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Posts posted by Dinosaurfalcon

  1. The problem is your use of "genetics". It doesn't do what you seem to think it does, or mean what you seem to think it does. That is why people keep arguing with you about this.


    Gender is a social construct, not a genetic one. I would suggest you go read up on what that means if you want to understand where you are wrong here. (Hint 1: it has nothing to do with whether guys take "these sorts of games more seriously" than girls do. Hint 2: it almost certainly has something to do with your ideas about what 'maleness' and 'femaleness' actually are and where they come from as concepts.)


    Ok so I drop the word genetics and say "being a guy makes it more likely imo to take these games more serious" . When I say genetics I meant like hormones and stuff, the things that make males fight each other and stuff, get really angry etc, you know what I'm saying? The things that separates the sexes biologically ( I'm ok to say that? )


    Maybe genetics is the wrong word here, but I still think guys, for whatever reason, take these games more seriously, and I think it's coz they are born that way, so whatever word I'm looking for here I don't know what it is.

  2. Please go back and re-read the replies. You are mis-characterizing what people are saying in order to defend your position. Nobody has expressed a desire to burn you or to protect the females. You did not only say that males and females are different genetically (which is undoubtedly true) and that they like things in different ways (also likely true). Neither of those statements involve gaming. Instead, you claimed that men are genetically predisposed to enjoy gaming more than women. People pointed out the nature-vs-nurture problem. That's all.


    You are at risk of becoming Captain Conventional Wisdom here. If you drop the genetics, you might actually prompt reasonable debate. Accepting that society makes its mark on all of us, are there more male gamers than females? Up to what definition of "game"? Why do the people who dislike video games dislike them? Etc.


    I said I think guys are genetically predisposed to take these games more seriously than females, NOT to enjoy games in general. I'm pretty sure my wording always says "takes these games more seriously", so I'm not sure why you think I mean gaming in general. Like the first guy read my post wrong or something and everyone went with it.


    I think genetics do play a part, it's my opinion, I don't recall stating it as fact either, neither do I recall saying that social conditioning is bollocks.


    The burn thing was a joke btw. I don't really think that everyone wants to get me and silence me for my wacky, outlandish opinions.

  3. Definatly hitting some nerves here...I'm not trying to offend


    I still don't think that both sexes are just the same, or equally share the same interests, I still think that more guys take these games seriously than girls.


    "guys and girls are geneticly different and like things in different ways, didn't you know?"

    "buuurrrnnn him!!!! Protect the femalesss!!"

    C'mon people

  4. I think that you are conflating two issues. The first is whether men have a genetic predisposition to enjoy video games that women do not have. That doesn't seem true to me. If men do like games more than women, I would imagine that upbringing and other social factors matter a whole lot more than genetics. One such factor is the fact that this thread was necessary in the first place; not only do men make assumptions about female gamers, but non-gamer women make assumptions about them as well. So there is pressure not to play video games as a woman.


    The other issue is whether these games are designed and marketed with a male audience in mind, which is (IMO) a far more interesting thing to discuss.


    I'm talking about more guys taking these kind of games (mmos) more seriously than females because of testosterone and stuff, not the appeal of all gaming to females.


    Guys are geneticly way more competitive and...you know....I dunno..is it really that hard to believe that more guys than girls would find these games appealing?


    Again, talking grind fest mmo's here, not gaming as an entertainment form.

  5. My point about that was that I don't think it's primarily teenagers who are playing, so I don't think that's really relevant.

    You realize that you are contradicting your point before you make it here? Also, it's not genetic, no one is genetically predisposed to play videogames. It's not even "natural" except in that socialization occurs naturally, and that it is usually gendered and reflects societal mores. Certainly it is (at the moment) more socially acceptable and expected for boys to game than girls, and because of that marketing skews towards a male audience.


    I know, and that part of what I said wasn't directly related to my response to what you said. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


    I stand by what I say. More guys take these games seriously , kinda the same way more guys like competitive sports, or is that not true either? I think genetics does matter here, if not, why don't they just market it strongly towards females instead/as well. I think because it would be a hard sell, compared to selling games that attract females easier.


    the guild master who I talked about was pretty much the only female I met who was serious throughout my time playing wow. The few other females were gfs and wives of players who really didn't give a crap and just played for fun, often not logging for weeks. If that bothers you or contradicts my statements then I don't know.


