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Everything posted by MayPLX

  1. Hmm there so many things... how about something from the new Fallen Story Arcann's Mask or that Lightsaber Pike I know a lot of people would not mind to have that Pike Even thow the Pike's look more to be a weapon for Shadow/Assassin. Let's look at what we have gotten b4 3-4 Speeders, Weapons, Titles and Pets I may be forgetting something we have not gotten any Emotes or health regeneration items. Emotes like <-- Wookie Roar <-- Sand people scream <-- Jawa Utini After Combat Health Regen A group of 5-7 Jawa come and Fix you Up. A Sith Master uses Force Lightning on you to Strengthen you. A Mini bar show up and you mix a Strong Drink.
  2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/RIC-series_general_labor_droid Or something like it... I know there is a Big time difference between SWToR and the Clone wars. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130123001256/starwars/images/e/ea/Jarjarandkaadu.png I know a few people would think Gungen No but this 1 Yeah. https://ramblesoforange.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/img_0409.jpg Again something like it would be Cool to have 1 that is almost as big as a Rancor. exosuit Mounts nothing as fancy as Iron man... Exosuit Mounts would be a how new line of Mounts. It would be Very Cool as part of a Engineering/Corporation pack or something
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