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Everything posted by Olixander

  1. This. To point out the obvious -- since some people need it pointed out -- SWTOR isn't KOTOR. To point something else which should be obvious but which, yet again, some people apparently need to have shown to them, it is not immersive to have to read my character's dialogue and stare at his static, un-animated back, rather than see and hear him take part in a conversation as he normally does. I've read numerous comments in this thread about how the Alliance dialogue conversation system is so immersive, but no, it isn't. Unless, of course, you find staring at the back of your character's head while you read several lines of text immersive. Let's all just be honest and admit the truth: The Alliance conversation system was simply thrown together lazily at the last minute. It sucks, along with the rest of this so-called expansion, which took about four hours to complete. That's not an expansion. That's not even an adventure pack. That's a demo.
  2. Indeed. What will be the point of being an artificer? I hope no one says "Make lightsaber crystals!"; the crystals we can make are completely subpar to crystals from the Cartel Market, which are currently dirt cheap. Time to find a new crew skill, I suppose.
  3. Alzzin pretty solidly crushed your argument in favor of level sync, which was, with all due respect, based in large part upon your own subjective opinion on what makes the game more fun, and also upon assumptions about what the developers have intended and will do. You may not recognize that your argument has been dismantled, and it's your prerogative to continue forward in the belief your word is beyond contest. But your list has been soundly trumped.
  4. Credit inflation comes more from speed hackers who farm the slicing nodes on Yavin-4 all day, every day than it does from people in Black Hole or CZ-198. Head out to the ruins or the training grounds for awhile and watch them. They'll literally blip from one slicing node to the other, almost instantly, and send their companions doing the same thing.
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