    I just don't buy it, I see too many annoying MALES bragging, arguing , epeen measuring , raging etc all the freaking time in these games, that I have to believe its something that guys are very much naturally drawn to.


    To say that there arent genetic differences between the sexes, that make us like different things is wrong in my opinion. I mean there I soooo many things my fiancée does that I can't stand to do because they are girl things. Some guys love clothes shopping but most don't...I hate it....sure not every woman likes it, but would it be wrong to assume that MORE women like clothes shopping than men? I don't think so anyway.

  6. If you are talking about the "average female" and not the "average female gamer" then your point is kind of irrelevant. Women who aren't interested in playing at all obviously won't be interested in playing well. Also, why are you talking about schoolchildren? Who cares about that? Do you think the majority of the players of this game are children or teenagers? Because I would bet that is very much not the case.


    Anecdotally, I play much harder than my husband does. It was a running joke in our WoW guild, because he was the go-to guy for people who wanted to stop sucking and play well and didn't really want to take the effort to figure things out themselves. (That is not a judgement on any of the people whom he has helped, they were pretty much all quality people, just not great gamers.) He would get told how l33t he was or whatever, and he would always be, "nah, I am not the hardcore one in the family," and no one would believe him (except the people who actually took the time to look at the parses). It comes down to the fact that I don't like to suck (in this context anyway) and why would I want to play at all if I am just going to suck at it? How is that supposed to be fun? I don't see that this attitude has anything to do with whether one is male or female.



    I think there are way MORE guys who are into the hardcore side of these games than girls. I think these games appeal MORE to young males rather than young females, because it evolves lot of things males are more naturally attracted to (competition, power, violence, grandeur ) ...but of course there are lots of females who enjoy it too!!


    I used the school age thing because you know , kids/ teens love video games and it's ingrained into young male culture to the point it's almost a lifestyle, where it's not so much in female culture (The way these mmo games are marketed etc) . You think more teen girls are going home to play mmo's than boys? Thats my point , I'm not trying to be negative about it, I just think its true.


    My old female guild master cared too much to the point it was obsession and unhealthy. My fiancée plays for and hour and gets enough enjoyment out of that. I've seen both ends and sure, it applies to both males and females, I just think naturally/geneticly guys are more inclined to take stupid games too seriously where, 99% of the females I know at least, couldn't give a flying f***


    This has nothing to do with the skill of the individual players.

  7. Females don't want to master the game? You haven't read my TORWars.com weekly articles on the Consular class, have you? :) My regular readers and I all want to be the best in class--male and female alike. I study the theorycrafting sites, I tinker with my gear a lot, I get excited every time I hit a new crit high number, I share info with my readers and they share lots of cool info with me, and we learn a LOT about the Consular class together in order to max out our skill and our gameplay enjoyment. Some of my regular readers are male, some female, all are passionate about the class, and I think they rock.


    I dont think there are no girls who want to master the game, I think the average girl doesn't give a crap.


    Not the average female gamer, the average female.


    Ofc there are girls who take the game seriously, but I don't believe the number is anywhere close to males.


    How many school girls do you think go home and raid/pvp compared to schoolboys?


    Do any of you REALLY think there are more school age girls doing progression content than school age boys? Why is this?

  8. In my opinion there is nothing "wrong" with the end game. It is perfectly fine, plus or minus a few glitches/bugs here or there. But really by the time a person hits 50 they should be used to the glitches and bugs in game.


    Here has been my level 50 exp.


    Hit 50 Yay! Opened Champion Bags (now you just can buy armor for pvp?)


    PvP'd a few hours! Yay! Bought another bag.


    Geared up more. Joined another Guild that was more active.


    Ran Through (forgot the name) Wrath of the Rakatta as I call it. Beat up on the giant Rakatta.


    Geared up the PvE Gear. PvP'd a few more times.


    Then 1.2 dropped.


    Ran through all of the Ops.

    Lost Island part 1 & 2

    Karagga's palace

    New One with Lizard Men


    Enjoyed it, got some new better armors.

    PvP'd some more. Recieved some augmented gear from guild.


    Then something happened...guild slowly became smaller and smaller.


    Anyways, that's the short version of my level 50 exp.


    I've seen 4 guilds on my server slowly become nothing. It happens, right?


