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    Los Angeles, CA
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    Game Design, Gaming, Music, Art, Engineering, and Politics
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    Senior Game Designer (not for this game or companies)
  1. So long as it's still easy to skip the landing/take-off scenes and so long as there's an option to remove the long hyperdrive, sure, why not? Once you've seen these things more than a couple of times, they become spacebar-hammer fodder. Yeah, I think being able to skip it is inline with what is already in place. Mostly because SWTOR is an ... MMO. Yeah... So I was highlighting the duplicity of the game. Adding Raids and dungeons is par for the course. What separates SWTOR is the story, and its very awesome and accommodating solo play. To explain POE or Diablo have elements mixed like this. POE it MMO HUB's with instanced gaming areas. So the end game could be stamped into a framework that could be iterated quickly. This is one of those debates for which there is no right answer, but... Back in the day there were separate PvP-oriented servers, but in the end they deaded-out, and the separation was removed in favour of a "PvP instance" on every shared planet. The emptiness of those PvP instances is a good indication how just how much people *aren't* interested in open-world PvP. I'm not saying that anyone's actively hostile to it (i.e. saying that it should be *removed*), but I'm like a lot of people: glad that I can go around questing without a gang of enemy-faction players coming along to whack me for taking a walk. So in Warhammer Online Uggh... There were open zones, like the one on Tattooine. They had, in WO, fortress or strongholds that could be taken by a faction. If a faction took hold of all the fortresses they would hold it for a time and that faction would gain a bonus. I see there are light and dark side points, but I don't see what we are "fighting for". These areas in WO were not in the way of general PvE areas, but close enough for convenience. Again not the best game to use as an example, but it is a good starting point to bring PvP back into the open world. But executing it, and avoiding the "griefing" is very possible. Because, right or wrong, that's what they built. (Equally, why are there only two factions in ArcheAge? Why are there three-and-not-two in the Secret World games? etc.) I was mainly refering to a rule in game design. Particualrly regarding Factions in an online game. 2 factions end up inbalanced and one side eventually dominate the other. In fact even faction numbers are typically frowned upon. Having 3 offsets that issue. Other games do chose the number for whatever reason, but mostly because of either being ignorant of this rule, or it does not apply due to other game design decisions. It doesn't apply to SWTOR because there is zero concequence to one faction dominating or losing to another faction. It also has no relevance because "morale" decisions are open to all factions and have little influence on the game world. Adding a 3rd faction would open the door for open PvP, see above. It would also allow for players to see a movement in the timeline, and experience the SW universe in a new way. You've essentially answered your own question on the "hidden" part. Hidden as in not necessary, not along the beaten path, and something that can be stumbled upon. Also that was an aside so people don't have to worry about missing something. Kewl! Thanks for the response.
  2. Hey guys and gals. Thought I’d chime in. With plenty of “If I had a Billion Dollars”. Oh, to dreamy dream. I started playing SWTOR around launch and after a few months I dropped it. I wasn’t really into it. I don’t totally remember why. I’m back though and I wanted to give some insight as to why. So I have had a love / hate relationship with Star Wars since Episode I. Not going to go down that road. Just saying is all. Last year (2019) I started reading the Bane trilogy. While I was watching Mando I decided to play KOTOR 1 & 2 again. In between Mando episodes I caught up on Rebels. See I had given up on Star Wars, until I realized. Consume what you like and forget the rest. Of course I wish it was all good, but that is simply impossible. No biggie. Anyways, here I am and it’s the holidays. Work is slowed down, and I thought.., don’t I own SWTOR? I should check it out. So I did. The Onslaught expansion was already going and I heard things had changed. Didn’t know exactly what, but that there were some changes. I got sucked in. I was hungry for Star Wars that I enjoyed. Or at least feel like I had some sway in. That is where I think the strength of this game lies. The companies involved: I don’t like either company. Both have let me down. EA well you do what you do. Bioware.., huh.., like an ex g/f that was perfect but.., ugh I just can’t go back. (fill in your own experience on that). Regardless they are both full of resources and people. Both of which can come together to make great things. And SWTOR is good. Very good. But I am here. Still playing. I have a few questions though… FYI: I do not in anyway expect any of this to be doable. Nor do I think there is enough of a player base to justify any real game changing additions/improvements. There would need to be a crazy effective marketing campaign and a huge cash injections. A TOR movie is being planned but that could be a curse more than a blessing. Though