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Everything posted by CaptBlanc

  1. Oops! Perhaps I should have said that, if I did NOT mention a aspect of the game in my original post, I am fairly happy with those bits. Not to say that the "Dialouge-Wheel, Mass-Effect style" story stuff is bad. No, not at all. THAT was the one bit I really liked, and I have a fairly good idea of the expense and trouble they went through to put the voices in, as I am a professional voice-actor, myself. Kudos and applause for that, I say. But I don't subscribe to the "Well all MMO's do it this way, so no use trying to do it better and we gamers need to just suck it up and pay for something we don't care for." style of consumerisim. And, yes...I admit that folks may have a point in that MMO play is not the game for me, as I vastly prefer problem-solving and actual skill styled games to the "Click-to-Win" MMO format. I was merely hoping, what with this being a newer game based off of Star Wars, and made by Bio-Ware, to boot, that it would have been something superb. I loved my Smuggler's story...but I got tired of chewing through endless hours of NPC shooting that required me to merely show up and press my attack buttons just to see that. I lived for the cut-scenes. To sum THAT bit up....if players call it "Grind"..thereby implying that it's a boring task...WHY would you do that in your valuable leisure-time, instead of doing something fun and engaging? And why would a game company not choose to make a fun game, instead of another "grind-fest" just like the last one? Heck, I was happy that there were spaceships!...It's Star Wars, correct? However, all the missions are exactly the same, no matter what class you play or what side you are on. And, that aside, you can't really DO anything in the space missions, just move around the screen a bit and "Space-Bar-Barrel-Roll" occasionally. No, taking buddies along to man the guns while you fly, no other Player ships at all...ect. I intend to keep an eye on the games advertising from time-to-time, to see if they change or add anything nice, so that I may want to return, but I won't get my hopes up. But I can't truthfully say I hated EVERYTHING about it. No. Of course not.
  2. I am a bit dissapointed with the structure of the game, and I re-post my "Exit Survey" here to share with the SWTOR community: "Sadly, the game has no thinking or tactics in the gameplay...just automatic-clicking-and-winning. Spaceship-related content is so thin as to not make any impact on game enjoyment. ("Rail-Shooter") and, most importantly, the whole game experience is VERY linear. I tried several character types and the "gameplay" was the same in every one, no exploration is possible as the planets are all level-zoned....many in-game items are only used once the character is level 50, but I cannot "grind" through the boring, repetitive play untill that level. (I need to be entertained while playing a game, not bored to death!) Most missions are just "go kill 30 guys and click five objects" ... dull. Dull...deadly dull! Very unlike "Star Wars"...however the graphics and music were nice and well done. I think that the "Level Based" game system is a very quick-and-dirty way to handle a game. Kind of primitive. And makes some of the content feel rather silly. (What exactly is a Level 40 Taun-Taun??!!?) Heh. Also, the game encourages you to group, then makes that difficult by eliminating any experience gain if the level difference between characters is more than two levels. So I soloed almost all the time. As there is no benefit from gaining levels, (The gameplay remains the same, only with bigger numbers. So each combat runs the same length and way. With no reward for defeating lower leveled NPC's only equal level. - And higher leveled ones are immune to your damage.) It underlines the lack-luster game design. Plus, the game is ONLY about combat. Even the nifty dialouge-scenes are just a set-up to a grindy-shootout. I wanted my smuggler to be able to acutally...SMUGGLE stuff or trade cargo goods...but that cannot happen." ..It seems to me that this game represents a missed chance for Bio-Ware and EA to create a game that stands out from the crowd. I can think of many, many improvements for this game, but alas...they would all involve re-designing the core game system, and I don't think THAT is going to happen. My buddies who joined up, also have quit, even earlier than I did...for much the same reasons. The last bit for me was "Bounty Hunter Week"....I had been excited as I'd created a BH the week before. But the mission(s) were simple "Go click on a guy several times, earning "Investigation Points" without even a dialouge wheel to make it slightly interesting....then go summon the fugitive at the set point and shoot him till I can carbonite-freeze him." Bleah. (Aside from the fact that, in the SW universe, carbonite-freezing was a highly experimental trick that Vader was hoping to use to capture Luke with, and as he was unsure that it would be effective or safe, he used Han as a test-subject, much to Boba Fetts worry...) Anyway..after discussing it with other players, hoping to see if it gets better at higher levels, but finding that it pretty much stays the same, but with bigger "numbers"... I just cancelled my sub as I can't bring myself to log in and play anymore. I was just thinking that this is the shortest time I have EVER played an MMO for. And wanted to know if this is average here. Your thoughts?
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