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Posts posted by aSpitefullRetort

  1. It will be interesting once the Eternal Empire has been wiped out...All the Republic and Sith Empire alliance people wandering around...


    Republic Soldier "Sooooo should we start shooting at each other now?"

    Imperial Officer "No we must wait till the final operation debriefing"

  2. If Coolio played SWTOR....


    On fleet you lived your life....which is now a snowball's paradise

    Either fleet you cannot hide....snowballers have you in their sights


    GTN and Jawas, credits and the power

    Minute after minute, hour after hour

    Everybody's running, no one's RP walkin


    What's going on in fleet chat?, but I don't know what's cookin'

    They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me

    If they can't understand it, how can they reach me

    I guess they can't, I guess they won't

    I guess it aint battlefront, that's why you better duck, fool...

  3. is there any sort of official response to ANYTHING?


    There isn't even a "Known issues" list since october!


    At least it's not "We know West Coast has been offline since October, and we're working on a fix for it after "hood" toggle has been implemented...

  4. Just stop...you didn't play those toons from level one, so no class titles. I have one slot as I already have twenty two toons on one server, i'm going to use it and start a level one toon.


    I really don't know why your shocked that everyone says what I just said, it's not an issue for everyone, it's an issue for you.

  5. I'm not even going to bother yet, till I roll through all 22 toons on my server and put their damn pants back on..then strip all the armor mods from their gear and sell those, along with the droid internals.


    Sold one bunch of valuable droid bits for far far less than what it cost to obtain, so I guess close to 80 (give or take) companions worth of gear mods will cover that.


    Early access won't be for a few days till the pants are all on...

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