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Posts posted by Xena_Shepard

  1. Even though I'm an Operative/Sniper/Mercenary/Powertech/Sorcerer I grab the huttball and refuse to pass it to the Juggernaut/Marauder/Assassin who is clearly open in front of me and could easily score a goal. I'll die valiantly trying to score the goal myself, and be the hero of the team!


    Nobody will ever come to this door/turret I'm defending by myself, it'll be OK to look at Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit for just a second.


    There's a guy capping that node/door right in front of me in the heat of a large melee, surely someone else will stop him, I'll keep chasing this Operative/Scoundrel healer I can't put a dent in.

  2. This happens to me constantly and I've stopped playing (only getting my dailies done) until it's fixed...


    It's not only the frustration of losing just because you're one (or two) person short, but also the fact that if you win, how do you know it's not because the other team had one less as well? It makes both outcomes just as unsatisfying...

  3. As far as I know, the expertise soft cap is 1200. As far as main stat over power (or vice versa) it's very class (and even spec) dependent, and I don't know enough about carnage marauders to comment. All I know is that on my hybrid Assassin, when I switched out all of my power augments for resolve augments I only lost 5.6 bonus damage but gained 1.64% crit. That was worth it to me.


    EDIT: Honestly, if you aren't using an orange moddable belt and bracers with PvE armorings and PvP mods, you should be. A lot of excellent PvPers I know run with less than 1200 expertise (ranging from 1150~1180). I do that, but still run with over 1200 expertise.

  4. I'm fairly sure the OP is just being a troll here...


    Nevertheless, there have only been a handful of instances where I'd say I saw a legitimate exploit/hack occurring. They're far from "common" but they happen...

  5. Warzones have (for the most part) become nothing but a Slot Machine; you pull the lever, cross your fingers and then as the queue finally pops it's determined if you win or lose--all before the game has even begun.


    There are only 3 possibilities when queuing for a warzone now:

    1) WH wearing premades vs Fresh 50s in Recruit gear

    2) WH wearing premades vs WH wearing premades

    3) Fresh 50s in Recruit gear vs Fresh 50s in Recruit gear


    The first possibility happens about 90% of the time (with the other two comprising the other 10%). 90% of the time I queue up for a warzone the outcome is already decided before the game starts and is determined simply by which team has the better gear. The difference in stats between augmented War Hero and Recruit gear completely trumps any difference in skill between the players & teams. 90% of the warzones are decided by gear and not skill. This is not fun.


    In response to the inevitable accusations that this is merely crying on my part because I'm a fresh 50 in Recruit gear with no clue how to play and no guildies to make premade groups with, I say, it's not fun on either side of the equation. When I queue up with guildies in a premade and we face a team of fresh 50s in Recruit gear, we faceroll over them--it's boring and doesn't require any skill. This is not fun for the losers--this is not fun for the winners.


    There are a few steps BW could take to fix this (though I doubt they will):

    - Decrease the huge stat difference between War Hero and Recruit. It's ridiculous. If you want to grind pvp to obtain better gear, that's fine, but decrease the stat difference so it's not so absurdly huge.

    - Match equal geared teams. Disallow players to change gear during a match, and then match teams based upon gear ratings.


    In short, if BW has any interest in improving PVP they need to make it less a slot machine where the outcome is based upon gear, and instead a competition between two equally matched teams where teamwork and skill will be the sole criteria of who wins and who loses.


    Problem with this is that if the stat difference were to decrease substantially it would be less desirable to grind out for it. People want rewards equal to or greater than the time invested in obtaining them, and a pittance +1/+2 stat increase are not worth the grind (exactly why the new Elite War Hero gear is an absolute joke that will only be obtained because there's nothing else to do with the comms when you're min/maxed War Hero already)

  6. People need to be paired based on gear level and skill, Valour doesn't prove either of those. The well geared players need an incentive to play together, if people actually started playing Ranked Warzones competitively, then they would start to get paired with other teams with similar ratings. Problem solved.


