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Everything posted by Keiana

  1. Yeah moved servers!!! Under the name G'høst My mumble should still be up or pm ur info
  2. If I get to Kill Pinnaples Im In!!!! G'høst - Sith Assassin http://www.swtor.com:
  3. Yeah we are still recruiting been having some issues getting into forums so sorry for late reply just /who and give some one ur toon name an officer will get ya setup
  4. We would welcome him but have no issues if he heals you on pubside we all have alts there as well.
  5. Yes we are always open to pvper's we don't mind taking people just returning or still leveling everyone starts somewhere and we feel you build a better sense of a group composition when you can help some one gear at 55 or simply doing t1 and t2 you build a trust in that person that when geared becomes someone you can rely on. Feel free to use /who blur or contact and one of the officers listed in the above posts.
  6. You can contact anyone in guild there is usually an officer online and we can get you setup with a guild invite just do /who Blur because we all have several characters. You can Feel free to Contact Kachina, Diplodocus, or Hugsalot
  7. Sorry for the late reply you can pst anyone in the guild by using /who Blur and we can get you setup
  8. Blur is Recruiting Level 55 pvper's to fill out are ranks. Looking to get a PT or Jugg Tank for premade and ranked.Guild was formed slightly before the end of season 1 and is looking to grow. http://blurpvp.guildlaunch.com/
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