    As for the bored thing...once again I have been doing other things! Lol. Thus how when I log back in I think to myself..."why did I even bother..."


    Currently replaying Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscure


    As for KOTOR 1 & 2 .... Sense SW:tOR has dropped. I've played/replayed KOTOR 3 times. KOTOR 2 I only played thru once LS once DS and never again realizing how rushed it was and therefor horribly made.


    I'd say go with the classics ala Rogue Squadron and Jedi Knight series.


    Thx for your impressions. Im hoping by the time I've finished all the stories on my chars there will be lots more to do in end game. I really liked the five man heroics of wow , as there were so many of them it was fun for me to just run thru a bunch as different specs and just get tons of gold and points for gear.


    Im not saying swtor should just copy the exact same formula as wow,but the 5 mans were definatly my fav aspect of wow. I hope they keep bringing more flashpoints and get a dungeon group finder going soon. Then swtor will be the most powerful game in the galaxy.


    Oh and bring dual spec dammit, I want to heal/tank groups and solo as dps!

  9. I guess I'm talking about general attitudes towards wow/swtor from my personal experiences,and the whole 'picking on girls' thing is something ive thankfully not had to witness personally.


    I think it comes down to these idiots feeling they can get away with it because online they are some what anonymous. I'd be very surprised if that's how they talked to their female peers in real life, I'd guess most of them wouldn't dare.


    Not sure how to fix it other than enabling some way of naming and shaming gamers for there abuse ( facebook etc)Non gamers aren't going to care tht you have crap dps or that you are a ninja looter or whatever, but I bet they would look at you very different if they found out you sent your evenings harassing females.


    I wouldn't force such a system..but it might work if such a thing was even possible.

  10. There are a lot of female gamers who enjoy the challenge and competitiveness aspects of games as well. There are also lots of females who play the "in your face" tanks, cunning high damage dps characters, just as their are plenty of males who enjoy playing healers and other support characters.



    Yea totally, the guild master of my old wow guild was a crazy Dutch woman who would scream orders at us while she tanked the raids, while I was healing, so yea you are right ofc.


    I still think there are way more males who take these games more seriously than females tho. I don't have any kind of facts or stats to back it up, but I think we all know it's true.

  11. Having played a female human in wow for years, I know not to presume a female character is actually a female character in real life. I admit I always assume male characters are males tho...


    I was never treated badly, but was sometimes "hit on" or given special treatment randomly before my actual gender was known.


    Ive played mmo's for years with my partner and she favours ranged dps. She did Mage and hunter in wow and is a Jedi sage i swtor. She wants to stand back and cast, doesn't want to get close to the bad guys, would never play melee or tank class and doesn't like healing groups, but will happily heal my *** up when I'm about to die.


    Favourate part of the game? Deciding which conversation options to take and enjoy the story line..also smashing rocks into people and crushing minds with the force. The lore is very appealing to her.


    Are all girls like that? Of course not. My point? Don't have one.


    I will say one thing tho, she has no 'lust for power', she doesn't have aspirations of being the best at her class or anything like that, she just enjoys doing the quests , killing stuff and seeing the story unfold. ie just fun


    Myself on the other hand, I do strive to be better, to get the best gear, to master the game mechanics to the point I feel I'm 'better' than everyone else etc even tho I'm not. Just like in wow I want to be the tank, I want to be the leader of the group, I want the responsibility and respect etc.


    That is the difference between the average female and male player in my humble opinion.


    May the force be with you

  12. No not bored yet .


    Playing a Jedi guardian lvl 32 , bounty hunter lvl 9 and my favourite ....sith sorcerer lvl 16


    I played wow for years , still subbed but almost expired. Swtor is close enough in gameplay to wow I'm getting my wow fix but in the star wars universe, which I enjoy more than wow.


    I didn't raid in wow, only did the heroics so end game progression isn't an aspect of the game I'm interested in, but I do think it's important that end game appeals to players who want it


    My personal enjoyment really comes down to the story telling + wow gameplay. I play with my partner and we are essentially playing an epic co-op story driven rpg with wow gameplay... And I love it.


    Still , I agree with most of the criticisms the game receives. To really thrive as an mmo it's gonna need to bring the end game, but the levelling experience is the best I've ever experienced in an mmo.

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