    However that will never happen unless Bioware makes WH gear easier to obtain. People aren't going to put up with the grind, not that they face in Normal Warzones currently. Hell people have not put up with the grind and left already.


    Surprisingly enough I have to agree with this...


    Some of the worst players I've ever see were Conquerors in full War Hero.


    A guy on my server has a Conqueror imp toon and an Elite Warlord pub toon and he's one of the worst healers I've ever seen. Great player. Horrible healer.

  7. I'm not interested in improving, so I choose quit.


    And I will post where and how I want as long as I am able to - the $15 I paid last month entitles me to that.


    Now, while we clearly are on opposite sides of the discussion, we want the same thing: to be in an environment where we are playing with our peers... you want to play with other skilled elite players in organized groups, I want to play with morons like myself.


    (I would be happy to be able to turn off XP gains so I could play in 1-49 bracket in perpetuity.)


    I dont want to impede on your enjoyment of the game in the slightest - you pay to play just like I do (did), you have every right to enjoy your time playing...


    Unless of course, you are saying that your fun comes from farming idiots for commendations... in which case that's not really fun for the people you are farming.


    It's erroneous to imply we "farm" people for comms. It is not our fault that other bad players queue up for warzones. I thoroughly enjoy playing against other good players and good teams and me and my friends routinely stomp them. Of course there are times where the other team is better.


    And chaotic warzones may be fun for you, but for people who enjoy winning (like me) it's not. In fact, it's that 'death match' style attitude that usually loses games. I often feel people who enjoy that kind of garbage should go back to CoD/BF where they belong.

  8. But winning with 6~7 people is so much fun :p


    Even had a Novare Coast with 6 people, and 1 had never PvPed before, so might as well have been 5.


    But on a more serious note, me and my friends have a policy now where (if we're grouped together) we leave a warzone if an 8th person doesn't join before the game starts. And don't call us baddie leavers, 'cause we announce it in chat that we'll leave if an 8th doesn't appear.

  9. I am neither intelligent nor skilled, but I happen to enjoy PvP, and I am perfectly content to pay $15 a month to play with other ******* like myself on the short bus. I am certainly not willing to pay $15 a month be a Commendation vending machine for organized groups.


    If I am the only person out of the current >500k subscribers who is stopping pvp, cancelling their sub and just playing through the single player stories once F2P hits, then Bioware doesnt have a problem, and the game should continue to be healthy for quite a while. But, there is a possibility that I am not the only one in this position.


    It's up to Bioware to decide what is better for the game, and ultimately, their jobs.


    Maybe they plan on making Join as Group only available to paying members and Solo queing will be the only option for the F2P. Thats certainly an incentive to keep the organized forking over their cash every month.


    Then just don't PvP. That's what I say to all players who can't grasp basic concepts such as proper defense and communication. I pay $15 a month just like you, and you are ruining my sole experience with the game.


    So either improve or quit. Just don't cry on the forums asking for my only way to have fun to be nerfed. I know from first hand experience that good players quit when they're forced to play with horrible players long enough.

  10. I feel that BioWare should have put the Mk-2 gear in as a new, free gear quest like the last one. Only this time, no credit token. Then nobody would have any excuse or reason for not having on at least base PvP gear except for being completely terrible at the game and just bad people overall.
  11. I will whole heartedly support the OP.... Just as soon as BioWare introduces a "I want to play with people Valor 70+" or "I want to play with people that didn't have their brains replaced by a rotting potato" option...


    But seriously, I don't run premades. I group with four of my buddies so we can have fun together/get our dailies done. Premades are people who are well geared and run good group composition every time in regular PvP, and I find those people reprehensible. My four-man groups can range from having no healers, to having two, to having half the team in almost full War Hero, or three are under-geared alts.


