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Everything posted by justgladtobeme

  1. No longer in need of a tank. We can use 1 dps parsing 2700+ on dummy WITHOUT armor debuff.
  2. Have you increased the frequency of refreshing WM/AF, since proccing TT/FL now benefits from having more crits on WM? Or do you keep it conditional for Turbulence?
  3. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. I was making up my own mechanics to what I thought they would be, only to be highly disappointed. This HM was a joke. I facerolled the entire time.
  4. Yeah I have NO IDEA what I did... color me stupid; here it is: Gardein- Sage - Telekinetics- 3/36/7 - 2862 - Full 72s Except KD Bracers http://www.torparse.com/a/368327/time/1375576207/1375576510/0/Overview That wasn't even the same log... I don't know where that came from. Sorry!
  5. You missed one: Gardein- Sage - Telekinetics- 3/36/7 - 2862 http://www.torparse.com/a/368280/time/1375574125/1375574429/0/Damage+Dealt
  6. Quite honestly, 2314 DPS on Dash'roode is horrible. You're lucky you had those 3 extra DPS pulling you through.
  7. Gardein- Sage - Telekinetics- 3/36/7 - 2862 http://www.torparse.com/a/368280/time/1375574125/1375574429/0/Damage+Dealt
  8. Gardein- Sage - Telekinetics- 3/36/7 - 2841 http://www.torparse.com/a/368327/time/1375576203/1375576510/0/Overview
  9. NO. You HAVE seen the names I've been reporting in-game, right? The last place those people belong is on the forums. If anything, put a time restriction on their accounts - must be F2P and active for at least a few months; or have preferred status.
  10. This exploit allows a player to take all of the loot on the final boss for his or herself, provided the group is set to "round robin" which is the only loot rule available for groups created through groupfinder. http://i.imgur.com/ZSi1Nis.jpg We believe we have figured out the mechanic which is described in my ticket to Customer Service via the in-game system. Be wary groupfinder groups who find themselves on the final boss of SM TFB - my suggestion is to reform the group with the people who have already found each other, and queue as a group. This allows you to set master looter to prevent any ninja looting.
  11. Incursio has cleared all of HM content as of 6/8! 7/7 S&V (Styrak) 6/8/13 @ 8:38 PM Picture 5/5 TFB (Terror from Behind) 6/8/13 @ 6:27 PM Picture
  12. Incursio is back for more. We're looking to squash it all before 2.2. Guild: Incursio Republic HM S&V 5/7 S&V (Olok the Shadow) 6/3/13 @ 10:05 PM Picture 6/7 S&V (Cartel Warlords) 6/3/13 @ 10:18 PM Picture
  13. Surely this isn't up there like everyone else posting, but our guild has made some significant progress. Guild: Incursio Republic HM S&V, HM TFB 4/7 S&V (Operations Chief) 6/1/13 @ 11:59 PM Picture 4/5 HM TFB (Kephess) 5/18/13 @ 12:27 AM Picture
  14. I agree. The only way to do it currently is to drop a party bomb before activating it. MUST USE /SWING!!!
  15. What does being female have anything to do with anything? Other than seeking attention, that is.
  16. And this is the sad view of most. Why is World of Warcraft some pinnacle of defining MMOs? Why can't Bioware be different?
  17. Centurion and Battlemaster are no longer available and both were more difficult grinds than the current PvP armor sets. I don't understand your point. Why does Bioware have to conform to "the nature of MMOs"? And what makes titles immune to the "progression of things"? Your titles will also be obtained by level 55s, will they not?
  18. When I saw that Dreadguard armor will drop in HM operations, it upset me. This really belittles the achievements of those who reached the honor of having the more difficult-to-obtain Dreadguard pieces. (For the incoming trolls, I do not have a single piece.) However, I realized that this had to take place for gear progression to continue for those who will remain at 50 (without the expansion). But how about the more cosmetic things...? For some, the Aratech Coral and Aratech Nightscythe are a great accomplishment. As of right now, this accomplishment will be squashed by the expansion. Level 55s are reporting that operations are being cleared with as little as 3 people at level 55. This completely destroys the level of accomplishment that these speeders currently represent. The few that have gotten to the more pinnacles of PvE content have the Avalanche Heavy Tank and the even more elusive Praxon Bloodline/Firaxa. However, once this content is being cleared with 55s aboard, these speeders will become far more common and carry a far less sense of respect. The players who have obtained these vehicles are most often those who have spent the time and subscription money to down the more difficult content. Accomplishment speeders have been removed from the game in the past, such as the PvP-obtained Korrealis Prince and Sovereign, or the PvE Korrealis Baron. This also goes with PvP armor, as previous sets have been removed as well. Are you going to leave in the Aratech missions, as green quality missions for a 55 to absolutely demolish? Are you going to leave in the Tank and Praxon speeders, for anyone to obtain with such ease? It is as simple as removing them as you did with the Korrealis mounts. My final question to Bioware is this: Do you respect your current players enough to preserve these indicators of accomplishment and DEDICATION of players to your game? Please consider your more loyal players.
  19. Why am I the only one starting a thread on how the Cartel packs found in the Cartel Market are killing the prices of RARE crafting items? I can see the in-game economy beginning to falter. I do realize there is a boom of these items coming from previous subscriber benefits... however, I can barely see the prices returning to previous prices. I.E.: Self-perpetuating powercells are now 300 EACH on my server. Hell, Electrum (a grade 5 REGULAR crafting material) costs 3 times as much. This is just wrong. There should have been exclusively XP boosts, or perhaps random quality green/blue items as part of the pack... now Bioware is just trivializing trash on end-game content more. They were RARE for a reason... Opinions?
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