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Everything posted by klonkimo

  1. BTW...i posted because Mclovin is a <HS> officer and runs and talks PVP all day like he's good at it, and consistently drags us down. He got carried this warzone and it showed. It was a face roll civil...in all honesty we probably killed everything before he had a chance to click his attacks from the abilities tab. Because there were none. It's mclovin, he only knows how to run arsenal. I would include it if it was relevant, was just trying to alleviate everyone's eyes. Hey...i node guard on my sin all the time. Like...every time I play him.
  2. Top 5 Merc for sure http://i.imgur.com/YKZTiS3.jpg
  3. Most of them are leaving...why would you come here to pvp
  4. If you see a "kenny" toon in lowbies, you best believe he's min/maxed and augmented out with the matrix cube. I only superQ lowbies though, given that my team has 'nades and medpacs. Respectfully, Tryhard #1
  5. what the **** is that
  6. I miss this. Wonder when he comes back.
  7. Stop bumping your own thread. Kind of annoying but nice job on the idea, I like it and approve. We do the same thing, our mumble isn't really locked.
  8. Thanks for bumping this thread two weeks late! Who's the loser now?
  9. Seriously. 4v6? This isn't reasonable nor fun. This is yet another example of Bioware not doing their homework regarding PVP queues. http://i.imgur.com/l18ERIl.jpg I've been playing this game since March 2012, and I'm seriously considering other alternatives because PVP is broken. Bolster is ********. There are glitches that still exist since PTS 2.0, and they neither have identified them nor fixed them, months (read: MONTHS) later. Bolster already has a thread. PVP'ers deserve a battlefield that has a warzone that is based on skill, but has that 15% buff towards hardcore pvp'ers as promised from the devs. They don't do their homework, and it shows when they patch the money making cartel market more than they investigate glitches from the game and patch said glitches. They are all about money. If they really wanted a profit, they'd go viral; however no one will go viral with the game play in this game. First; Cross server RWZ queues need to happen. It's been far too long. The technology has to be there. This is 2013. People don't want to face the same dominant guild over, and over. Second...why are we still in Preseason 1? Was this planned to be this long? Third; rely on viral concession that this game is awesome. They are reliant on teh Star War franchise: however that kind of loyalty to a brand name will not last long. Imagine that a franchise like McDonalds (or name your favorite food place) decided that they would blatantly disregard their customers complaints for a pay for flavor content. Not a fair comparison, but you get what I'm getting at. This won't last. It will fall like all of the other MMO's will, if they don't change their direction. Graphics alone won't save them. Having the newest skin on the latest Czerka speeder won't save them. A new, re-imagined color to your saber or blaster will not save them (especially when Artifice can't craft those colors at top tier). PVP is broken. I had plenty of fun once TFB ran out of fun....and that will happen in any game. Give me new Operations, and I'll be happy. Until then, warzones is where I prove I'm better than other people. If the battlefield isn't fair or balanced, then why am I here? It simply does not make sense.
  10. #5 Operative Big Heal @ 9140 Missed the HPS #5 by 0.3 HPS...fail http://i.imgur.com/fvfHWZs.jpg
  11. Merc big hit http://i.imgur.com/k52Xi20.jpg
  12. We're sorry to inform you that Unicorn Stampede can no longer carry groups through 30-54 PVP on the Imperial faction due to new content being released by Bioware. We're aware of the negative impact to your gaming experience and are working diligently to restore service to semi-serviceable Imperial performance. BRB...queue pop
  13. Sorc Damage Taken #2 http://i.imgur.com/6SRQxAM.jpg
  14. Protection / Damage taken for meh jugg http://i.imgur.com/ttVnCaB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/f9CxQCu.jpg
  15. Now now Krack, lets not make this a rage thread. There are plenty of those on this forum.
  16. Yes, PVP is bad. That's why I made a guide.
  17. We're not making this about him....but that wasn't what he was going for.
  18. Interesting point of view Kayko. I like a lot of what you said, but I'm trying to keep this simple (target audience and all) and I'll see what I can incorporate into this.
  19. I covered kiting in the heals and RDPS section...face tanking would be the opposite of that. It's part of the game for DPS to go after healers, because...well we heal people. I wonder if there's a forum mod that could make this a sticky...
  20. I'm not trying to get to the one fool who has 10-12k in a 50 warzone...that doesn't warrant more than a tell on my part. What I'm saying is that in nearly every warzone, we have at least 2 14-16k guys. This is who I'm targeting. Yeah, they don't read the forums, yeah, I may be wasting my time. I also may not be. I've received half applause half civil critique so far, so it's not a terrible idea.