I sincerely hope for the best. Also so many of you have been playing this game for so much longer than me. Add or reason out any of this or none of it. Nothing new here at all. I would like to read others ideas though so feel free to link or move this post around to better organize these types of posts. REAL QUICK! When I hyperdrive to a planet, can the sequence last longer. I just think it would be kewl to see the hyperdrive tunnel effect. Feel like I am traveling somewhere. Also be kewl if there were more scenes of landing and taking off from locations. I could knit pick a bunch small stuff, but why...? I have played games for decades. Even remember having to patch games myself. A few quirks give a game character. Never fix the stiff arms bug. EVER! For the low low price of $999,999,999,999.99 Why isn’t the story more dense? A lot happens, but really not really. 2 quest lines per planet mainly. One for the class and one for the planet. The player story quest seems sparse. Especially around the “twist”. I like the extended story bits. Would like to see more of that. To VO everything must be a pain though. Nothing to envy there. Just seems like there could be a bit more meat to chew on along the way. Exploration quests are neat. Bonus objectives are very kewl, but I think a bit bland. Idk, just something seems off. Overall though what is there is more than most and the VO is just great. Why is the endgame so.., MMO-ish…? I totally get that aspect of adding dungeons and raids. However, a game that is so story heavy that just kinda ends is weird. I was hoping for, “Hey, go explore the galaxy and unlock the mysteries of the force, get a job you bum, do some warring, or spy on some peeps yo!. But there isn’t. It kinda just drones on and there aren’t any open areas that are smash fest. A Diablo/POE approach of having a few planets/biomes that are just item smash fests that have instances which scale to group/solo size would be sick. Like weird tech or force thing, stuff gets wacky, go in and stomp everything. Why aren’t all planets open to all factions? Yes, we are “at war”. But we aren’t. But we are. But we aren’t. So why can’t I visit any planet after a point. If not just to visit. But mostly to cause trouble. I would understand having to complete specific quests, but it just seems weird. It wouldn’t discourage players from playing the other faction. If done well it would further encourage it. Why are there only 2 factions? Republic, Empire, and Cartels. Reps/Imps: Soldiers/Troopers, Jedi/Sith, and Spies/Agents. Cartels: Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, and Pirates. More on this. As I see a fundamental flaw here. The rule of two only applies to sith and we are set thousands of years before that rule is implemented anyways. BANE!!!!!!! Why are saber styles locked to class? Why are weapon types locked to class? Abilities are already locked to weapon type. I am kewl with force users being limited to sabers and swords/staves. Also kewl with Non force peeps not being able to use sabers. But for a game where I am 75 long before the end of the class story, level seems to be a mook point. Which I really like. A lot! But why not have a 3rd line of quests to unlock proficiencies in all allowable weapons. Furthermore it would be nice to have “hidden” ability quests. The internet would make sure everyone could find them. Why aren’t all deconstructable items unlockable to be crafted? I have spent some time deconstructing all kinds of items. But I only seem to unlock a very finite list. Which is weird. Also why can’t I make empty items to add mods? So strange to me since it would make all items and appearances viable. Minus, A HUGE MINUS, to Cartel Market stuff. Which does, and should have the most unique to iconic items and looks. For an arm and a leg of course. Why isn’t there open war in some areas? Kinda contradicts going anywhere as any faction, but it also doesn’t. So here I go. Get ready to rave about this idea. Remember Warhammer Online? Yeah, I do too… UUUuuuuugh. BUT! I thought the fortress taking idea was kewl. Badly implemented. Also broke the rule only having 2 factions. Ahem, anyways, I enjoyed it. Something about smashing into an area and taking it for the faction and gaining a bonus was kewl. Just PvP mayhem. No real concern for balance or fairness. Just war in the open world. Maybe a walker or two. Slow and overpowered. With awkward controls… Oh wait, this isn’t Battlefield. My bad…. Why is space combat kinda good, kinda great, kinda bad…? More open areas. I mentioned this with the whole end game thing, but it would kewl for space battles too. I get the Star Fox on rails. I like it. I really like the starfighter game mode. I just kinda wish I could go off the rails and take out big ships and fighters and stations and space whales. Also be nice to mod my ship visually and mechanically. Get new frames in game or through the Cartel Market. That fundamental flaw. That prevails throughout all of Star Wars. It’s okay to bend and play with the tropes. Shhhhh… It’s okay. Everything will be okay. We are all adults here. Star Wars is fiction. The Original idea was a fluke. Yes, lightning in a bottle. Which is great. That sort of thing is very very rare. One man didn’t make the whole thing. And a super corporation can’t remake it. But we can move on. We can build and add to it. TEAM is key. Support is key. SWTOR is good. And that has been a rare thing when it comes to Star Wars.
