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10 Good
  1. I've been having the same problem with cybertech. I've re-ed the earpiece way more then I should have with no result.
  2. I play as bodyguard spec. 1. How do you think your Mercenary spec is perceived by other classes? Strong PVE healer as long as incoming damage is steady. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? Strong single target PVE healer. Has issues with group healing with significant incoming damage (EV ANNIHILATION DROID). Can throw large heals but suffers from heat issues reducing me to shooting my teammates and hoping for my vent heat cd. Wish supercharge gas was more viable.
  3. You will need to log on to each character. When I checked after logging in, they each appeared on the right side. The ones already in the tree will disappear from the right as a choice.
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