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Posts posted by kiiltz

  1. I don't think it's gear as much as it is bolster. I've seen quite a few people in 208's out perform those in >242's and I myself queue in 178's. T1 and T2 just don't seem to do that well in my experience. I've also seen people in the 65 starting gear do pretty well dps wise.


    Of course none if it really comes close against real pvpers in BiS 248's and it's a bit hard to figure out with the disparity in skill level.

  2. The second paragraph of the quote from SajPL was complaining about cc's and included phase walk , which be a tank specific skill in 3.0. Tanks are not cranking out huge damage. Although I have won my share of pvp fights on my full assassin spec tank, it wasn't due to dps output. lol.


    Phase walk isn't tank specific...?

  3. Who said it was my favorite class? Just because it is in my sig? My first, main and favorite class is my sorc-who I admit is VERY op right now. So much for me defending my favorite class to death huh. I am just being rational, saying wait until the actual 3.0 comes out before casting stones.




    Mobility while channeling isn't OP? 75% speed boost for HDL isn't OP? That new heal (which can also be channeled while moving) isn't OP? If my mando had that now, I would be destroying things more than I already do.


    Those changes are really only gonna make a difference in ranked tbh.


    And lol "if my mando had that now". If every class had what they had in the new update now they would be "destroying things more than they already do".

  4. Juggs dps is one of the easiest classes to play atm especially if you spec Vengeance.


    Mara is pretty challenging due to its lack of dcd's comparatively and is arguably the hardest class to level.


    Sins, in my opinion are just in between, as you do need to watch your procs if you want to play the class correctly (notably Deception) and if you do, should easily be able to top the dps charts in mids, unless there's another Madness sorc out there that knows how to play.

  5. 1. At lower levels, no. Dark Resilience is 10x better as the 15% bonus to Unnatural Preservation will get you out of a lot of tight spots (especially if used with Recklessness). Having lower health spent by Consumption is critical too as that is an ability you have to use often.


    2. Power is good but stats are negligible in sub-55s. Bolster is your friend.


    3. Yes


    4. Yes it's good to put Static Barrier ~10 secs on everyone before the game starts. With Arena's it's a bit different as teams can wait a full minute before they engage. What you need is to have a "feel" of the game so know when to use your barriers just before combat begins. Staying near an object you can LoS the other team also helps but realistically, until you get Force Barrier, you're going to be relying on your teammates to stay alive (snipers, barring tanks, are a healers best friend).

  6. That's incredibly not safe; actually.


    Say you kill all the players in mid and get orbs then go about your plan, while 2 or 3 enemy players meanwhile took your pylon. Do you know what happens next? You get a zerg of them one by one after respawning and coming down, all they have to do is int erupt your cap. You can hope the gates keeping them int he spawn area favor you, but you cannot count on it and at the same time; what if that initial 2 or 3 were stealth? They can take turns occupying you for more than enough time, then hide and wait when their non stealth teammates come fight for the interrupt and refresh their stealth CDs.


    The only thing I'd be worried about is if a healer/tank combo went straight to my pylon. Capping takes 6 seconds (the amount of time it takes to get there from spawn btw) and you're in team full of bads if 5-7 people (depending on the amount trying to cap) can't CC for that amount of time


    It takes a really well organised team to hold the enemies pylon, let alone two, from the start of a round and there's a reason why people only like it when stealthers go for the enemy pylon with less than 30 seconds left.

  7. Thread title says it all. I'm completely new to Ranked (Regstar woo!) and any tips would be most helpful, against specific AC's, different team make ups, what to do on specific maps, etc.


    All my gear is augmented (156 Skill augments) and all my Relics, Implants Earpiece are Brutalizers (MS + Power, Enforcer MK-1's and Professional respectively). Both my Main Hand and Off Hand and my Headpiece are full Brut too with the rest of my gear all Obroan (so I do have full Expertise in case you were wondering ;P). And of course I'm using stims. As for the set bonuses I have the one that gives you more Damage Absorption and longer Evasion time.

  8. What is the best rotation to open with from stealth? Is there some skill we shouldn't really use?


    From Stealth?


    Recklessness > Spike > Maul > Shock > Low Cut > Maul > Electrocute > Maul/Assassinate/Shock


    is the quickest way to kill someone or at least take a good chunk from their health

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