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Everything posted by Macha

  1. nobody uses them? But that'll change (: Once they update the social armor to be moddable my sith marauder is gonna be wearing sand people armor and Jaesa is gonna be wearing the slave outfit.
  2. Anyone on krath server wanna team up with me to farm social points? I'm a level 33 sith marauder.
  3. I'm a powertech and I was wondering if setting Flame Burst as my first quickslot, so that it would be my default attack, would be useful. It seems like it could be a default attack with how it has the same cooldown time as default and its just a really quick attack. I was thinking maybe it wouldnt be useful beause of the heat it uses and the range, but I need an expert powertech person's opinion.
  4. Macha


    Is there any point in trying to fill out the codex? I am missing a couple from Korriban that I heard were bugged and impossible to get, and I've also tried getting all of Hutta's and the other planets and now i am wondering if there is even really a point in doing the codex. Do you get a reward for finishing or something?
  5. Lol my guy is darkside and I wanted a forbidden love thing going on so I had Jaesa go light side. Sucks you cant do it. It wouldve been more interesting to have a sith x jedi love story than sith x sith.
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