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Posts posted by valeita

  1. The story should have no affect on the core nature of the pvp server which IS pvp. If I wanted to focus on story I would just roll on a pve server.


    If you are so concerned with people not being able to finish the story - how is that different from any other planet? Why is this storyline so important to take away a core feature? Why Rishi and Yavin allow for pvp then? They are part of that story! It doesn't make any sense. Dead planet or not, what's red is dead.


    If you want to protect story players (which I see no point of) so damn much then just allow whoever wants to pvp to flag themselves and it fixes the problem. (And that's what pve servers are for, ever heard of them???? When you roll on a pvp server there is a giant box asking if you're sure and informing of the differences, so I really have no idea why some people just seem unable to understand basic English).


    And whoever thinks I just want to senselessly gank... I play on republic side of ToFN. Each time we are 2 against at least 8 people with companions out so yeah. So much ganking, so much fun.



    Well, the devs could have tried to take this opportunity to make "feeding the emperor" into a balancing mechanic -- like a "threat meter" that increases the spawn rate (hp, whatever) of Monoliths (or whatever) every time a character (or living mob) dies and slowly decays. Maybe unflag eveybody for a while if the threat gets too high.


    OFC, I would have liked some sort of reward for killing fewer mobs in the story line part (or increased difficulty with each kill). I'm not a big fan of flavor text.

    This would be a really nice idea, but knowing BW it'll never happen.

  2. What's the point of having a PVP server if the whole planet is a sanctuary? There is not even an option to flag yourself for PvP as it disappears as soon as you leave the landing zone base (not that it would make any sense on a PVP server, if i'd want to flag myself I'd would have rolled on a PVE Server anyway). It's the only area in the entire game that is shared by both faction and does not allow for PvP. What's the reason for that? Did you forget that PVP servers exist, after forgetting about Warzones a long time ago..?
  3. I am very happy to be able to solo the new content, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I love Rishi and Yavin and the SoR story arc, and I am enjoying it solo. I understand that SWTOR is an MMO, but it's also equally an RPG. The problem I face is that I can only play off-times, so finding a group can be really tough; all the new solo content makes that a non-issue. I don't doubt that there are many people who have to play solo because they can't commit to groups due to RL eventualities (wife, screaming baby, vomiting baby, pooping baby, vomiting wife); making the content soloable gives them an opportunity to participate in what they paid for, even if no group is available.


    mmm? I'm not asking to remove solo play. All of the game is soloable (besides ops, but that's obvious), what I'm asking is that it should be open for groups as well, not for solo players only. (And all quests before rishi are doable in a group so I have no clue what you're talking about.)

  4. So is all the new story content going to be solo only? Do you have any idea what MMO means? Obviosuly not at all.


    It's really frustrating that there is not a single instanced area on rishi, yavin or ziost that is doable as a group. It'd be fine if it was class story - actual class story (like the one mission on rishi) - but it's not, and don't try to tell me that it is only bacause you change one line of dialogue for each class when the rest stays the same, it's not.


    If you want this game to be single player than say it clearly. What's the point of calling it an MMO?


    ps. the Makeb storyline could be done together as group even in instanced areas, why you changed your mind about it?


    ps2. But I guess you're "evolving" since you allowed people to join others in personal phase to help them out your story is not going to progress, but at least you cna help someone that's stuck) because you couldn't even do that on rishi or yavin.

  5. Hey folks,


    Unfortunately, for the achievements that we addressed in 3.0.1, you will need to earn them again. It is our usual policy that when an achievement is bugged, that once fixed, we will not re-grant the achievement. This is typically due to it being difficult to isolate players who have earned the achievement versus those who haven't.


    As a side/related note, if you sold the Data Packets which you received from Grophets, you will need to earn those again as well.


    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.




    I hope you're kidding us right now. You're telling me that you don't have a backup of the archivements granted before the reset? O_o you can just compare those to the in game and fix the one that were granted back than and aren't now Easy. You don't even need to do any conflict resolution, simple replacement. If you don't have backup wake up, it's 2014 for god sake. Implement them NOW and grant them for everyone since it's your *********** fault.


    That's said I have no will to waste another 5M to get all the archivements for the event at all and will stop archivememt hunting from this point forward. Knowing that all the time spent on them is worthless since archivements can just magically vanish and you have no will to fix this wrong.


    Ps. A few months ago you bugged the bh daily archivements and those were regranted, why you aren't willing to do the same now? Is there any *********** reason?

  6. I apologize to everyone who was affected by this issue and unfortunately at this time we will be unable to regrant the lost rating that was caused by this issue.


    WHAT? How you expect people to queue for ranked after this? I have to suppose that if something like this happens again you will act in this same way. Not gonna bother.


    [ps. if it's some technical problem. State it clearly and explain in detail why it can't be done. This just shows zero respect for the player base whatsoever.

  7. Not a dig, but I wouldn't risk traveling if I were que'd ranked.


    I dunno, if you know this beforehand, seems logical not to risk it...


    Maybe that's just me.


    well depends, if ranked takes an hour to pop you'll be forced to load, unless you wanna die of boredom on fleet like everybody else.

  8. Guardception.


    Jugg A guards jugg B and jugg B guards jugg A.


    A takes 100 damage but 50 points of that goes to jugg B, but 25 points of that goes to jugg A, but 12 points of that goes to jugg B but 6 points of that goes to jugg A, but 3 points of that goes to jugg B, but 1 point of that goes to jugg A.


    That one point of damage hops back and forth between them - it can never go below 1 because all attacks that do damage will do at least 1 point of damage and it can never stop existing because guard machanics dictate that each one must take one-half of whatever damage is being dealt.


    They pop focused defense and every vanguard in the warzone suddenly explodes as they heal to full because vanguards are the new squish.


    post of the day xD

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