM on the swtor forums for more info or apply at themidian.enjin.com

  18. Still looking for 1 or 2 skilled players (tanks or dps) for our team annihilate (5/5 df 4/5 dp NiM)

    Preferably have NiM experience and have great raid awareness.

    Having NiM capable alts and being able to perform on said alts to a NiM standard is a bonus.


    Raid times are

    Wednesday/Thursday and possibly Mondays

    8pm - 11pm GMT +10 (AEDT) I think it's 3am - 6am PST for American players


    For more those interested and want more information send me a message on the swtor forums or apply at themidian.enjin.com

  19. I just verified and this is correct. Right now the plan is that Warzone and Ranked Commendations will remain untouched. What you have will stay with you into 3.0.




    thats great, now.....


    whats is going to be done about stacking comms through items...


    ie ; buy a weapon when you have enough pvp comms, keep it in your inventory until the return timer near expires, sell it back, buy another to refresh the timer.

    rinse and repeat.

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