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Posts posted by Darh_Hellraiser

  1. I would also love odessen simply because it is our base of operations and for some reason we cannot customize it. It would be really cool if we actually could customize our ships like Bioware teased years ago and then just never did anything with it. So that was pretty annoying. I also am down for the idea that someone had about taking over the zakuul estate from Vaylun.

  2. Spoiler

    Literally could not agree more with this. We have so many decorations for this theme. It would also be the most lore friendly since the storyline literally just tells us we own it and then nothing... I wish they would add a dark side temple of sorts but oricon would 100% be my top choice. Imagine decorating all the different rooms from the portal and such. I will never understand why this has not bee done yet.

    On 3/12/2024 at 11:30 AM, mcenterbar said:

    Oricon please. There's more than enough existing deco to support it.  Dread Fortress/Palace, even the spire in the middle of the quest map would be great!


    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, MaximusRex said:

    While I am sympathetic that you didn't get a location you wanted, a lot of people, including me, had asked for a Mek-Sha apartment, so it is disingenuous to say no one asked for or wanted it. 

    My point was that there were posts around the time of release to the point guide makers and streamers all even thought it was going to be either oricon or zakuul since those were the two most common requests. Obviously there are people that asked, there are people that ask for everything in the game. My point is why would you not use one of the two most requested strongholds. It has nothing to do with what I want specifically. When you have the majority of the community asking you for something, you don't do what a few people asked for. Why would you take the side of a few vs the mass if you are trying to appease the community in order to grow the number of subscribers? That's the question I would love the answer for. I am all for inclusiveness. I'm not even saying we didn't need the mek sha. I personally hate the mek sha stronghold as it makes no sense for the position of your character in the story to have a base on some tiny lil underworld asteroid. I still appreciated that they did it for those that would prefer that since everyone has different wants and desires. Still makes no sense to do what few would like vs the mass first. Especially with no plan for the larger ones such as those two in sight.

  4. So about the new metallic dye. Why was the decision made to release a gold and purple dye that makes your character look like a piece of candy instead of one of the most commonly used dyes in the game a black and purple? I get trying new things. I noticed since broadsword took over the RPers have been getting a lot of love like the actual disciplinary action for messing with them. So since we know it's a big part of the game and half of this game, at this point, is making your character look amazing. Why do the developers continue to make decisions like this? Is there anyway for them to track what works and what does not? If not can they start logging in and checking the GTN or even putting out community votes? If you look at the GTN you would have noticed that the gold and white was almost a complete flop and there were so many cause they were not selling as much as the black and black and the red and black as well as their opposites. Not trying to complain, I'm genuinely not. I just don't understand why there are decisions being made that could have very easily been made differently that would affect the game on a much more positive note. I run multiple guilds with at least over 200 people in each and over 900 in the main. I'd say about 80% of them are in the discord. We have all been excited about it being a black and purple cause we thought there was no way you wouldn't be doing this since it was probably the 4th or 5th most popular dye. We all saw the notes for this and there wasn't a single person that thought it looked good except one of our pvpers in our guild that likes to make outfits that legit look like candy. Please please please start playing the game and reaching out to the community. It's decisions like this that consistently cause members to quit. I have played with some of the best people from my server. I have watched them leave and all of them were talking about how the devs simply just don't care. Personally I believe that if this mentality was changed it would bring back so many players it would be unreal. For example, when the mek-sha stronghold was to be released the two most requested strongholds were the dread palace on oricon and a zakuul estate like Vaylun's. Yet they went ahead and released Mek-Sha... that no one asked for, It's incredibly infuriating. I am not blaming anyone in particular I just thought you should know how all of the community I have met and played with feels right now. I hope this kind of stuff helps you out a little.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  5. On 2/15/2024 at 8:06 PM, Aira said:

    Inventory space needs a big overhaul, no reason cant have a slot for armor as well as toys. Swapping gear and have the inventory space is ridiculous.

    I agree so I am hoping someone from the dev team hears this.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/9/2024 at 10:53 AM, Rohndogg said:

    Adding myself onto this. I would even be happy with an unlockable second inventory page as less desireable alternative. I'd easily drop 2.5Mil or some CCs per character on a second inventory page for gear. Then I can have my actual inventory back.

    I'm just sick of having like two rows open that immediately fill with mediocre gear while running ops because I'm carrying my gear on me. Otherwise we have to run back to the legacy bank between respecs.

    This would be such a major QoL improvement

    Could not agree more.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/2/2024 at 10:20 AM, Traceguy said:

    What's really a pain is that they require you to have 15 slots of inventory open, because even if 2 loadouts use the exact same gear, the game seems to be quickly unequipping everything and reequipping everything. I shouldn't need 15 slots open if I have all the gear in my inventory, because the space I have before the swap will be equal to the space I have after the swap. They should do a smart check and calculate how much you need if not.

    And if these 2 load outs use different weapons/implants/tactical, they get randomly tossed all over the place in the inventory, rather than trading places. It's an absolute mess for characters I do Healing and DPS on, or switch between 2 DPS classes.


