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  1. After years of reading this forum and having countless other stories worthy of this thread, this is the one that finally pushed me to add one to the list. Pretty much everyone in this group is weird, myself especially for sticking around as long as I do. Kuat Drive Yards, I was on my lvl 20 guardian tank, and initially the group comprised of myself, a lvl 50 dps scoundrel, lvl 37 shadow tank, another dps scoundrel at lvl 34. About halfway through the first area the lvl 34 scoundrel dc's and vote goes to kick him and it goes through. We reque and continue on and gain a lvl 34 slinger. For the most part things go smoothly but every now and then I notice that the slinger is lagging behind but figure they might be having some connection issues, as the shadow had been having connection issues for most of the flashpoint. So I decided to pay little attention to it. I would regret this decision. After clearing everything but the puzzle part of the ship building room the lvl 50 drops without a word. The game decides to not let us reque but with only the boss left to go, what could possibly go wrong? We enter the boss room, and I make a quick mention to the group to burn the adds when they appear. Now, I will admit that I probably should have asked if everyone knew the boss but given how well we had been doing the thought never crossed my mind. The slinger summons his comp and we proceed to fight the boss. Very quickly the shadow dc's and the slinger and myself were overwhelmed by the adds, wipe. We respawn and the shadow reconnects and we give it another go. After leaping to the boss, he summons the adds and we engage the adds. And by we, I mean the shadow and me. The slinger just hides behind cover and doesn't do anything. He just sits there while his comp tries to heal and occasionally attack the boss. But with more adds appearing and the suppression adds and the boss laying into me, I get killed just as I'm nearing the kolto tank to heal myself. The slinger follows quickly after that and the shadow stealths out with only twenty percent health left. At this point, I decide to inspect the group's gear and nothing really stands out except for the lack of relics on the slinger but I've seen people run through kuat drive yards with gear with empty shells and live so I see it as a non issue. Instead, I tell the slinger to engage the adds this time and they say okay. We heal up then re-engage the boss. And its a repeat wipe. The shadow and I engage the adds when they appear and a few minutes later with both kolto tanks on cooldown, I go down. This time I have enough time to see exactly what the rotations are for the other two and needless to say the slinger's rotation just angered me. While the shadow was using everything at their disposal, the slinger just sat and watched while using the occassional power shot and thermal grenade against one add. Then when the boss decides to attack the slinger because the shadow was trying to do the role of the tank and the dps, he moves from cover and starts running around using power shot. He quickly melts and the shadow stealths out. I respawn and I decided to ask the slinger what the issue he was suffering. me: slinger, what spec are you? slinger: gunslinger. I'm supposed to attack from cover at range. After slaming my head into my desk i respond, me: i know, i have a slinger myself. slinger: cool. me: i also know that slinger's have more than three abilities at their disposal. slinger: we do but i'm having trouble finding cover. me: default key is f. slinger: that's to crouch, i'm trying to find some cover but there isn't any in this room. me: when you crouch, portable cover pops up and takes the place of cover. slinger: but i keep taking damage when that happens where as behind normal cover i don't. me: that's normal. the portable cover reduces damage but doesn't negate it. slinger: cover works differently from slingers and scoundrels While I am wondering how this slinger made it to lvl 34, the shadow chimes in agreeing with the slinger's statement about him taking damage while behind the portable cover. At this point, I should have just given up and left, because it's clear that the slinger is either trolling me or really doesn't know how to play their class and if it's the latter no amount of explaining will help this slinger; but wanting my comms and knowing that all the slinger needs to do is just use his abilities to attack the enemy, I decide to give it one more go. The shadow, decides to respec and let me focus on tanking, which under normal circumstances would be a good idea. But with a slinger that doesn't understand that they can still attack while being behind cover I'm still having to go after the adds and keep the boss' attention. We attack and after about five add waves I assume that the boss's health should going down a little bit, right? I mean the slinger did tell his comp to go after the boss and its been doing some damage to it right? I look over and see that the boss is at 83%. Never have I wished harder for a boss to enrage. I mean all the slinger has to do to help contribute to the downing the boss in any meaningful manner would be using his basic attack and charged burst against the adds. Does he do it? Nope. He maintains his status quo. I'll at least give him points to dedication to his hiding behind cover cause. A few more minutes and then adds start spawning on top of the previous ones, the slinger stands in the path of the boss' charge move and get's one shotted and then the shadow and I are overwhelmed by the adds, wipe. At this point, I've had enough. I say my goodbyes and leave. As I am leaving, the shadow drops from the group as well. All told, this was a series of firsts for me. My first time wishing for boss to enrage, my first time encountering a dps that doesn't even know how to use their basic attacks that they get from level one, and my first time rage quitting a group in over four years of playing. On a slightly more humorous note, my brother who had been playing Halo with his friends while listening to my growing frustrations with the slinger commented about how he could feel my rage. To quote Baras, "A blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient could feel my rage..."
  2. Having done the tactical version of Jindo Krey's fight a few hours ago, I can confirm that the fight can bug out. While I haven't done the HM of it since around January, it did still bug out for reasons I will list below. However, there is a solution that I have done recently and in the past. Before the changes with 4.0 I used to solo run the HM version of False Emperor for decos (the statue of the emperor was a really nice seller before it went away ). In doing those runs I discovered something rather...odd. See the shield phase mechanic has two parts to it that are linked with one another in a manner that if one breaks the other part could break: 1. After the turret is used, the ship moves back and Krey uses his shield until it is destroyed. 2. During the shield phase, the ship fires missiles towards the red targets of doom that appear on the ground. It's that last part of the first one in combination with the second part that screws things up. Prior to 4.0, the damage output a decently skilled player could put out was still within acceptable range to not bug the fight. However, I will add that even in 3.0 a high damaging class could still break the shield within seconds of it being deployed so the chance of the fight glitching was still there albeit just very, very close. Then 4.0 happened and with it came a major change that pushed that chance from very slim to absolutely going to happen--the level cap increase. With the cap increase, came better gear for over-overgearing, and with that came a damage increase, and with the damage increase came stronger dps. Which means the already tissue paper thin shield that Krey uses might as well be made out of duct tape and unicorn farts. And that's where the bug happens. Remember that red circle I mentioned earlier? If Krey's shield falls off before the red circle appears one the ground then the fight will bug. And this can and will happen at any shield phase point. Meaning if the team allows the red circle to appear the first time but not the second, then the fight will bug during the second time because the cue system is waiting for a cue that never happened (okay technically it does happen, its just that the server can't keep up with the massive amount of damage in such a short amount of time so it bugs out waiting for a cue that it missed). The solution is after the turret control is pressed and the ship moves back, wait a few seconds for the red circle to appear (if you want to be extra safe let the first missile hit the ground) then engage him. Do that every time there is a shield phase and the problem should go away. If you don't do this (or you just want to parse your dps in a combat situation) then be ready for the mad dps race as you have to finish the fight before the output gets high enough to wipe the group (usually around 400-500% with good use of defensive cooldowns and a rock solid healer or 300-400% with poor defensives and a lack luster healer). Hopefully this helps explains what is happening in that fight for both the players and the game devs if they decide they want to fix it. TL;DR version: The fight is bugging because Krey's shield is dropping too fast during the shield phase. Solution: during the shield phases wait for the red circles to appear before dpsing him down again.
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