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Everything posted by Tkard

  1. Wie siehts mit dem schönen nim Implantat von Nefra Nim aus?
  2. After some time of digging for my Dreadseed armor I found a Hyrotii mount, which had 90%speed and looked a little destroyed. My first question is if i can get the speed up, because i Really like the graphics of it like the smoke. The second is if there is any fasterbway to get it, because digging with the seeker droid takes pretty long.
  3. Today I was doing the first boss of Dread Palace HC, and we were always wiping, either someone died by voids, the healers were killed by adds or someone died by something. The team said the healers arent good enough and we tried swapping me with another heal, this didnt work too. Here are the Ehps and Incoming dmg in one of the tries, maybe someone can tell me what ehps we need to do the boss. 1. Heal EHPS 2.930 DTPS 1.299 2. Heal EHPS 2.468 DTPS 725
  4. Soviel ich weis einige Laeufe, Hefte, Mods, Verbesserungen, Implante und Ohrstuecke, dazu alle relikte. Aber was verkauft sich eurer Erfahrung nach am besten? Und was ist mit den Armierungen?
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