    There are just so many irritations that come with the current set up. The list is literally endless. The sad part is that there is no actual reason this hasn't been put into play or any actual argument why this shouldn't be a thing. They already made the gear legacy bound it's not like we haven't all just been transferring the gear nonstop. I agree with everything you are saying and everyone else. Wish we could tag them in this post or they could give us some kind of update on future plans for this. The way it is now just seems unfinished to be completely honest. Imagine explaining this absolute disaster of a system to a new player. If I was a new player that would definitely turn me away from progressing into endgame and just leave. On top of all the other bugs we have dealt with over the years due to our love for the game. It's crazy this hasn't been fixed but hey let's make sure those cartel armors don't clip! It's wild honestly. I know Broadsword is a new owner of SWTOR but if you want to build a community I feel like you should actually listen to real everyday problems people are having. Some of the "ease of life" things they have added are great. This one is, at this point, a necessity. We never asked for this kind of gearing system it was basically one of Biofail's final "features" before they left. Broadsword definitely improved upon it which was fantastic. It would be kind of silly in all honesty to just stop yet we haven't heard anything from them since December when everyone blew up on them about the Cartel Market discounts. I just think it's kind of nuts not to respond to something like this when have people monitoring these forums all the time.

  8. On 1/16/2024 at 4:40 PM, xroxilx said:

    I agree, inventory allocation has become a nightmare for multi-disciplinary toons, especially those that transition between PVE and PVP.

    That's my main point it's driving everyone insane. Especially since they gear they gave us is not optimized so you have to switch and have multiple sets complete just to make it work.

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/18/2024 at 9:36 PM, cannibithobbal said:

    Ah ok, yeah, I was not aware there was ever such a bug (clearly was before my time) so that's why I was very confused.   I would definitely need a different solution for loadout storage than legacy bank in case though since as mentioned my legacy bank is always full, I have 3 pages just of dyes 😅

    Thankfully, the most gear I have for any given character is 2 full sets (one tank, one dps... sometimes with an extra weapon or two if their two combat styles use different weapons), so while it would be lovely to have an easier place to store them, I also have never run into a huge problem with inventory space.  Alt outfits for comps actually take up just as much space if not more haha (please devs, outfitter tab for comps 🫠)

    I don't see why they couldn't add loadouts for companions. It would definitely be extensive considering just how many companions there actually are. They could definitely benefit from adding in more customizations. Like all the other beast customizations that they started adding and then stopped or like all the star fortress companions.

  10. 53 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    If you have mirror classes (or classes that use same gear types), you can share legacy-bound gear between them. Having legacy-shared gearing space would make that immensely easier. You can technically do it right now via legacy bank, but there's a lot of manual movements involved with high risk of mistakes (plus, a requirement of being next to said legacy bank). An easier, more intuitive system would be welcome.

    If you choose to keep sets on each character (which I tend to do most of the time), you run out of inventory really quick (seems you're in the same situation). I personally am avoiding exploring additional combat styles on some of my characters at the moment specifically because they no longer have room for extra gear it would require.

    Glad the whole topic is brought up again since we need a solution sooner rather than later.

    That's why I wanted to bring it up again. I agree with everything you said. I lost count on the amount of people that have constantly come to an op missing a piece due to this unnecessarily confusing system we are currently using. All it does is make everything more confusing and consistently ruin the gaming experience as a whole. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, SteveTheCynic said:

    I was asking for a citation for the "everyone" part.  Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Obviously everyone was an exaggeration. Thank you for being so overly critical that you felt the need to point that out. Let me rephrase it for you. Anyone who actively ran at least story mode operations and up instead of sitting on the forums making unnecessary comments on every single idea someone posts. Not going to be a citation for it but feel free to ask anyone that actually played the game during that time. Cheers!

    If you are really interested and don't want to go off of my word feel free to use the search bar at the top right corner of this page and do your own research.

    Here is a forum post to begin your journey: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924206-we-can-no-longer-quick-swap-gear-from-the-legacy-bank-with-loadouts/#comment-9715641

    • Like 4
  12. Hey since Bioware missed the opportunity to put this a mount drop from nim SNV. Can we get this in the cartel market? Obviously it would probably have to be smaller depending on what the community thinks.

    Kell dragon.jpg

  13. 9 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    It's worth mentioning because that is the reason they gave for not allowing out 'primary' combat style to be changed like they originally planned to.  There is no indication that they have fixed that issue yet.  We don't know if it is due to an issue they haven't found a solution to yet, a lack of trying or some combination of the two.  This request has been asked for multiple times since 7.0 dropped and until they give us more information, it is the only answer we have.  

    While I appreciate the clarification the response is still the same it's still just an excuse that shouldn't ever be used. If we go with that logic then we should stop any and all expectations of Broadsword in general as any kind of update would "add work" to their job as the developers.

  14. Please fix the loading bug. If you can't recreate it then I will HAPPILY bring any dev you want through a sm ops marathon so you guys can see for yourself. You are KILLING your player base by keeping this thing alive since R4. Do you have any idea how frustrating this bug is that happens EVERY single time I try to run ops groups with literally anyone? We all know what it is. We all know it exists. We all recreated it every single day (if you run any kind of operations). Please for the love of all that is holy fix it. Don't get on a little live stream and say "Oh We CaN't ReCrEaTe ThE iSsUe" no one wants to hear it. Just fix it or at least add it to your list of known bugs and stop pretending like it doesn't exist. It is beyond infuriating that a game 12 years old can't even run properly enough to simply load an area whenever you run operations. Shoot me a message do whatever it takes to reach out to me. Shoot me an email if ya like but run some operations with me I'll recreate it for you I promise.

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