  21. Really? Hmm. Maybe I will amend then after I get the math. PJ...could you get the math for me? haha
  22. So I can't help but see all of the non-stop 14-16k nubs (sorry, by definition it's true) in our warzones constantly. I thought about making this thread as a "just quit queuing thread" but I thought that was out of class. So I offer my advice instead. Gearing If you haven't already, get your MK-2 Recruit gear from the PVP vendor. It's free. You need more expertise stat in order to PVP. Expertise boosts your damage, reduces your damage, and boosts your healing all in one handy stat. You need at least 1100 to be effective, but if you're just starting you need as much as you can muster. There are plenty of other threads out there regarding what you should do with your gear. I was helping a Juggernaut out yesterday that was in Tank form and spec, but had full Vindicator gear on (just did a weeks worth of warzone's to get that gear too). It's simple, look at the gear and see what set bonus best fits your class, and if you can't figure it out don't be afraid to ask. PVE specs are not the same as PVP specs. Typically, all the stuff you don't want in one, you need in the other. Noxxic.com is a decent starting point. Personally, about 40% of the specs I run are from Noxxic (known for some bad specs) 40% from friends, and 20% are my own brand of poison. Huttball: Pass the ball to the tanks. Make sure "Throw the Huttball" is on your bar. In my matches, I (and many others) mark the main tank so that you can find them in a pinch. Don't waste your CC breaker, you may need it to cross a fire trap. Learn to get ahead of the ball carrier, instead of trying to DPS the trail behind our ball carrier. If you kill one, two more are right around the corner. Stop...just please stop Whirlwind/Flashbang/Concussion Missile on their ball carrier. It's a horrible move that fills their resolve bar. There's this thing called a "fire pull" that you know nothing about, but it can't happen if you're needlessly filling their resolve bar. By all means, use your snares and roots, and hard stuns ONLY when they're on a fire trap; but throwing a Flashbang on a ball carrier is the worst move you could possibly do. The air jump is more of a trap or a emergency kite, instead of a viable path to try and get on top. Don't give their ball carrier a jump target. Snipers are okay since they can't be leapt to, but Merc/Sorc DPS shouldn't be trying to DPS their ball carrier from above unless they're trying to control mid. If you're not doing anything, or can't help kill their ball carrier, control mid. If we have the ball, get ahead for a possible pass, intercede, or friendly ball carrier pull. An acid pull is a wasted pull. Use fire pulls instead if you're a Powertech or Sin. Civil War/Novare/Voidstar Node Guarding: Leave the stealther to guard the node. Just because you're 14k undergeared non stealther doesn't mean you're not needed elsewhere. Let the better node guard solo guard, unless it's clear that he can't handle it alone. If you're a 14k Sin/Operative DPS, do your duty and guard a node. However, don't get NEAR the node because you will get CC capped very easily; or you will be owned by a legit shadow or marauder and you won't have a chance. They love solo kills. Your strength is that they can't find you. Mind trap them and call for help. Ancient Hypergate: If you're a non stealther, don't guard a node unless you have help. Two 14k's are acceptable to guard, but if you are a 14k Sin/Operative you can solo guard. If you're stealth, don't be near the node. Same principle as above. Hypergate has a 6 second cast time, so it's MUCH easier to be CC capped. If you're found in stealth, blackout and call for help immediately. You're already in trouble. Kill points > Orbs. If there's a fight in mid, do some DPS, tank, heal, whatever you do. Just don't ignore the fight for 5 extra points. Use your judgement, because orbs are valuable, but killing people is also valuable and you may be the key to keeping control of middle. If you aren't a stealther, or aren't excellent at solo'ing people...don't go to wherever their node is. All you're doing is feeding them kills. If you're the only one in mid...you're about to give them free points. It only takes one person to cap. If you're also capping, you're wasting everyone's time. Voidstar: Get a strategy and try and stick with it. On offense, if you're a stealther, they're expecting you. Everyone thinks their a ninja. 8/0 is legit, 4/4 is semi legit, 5/3 is legit...just get a plan and stick with it. If you're on offense and a teammate is trying to stealth cap, the worst thing you could do is to draw attention to him by going to him with 3 people right behind you. It only takes one to cap. Save your CC's on offense for people respawning; someone is probably capping already. On offense, once a door is blown, learn to slow and stun people rather than killing them; it's possible to run the whole thing if they can't catch up. If they die, they respawn to where they're supposed to be defending. Reverse logic on everything I said when you're on defense. Ranged DPS: When trying to control mid, learn to acquire another's target and focus your fire. Snipers and Mercs have ranged interrupts; use them on healers. Learn to mark healers with anything but a shield, and have those marks keybound. Stay out of the middle of the fight, and keep a little bit of terrain by your side so if a melee starts messing you up, you have a chance to escape with a hard stun and LOS. Healers, same advice. Melee DPS: I'm sure you want to get in the fight right away, but using your 30m leap into 6 bad guys, line of sighting your own healers just might be a bad idea if you have no health. You're not going to get heals. Find the healers, mark the healers, harrass the healers, interrupt the healers, make their lives hell. On my healers, a melee DPS that is persistent is the most annoying thing in the world. If you have an AoE taunt, try and throw it out on cooldown. It gets protection points for you and helps people not die. Bonus points for single taunting their high DPS, like a smash spec mara/jugg/sentinel/guardian. Tanks: Please, don't just throw your guard on someone and think you're getting protection points. Guard someone that you're going to be nearby within 10 meters. Pro tip: Guard a melee in the first 30 seconds and then swap guards to a healer. Don't be afraid to swap guards to stop someone from dying. Just make sure you get within 10 meters after you swap. Protection points are easy. If you only have 30k protection...you're doing it wrong. If your taunt isn't on cooldown...again you're doing it wrong. Healers: Don't get noticed. Don't get caught. When you get caught, learn to kite while healing yourself and your team. Save your hard stuns and cool downs for when a melee starts training you. If they're not DoT'ed up, then try a CC like whirlwind or flashbang and get back to work for 8 seconds. He'll come back really pissed though. Sounds like a dick move, but learn to prioritize your heals. My personal priority list: 1) Myself (can't heal if I'm dead) 2) My tank that's guarding me 3) Guild mates (sorry, but it happens) 4) High DPS toons (never a wasted heal) 5) Everyone else. Before the grammar police comes to the rescue, please take this in context. PVP is learned by PVP'ing and learning. This is meant as a starter guide so that we stop killing ourselves in warzones.
  23. Congrats on EWL Cates! And congratulations for hosting a thread that didn't turn into a U.S. Hate thread too! That's worth mention in my book.
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