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Posts posted by ceickerman

  1. It's been brought up before and general consensus was that its way too far out lore wise. I guess it was said that Vader's stuff was based on ancient Sith war droids and in that case go ahead an implement something like an old Sith war droid just not Vader's stuff... makes no sense for something that does not exist in the game's time period to be in the game.
  2. /signed


    Took me a 5 minute google session to find the bugger before we even had legacies. Now if I need to respec I do go ahead and buy the perk. It's not that many credits and if it weren't for ops and priority mission terminals I wouldn't ever go to fleet.

  3. I level toons looking forward to getting into that flashpoint, problem is I outlevel it. I'd like to see it in Hard Mode so I don't have to stop playing old favorites. Maybe something like every flashpoint having a story mode while leveling then a level 50 HM and a level 55 HM excluding CZ flashpoints of course since story modes aren't even available until 55.


    I'm rambling. Time for bed.

  4. There are people I've done ops with and they just rubbed me the wrong way, made me not want to do anything with them in the future. Not bad enough that I they deserve reporting. Just people that are Level 55 trying to DPS in tank gear and thinking there's nothing wrong with that at all.
  5. I'd like to see a way to exclude items from my GTN searches.


    Example, if I'm searching for Adaptive Armor I'd like to be able to exclude the term "dancer" so that I don't get 30 pages of items that my male toon can't use.


    I realize there's the "Usable by" field but often it doesn't work or doesn't return any finds. Honestly, I'd trade "Usable by:" for the ability to exclude terms.

  6. You right it's not going to be popular. The reason being, is that people don't always have time required to spend hours completing an Op, so therefore just doing a weeklie helps then attain rewards. Look personally I wouldn't mind too much if a full run is needed. But, I do understand that it's simply a time issue and as much as you don't like it people require the option.


    You might not be able to do the op in one sitting but you could drop and come back later granted that you find a group that is at the same spot you are. The upside is that the group you just abandoned (hypothetically speaking of course) could still find someone willing to come in and help clear the op. If you lose 8 out of 16 and you've passed the weekly boss you have no choice but to hang it up.


    Perhaps have two separate weekly missions that split the mission rewards of the existing weekly.

  7. Raid experience is kind of hard to determine.. Let's just say that I haven't raided in this game.. But I have raided in WOW for almost 6 years.. How much raid experience do I have??


    Since when is WoW raid experience relevant to SWTOR? If you haven't done ops in SWTOR you have no experience.


    Crafting and role could be like another note aside from member or officer note since those fields have a pretty small amount of info that can be displayed. Shouldn't be a drop down menu since there are some (like my sin) that carry tank and DPS gear and have unlocked field respec so we can switch on the fly.

  8. I do enjoy tanking. It is a really fun role to play but my computer can't always handle it in end-game... all too often I'll not be able to see the boss I'm tanking. Can't (effectively) tank what you can't see. Although if you ask a group I was in with my jugg I must be the best tank ever... I couldn't see Soa in the last phase of EV HM so I couldn't hit or taunt him. and the DPS couldn't take agro from me IOT kite him under pillars.
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