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Everything posted by Suicidal-Stoner

  1. Hello everyone, I have recently submitted a ticket to the CS (Customer Service) Staff regarding the addition of a Legacy Bank (to store Credits rather than mailing from one toon to another) below is part of the response I received and the reason for this new thread. The search system mentioned would be extremely handy and has my backing 100% hands down. I would love to see the feature added in the near future. Now to the subject at hand, the whole mailing credits to characters through the "Mailbox" should be removed completely and replaced with Legacy Cargo Bank, however still keeping the Creds on Delivery feature and NPC mail respectively. I do not want the Mailing feature completely removed, just the option to send items and credits via Mailbox. Lets weigh up the Pro's and Con's shall we? Pro's It will reduce the number of "Credit Farmers" and gen chat spammers. I have deleted hundreds of in game mail over the last 5ish years (roughly) from Farmers and Sellers. Honesty it's borderline harassment and I don't appreciate it. These players are abusing Mailbox privileges and has to end… It will encourage all players to utilise the cartel market and invest their money wisely. Being a reduction in credit sellers, what other options will there be other than supporting the Cartel Market, in saying that it will allow developers to introduce a more secure and reliable way of purchasing credits, perhaps buying credits directly through the Cartel Market. It will improve the current economy. This is hard to explain so I’ll try to simplify. Having less "poor" toons will increase the buying and selling rate of cartel items, lowering prices of items is guaranteed to increasing sales from both the cartel market and GTN. It will increase the overall "worth" of player’s accounts and will deter players from exploitation of bugs. If you have spent a substantial amount of money on your account or you have rare items that you like to resell, you will be deterred from exploiting bugs and/or other disreputable behaviour. Now let’s go Cons (there is always Cons) Credit Farmers will suffer a decline is sales No big loss for me I honestly can’t care less, just thought i would mention it for the lulz. The people that have been using the current mail system for its intended purpose (or to send credits rather than the “Trade” tool) will miss out. Theoretically The addition of a Legacy Cred Bank will resolve this issue. You will have to travel or change instances to "Trade" another player and also ensure that they are online prior to trading. Self-explanatory if you use the Toon 2 Toon trade system, other than the COD this will be the only way to trade items and credits to other non-legacy toons. Purchase of Credits will be more difficult. Possible solution, WoW scrubs now sell Credits though their store, the Cartel Market can be utilised for the same purpose. That is all the Con's I am able to think of at this time (beside some transitional Cons that should be expected) if anyone in the community can think of any other Pro's and Con's I welcome you to post them below. Devs - I am offering feedback and encourage you all to share your thoughts and concerns on this post, I appreciate any constructive criticism that is offered. I believe that engaging more with the community will beneficial to the overall atmosphere of the forums and community. Credit Farmers - I don't want to destroy your business, however I don't take kindly to the spam and harassment to use your services. I will offer some advice nonetheless, perhaps sell Items rather than Credits and re-invest profits into the Cartel Market, this will in turn also improve the economy and increase business. Trolls - I'm not beyond reporting and will not hesitate to do so and I am sure you would not appreciate a banned Sub account lol… Just quickly, people believe this may cause some issues with the credit escrows and F2P etc. The esrow if i am not mistaken is only an inventory unlock / Toon credits so it won't effect the Guild Bank or Legacy Bank. Theoretically you can save large amounts of credit in your Legacy Cargo/ GB, however you can only spend up to 350k due to the fact that you cant make purchases through your Cargo Bay's. Again I encourage everyone to get involved and voice your opinions, if my suggestions are well received I will repost this on Social Media to gather further support. #JustSubscribe Warm regards,
  2. This coding issue can be fixed by giving each "Legacy Tab" the ability to store their own credits respectively, for example: If Legacy Tab 1 is full of Credits, you can start a new stockpile of credits in another Legacy Tab. Basically add separate code to each tab eliminating overflow. #Logic @Mubrak that is the intended purpose of the regular "Inventory" system, so the lazy bums will still miss out. Regards,
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