  3. Hey guys! There are allot responses to this. AWESOME!! So yes there are fundamental differences in (Advanced) Classes, and I continue to level and those differences are obvious. But if I may. Changing between Jedi and Trooper would be silly. Changing between Class (advanced) BUILDS would not be. As an example there are a few games that do this, and one in particular that does it very well and is not f2p due to it's overall success. No, it is not the most inventive and no I will not name it. I am not going to plug another game. That is lamers and I dislike people who do that out of suspicion that they are Trolls for the game they are refering to. The original post here is a bit simple. ADVANCED classes merely diversify the base class by 2. SO you can be damage/heals, damage/tank. Watered down that is what you get. Of course there is ranged and melee. Then you pick one and you are set. It makes your roll simple and straight forward. It doesn't make playing that roll simple, just that you know generally what your purpose is in that grand sceme. What I was suggesting, and again this would never happen, is that the split and faction be removed. Skills/Abilities availablitity would be limited by Moral standing, Point allocation, and of course level. So instead of having static Advanced classes, you have a general overall class, and then a player customized build. Like I said there are games that do this, and a few that do it quite well. So break the limit and scope. Yes, I play those games, and no I will not stop playing this game. That would be counter productive for everyone. And I like Star Wars. ALLOT! As for changing classes, that is also silly. I merely stated changing Builds of a class. Is there a difference? Yes, I am not argueing that. I am exploiting that. To be able to change a BUILD would help suite the situation. Someone said people would play one class between certain levels, and they would then switch at later or other levels. That is again refering to the Advanced classes as a singular and whole package. I am saying BUILD within the entirety of the Class/Advanced. (hypothetical) I have a level "whatever" that is BUILT for ranged heals, but I want to sneak and do melee damage. Why? Because I do. If I create a new Build, save it, then activate it with those skills, boom I can play it and still be that CLASS. Also I have a new Build to fiddle with and refine while my original build is saved and ready when I want to go back to it. Just a different approach to it. Instances become more fluid as players can activate builds to compliment one another instead of a Dps who forgot to uncheck Tank and is really spec'ed more to damage, and that is all it can do. Instead it can activate a tank build and not lose the fun of doing dps when it wants to. Also making class stacking on a server virtually non exisistent. I actually do have a tank and heals for that reason. I get more Flashpoints in and I have a good time in PvP as everyone seems to be my bestest buddy. And these build slots could be sold in the Cartel Market to F2P'ers. EH! Not to shabby. That's all guys. Classes don't change. Their flexiblity and the overall player experience is expanded. I can argue all day that this makes sense across the board. So I am not arguing it or even arguing in the first place. What I am saying is how would you do it? If you wouldn't and like things as they are then ignore this post and I hope to heal or protect you in the near future. SNIP SNAP WAAAAH JEDI!!! SO calm down. Trolls say ridiculous things like, "Jedi should have lightsabers coming out of their ears. This game sucks!!" or "I don't like space combat so I am out here!!" Illogical and to behonest Space combat isn't what I hoped but it's there, and every seems to generally agree as to what they wish it was. ROGUE SQUADRON I misseth thee alloteth yee ththththth!!! No this post and the million before and after won't change a thing. So don't stress. General Discussion forums are for General Discussion. Stop defending the status quo and participate in open discussion. I am not trying to change the dev's minds. That would be like inviting a Rancor to a tea party and expecting a pleasant afternoon. Peace and Love F
  4. I am sorry you are having such problems. Design a game someday. I am not being sarcastic at all. It's fun and you seem to know what you want. Peace F
  5. Hey dude, I started playing SWTOR seriously, just a couple weeks ago. I never played beyond the first few levels prior to this, but I had the Star Wars itch and decided to finally sub. I now have a couple mid level toons and I am wondering the same thing. There seem to be no reason for it. Infact I am at a loss as to why a player cannot simply pick and choose what abilities they want to focus on from all of their respective advanced classes. If there is was a legitimate Action Bar and Passive Bonus Limit it would work perfectly. The differences between the base classes is not obvious either. From say Warriors/Magicians as an example. I am not sure why there are classes in the first place outside of Soldier, Force, and Stealth. I honestly think it is simply a way to fill space. If you think about it those 3 classes could be leveled with every skill for that class in the game, and with a limit of 2 or 3 hotbars and you have a very flexible system. Not to mension a much longer