    But most importantly, we group because we're sick and tired of the baddies. The ones who never call out. The ones who can't watch a door they're sitting on top of. The ones that can't focus the nice, big marked healer. The ones who can't stop a Novare Coast capper right in front of their face. The ones who walk through the fire with the huttball in a 1-1 match with 10 seconds left (Yes, I watched this happen right in front of me...). We play together because we're sick and tired of getting stuck with braindead invalids.


    I always find it amusing that the people who cry the loudest (not necessarily the OP) about this sort of thing are also the very reason us intelligent/skilled players run with groups in the first place.


    As soon as BioWare can fix the general stupidity of the PvP population, I will not only sign, but write up a petition for the OP's message.

  12. I would have had quite a significant loss if i 'upgraded' mine, in the end i just bought it and took the mod out to stick in something else.




    I looked at the new EWH weapons last night and came to about the same conclusion. I guess I'll keep the barrel...


    I reckon the design process for most of the War Hero pieces actually went like this:


    • Step 1: Acquire a large hat, and place upside down on a table
    • Step 2: Make hundreds of printouts of all possible stats, favouring the good ones like Accuracy
    • Step 3: Carefully place all these printouts in the upside-down hat
    • Step 4 (very important): Get roaring drunk. Alternatively you need access to a pet monkey of some kind.
    • Step 5: Pull stats from the hat, stick them on the various slots to make your new armour designs!
    • Step 6: Job's done. Sleep off massive hangover / return monkey to owner.
    • Step 7: Move on to the important stuff, like designing moods / facial expressions for characters in a game where 90% of the players run around with full-face helmets...


    While the above might sound a bit grumpy I'm just a little annoyed at the fact that when we finally do get new stuff it's just recoloured versions of existing gear, and/or very badly optimised.


    If BioWare actually played their own game they'd optimize things properly. But they don't, so they don't.

  13. No, you are not alone.


    I've always seen Powertechs as a melee range class, not a ranged class. Sometimes I like to troll people by rapid shotting them from a distance (which applies my dot) and then rail shotting them (which is also my very viable closing-in rotation when coupled with explosive dart).


    Honestly it's all, like you said, a bunch of QQ. People that relied on range as a Powertech were either dumb, not playing their class right, or both.

  14. Funnily enough, I have 3 of the (majorly) affected classes and thus can give optimal opinion :p


    Assassin(and by extension Sorcerer)!: The new overload is great. For a long time I've been upset that Inquisitors had the weakest knockback in the game. Sure, it was AOE, but it was also pitiful in range. This was compounded by the fact that Bounty Hunters/Snipers got AOE knockbacks with ridiculous range to them. Now overload actually has range! I highly approve of that particular change.


    The change to force speed was nothing really new to me. I was already spec'd as Darkness/Madness hybrid and already had a 20s force speed cooldown.


    Now, the Deception tree, however, is freakin' awesome! Before I went Darkness/Madness I played around with Deception but found it too squishy. It's pretty alright now! Increased damage output with more survivability makes it a great burst class, finally on-par with its cousin, the Concealment Operative. It still lacks the utility of my hybrid spec, however, and thus I will not stick with it.


    Powertech!: All I heard was people whining about their reduced range. From my view, though, I always saw them as the melee ranged class, so this change simply brought them in line with what I felt they always were. Not to mention they still have a lot of ranged abilities they can use: unload, explosive dart, rail shot, rapid shots. Not much else to say, as they weren't changed too much.


    (Smash)Juggernauts!: Smash Juggernauts have always been easy to play. These changes just made them even more easy mode. Spec'd properly I never run out of rage and put out even stupider damage than before. Not much else to say!


    And finally, a note on resolve!: I played many games yesterday and the day of the patch, and I have to say, what change? Honestly, I barely noticed a change in resolve, so there's really nothing to whine about...

  15. I don't know why these threads keep popping up. When all this happened to me, I came to the logical conclusion that BioWare can't patch anything without breaking everything else :o


    You should all know this by now...

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