and more involved character creation as you played through the game. It would also fill the story just fine. A Smuggler does not take sides like the Bounty Hunter unless they chose to, and what motivates them determines their alignment. Same with Force and Soldier. A player could chose to start on a planet that leans towards one side or the other, but after that their actions and choices determine the final outcome. Further more builds could be saved and activated outside of combat at anytime. So a player could focus on a play style but have the option to also focus on other styles available. So in essence you could do everything, but to balance you couldn't do it all at once. To take it a step further, I see no reason to have to chose a side at character creation. Of course there is a war, but a player could spend time chosing for themselves what they want to do and who they want to fight for. As their alignment started to shift in direction or another the abilities they have available would change and focus. The factions would also start opening or closing options to the player as they progressed. That would mean you start as a Soldier and could move to either a Republic trooper, Imperial Trooper, or go the Soldier of Forture route and play as a Bounty Hunter. All the base classes could easily have been given this workover. However it is more comfortable and traditional to have these "advanced" classes. The story would not have to change much either. the starting areas would have to be either revamped or a whole new set of areas created until the player decided who they initially wanted to work for. From a business perspective this would be awesome. 2 character slots for F2P would be sufficient, but would temp free to play peeps to add more since there would be only a few more slots needed to cover an entire side without really covering all the possibities. Keep the carrot close and juicy and they will bite. The issue for me is just my own preference in character developement and creation. I like to feel in control and as if I have a choice. That is not available in any form here. The Moral system makes no sense if I am stuck with either Empire or Republic right off the bat. There is also no way to play neutral and actually shun taking any side of the war. Good minded players would do so to avoid taking any real side, as both are self absorbed and destructive. Evil would do so as an opportunist knowing both sides will simply destroy eachother and become vulnerable. Neutral would be on the fence where Moraly/Professionally there would be no side taken, but logically it would be the most solid in the basics but have no real advanced capabilities. To argue the "war excuse", it is the people on the fence that make the difference. This was where the Rebels defeated the Empire in the orginal and sacred episodes 4 - 6. But also this could open a door to players recruiting players. Cartel points could be used to unlock these missions for F2P and give bonuses for Subbed Players. It would also open up more items for customization and even new companions. The possibilities are endless for both the standard and Cartel markets. To push this idea I think this would make guilds so much more important. And the planets would be under more chaos as players would work anywhere and "duels" would have consequences. Guilds could war openly in given areas and their alignment would give credit to one side or the next. What about the theoretical neutrals? Recuit mercenary Guilds for a fee to give your side the advantage. But beware as your guild could be double crossed. On top of that Neutrals could be hired by players on either side to grab "intel" or "resources". Intel would open up crazy quests, and resources could be used to advance crafting and even items available at vendors. This is all back and forth. Neutrals are not loved or trusted completely by either side, so if they were picked on or harassed by one side, they could ask for help from the other. For a price of course. And of course there could be a tracking system implemented on Most Wanted or even if a Neutral worked to much for one side they would have to do allot to get jobs from the other side. I don't know everything of course. Far from it. Play with it guys. It can't hurt. If you agree or not it is a game in and of itself to play the "what if" card. Let's have some fun. Now, will this happen? Not likely. As I said I am new and I have little time invested in the game. There are people who have spent a year+ building and tweaking their maxed toons. I respect that as I have done this many times over on other titles. Though I think this change would actually benefit them the most with extended end game and new tweeks. I love tweaking. (no pun intended) I truly like this game and Star Wars. There are a million ways to go about such a rich title. I always hope the best for it. I don't want to ever hear that this game will shut down or even be a burden for Bioware. (sorry EA but you guys are huge and should be doing just fine) I want to help and I hope this is read and met with constuctive thought. I did not cover half of what I got in this melon of a head I have. But this post is ridiculous. So I am going to stop. I promise. I am stopping. See I have stopped. Just now. Peace and Love, F
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