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Posts posted by Lord_Thorne

  1. These changes look great to me. Especially the bit about when a toon is removed from a guild, those conquest points are also removed. I see that as one of those facepalm-obvious fixes.

    The 'grace period' (odd name that, it's more of a 'probation period,' but whatever) is a more mixed bag. On one hand it discourages the toon-churn exploit, which is good; on the other hand, it might reduce the impetus behind recruiting. There is the question of Conqueror titles as well; I see it as legitimate to join a guild specifically for the purpose of gaining those titles. In general, though, the idea seems to be to encourage guilds and players to work toward building stable, productive relationships rather than get-rich-quick schemes - an idea which I'm all in favor of.

  2. Thana is one my favorite story NPCs - not because I like her all that much, but because she is a loving satire of the Sith: addicted to bragging, gratuitously violent and cruel, rebellious and disruptive, useful only as a disposable weapon. I always look forward to Imperial Taris when leveling because she is so amusing.

    That said, it could be fun to have her as a companion (we already have several companions that have essentially no conversations *cough*starfortresses*cough), although most of my alts ended up killing her during their story.

  3. Because I don't pay $15/month to put up with being cursed or insulted (directly or indirectly), nor to put up with people being offensive just because they can get away with it. I don't give a hoot if they're competent or not, I can deal with that, but if they can't be civil I don't need to spend my game & entertainment time on them. It doesn't stop them from playing the game, it just keeps me from having to witness their shenanigans.
  4. ...a man can dream, can't he? :jawa_cool:


    Whether or not I think any of these will happen, here's my nominations:

    Kashyyyk: would not only be cool in general, it would seem to have good story potential, and interesting settings among the giant trees. Having all the NPCs speaking 'wookiee' could get tiresome (but might save money on voice acting, haha!).

    Manaan: I still think they could do some fun stuff with underwater sequences, like they did in the HK55 special - I was disappointed you can't go EVA at the Manaan stronghold. Great story potential, distinctive setting. (As an alternative, consider Dac, with the Mon Cals and Quarren!)

    No other strong suggestions for the third, I'll offer up...

    Hapes: going a bit out on a limb here, but some definite story potential and a distinct society. Maybe a bit like a mix of Alderaan and Onderon? *shrug*

  5. Ranked PVP players: We hate this! You're forcing us to NiM PVE!

    NiM Raiders: We hate this! You're forcing us to PVP!

    Crafters who just want to make cool stuff and barely dabble in either PVP or Ops who were already slapped by previous crafting nonsense: *pained silent eyeroll*

  6. Sickbay: beds, medical scanners & personnel, kolto tanks

    Engineering workshop: computers, work tables, shelves & closets

    Crew Lounge/cantina: bar, barkeeper, musicians/jukebox, etc.

    Tactical Analysis Center: computers & crew, space map/display

    Close Combat Drill: weapon racks, silders, jedi/sith

    Barracks: beds (bunk beds!), couches, closets/racks

    Armory: weapon racks, ammo containers, work tables

    ...should be enough to get started :jawa_wink:

  7. I bought the Rishi stronghold - and it looks like part of Rishi! Those lying, scurrilous, thieveing devs! How dare they foist such trash on us!


    Then I bought the Alderaan stronghold - and it looks like part of Alderaan!! More scandalous misdirection and thievery! How dare they!!


    I bought a lightsaber and the blade glows some wild color! This game is a total trash cash-grab!!!


  8. Where is the number of players in the instance counter?


    Is this a bug or a new design? I like to know how crowded an instance is, it can affect gameplay.

    Ditto this.

    In addition, the 'Search' ability seems to have disappeared! This is something I use on an almost daily basis, mostly in dealing with the large guild I'm in. Did it move or am I missing something?


    In general, this window as it is doesn't do much for me. Between a number of active alts, guild activities, and assorted Conquest bits, I've become comfortable with sorting and finding missions on my own.

    For myself, I could see it being an ad for the current Cartel special of the day (which I usually but not always remember to check), and another about dev announcements & patch notes. Maybe this toon's current Conquest total.

    Ideally, one could use the Interface Editor to select from a range of possible 'welcome' notices?

  9. My dream ideal would be to have a range of ships you could buy, from modifiable versions of the personal class ships up to a full-sized cruiser, a personal version of the guild flagships.

    More realistically, I'd be happy to just be able to modify the personal ships we already have. We've got medium-to-huge strongholds on various planets already.

  10. I was figuring on buying/making a couple of new starship decorations for my new Alderaan SH. But I cannot find the "Starship & PVP Decorations Vendor" that used to be on fleet - you know, the ones that take Dark Projects and Prefabs in return for a nice big decoration of the character ships. Nor do those old decos show up on any vendor I checked out (which is nearly all of them). Can you still get them? If so, where? Or did they just disappear with Onslaught (or earlier - it's been a while since I accessed that vendor)?
  11. Eight freakin' years? Really? When it all started, I was still working full-time (since retired), and my son had yet to graduate from high school (he's married and working now).

    I remember the hot thrill down my spine as I watched the trailer/preview presentation at Pax West, with a couple of my Star Wars tabletop RPG buddies. I saw the Smuggler in action, and announced "that's me!", and it's still my favorite class (yes, and Agent).

    I remember beta, and the suicide jump party on Coruscant as the beta server shut down for the last time.

    I remember having to get my wife her own account, because once she got a taste of the game, we'd fight over who got to play every night.

    SWTOR was my first full-bore MMO - I'd played Guild Wars, and dabbled in LotRO, but this was my first paid subscription and first time I got involved with group activities. I shudder to recall how much of a noob I was (even compared to how nooby I am now!).

    Looking back, while there have been frustrations and weird problems with the game and some of the stories, my truly negative experiences have always been with the -players- not the game itself.

    I still sub and always have, and probably always will, until they shut it down. Sure, I have my list of things I wish were better, but I've never been tempted to quit. Keep up the good work (and minimize the bad, ha!).


    As the song goes, "what a long, strange trip it's been..."

  12. Very nice! Different from any other SH, very evocative of Alderaan. A mountain castle is perfect.

    The large, even sprawling feel to the place from the outside is great. Inside, the layout works well enough – the Throne Room maybe ought to be larger (I had visions of the Panteer palace throne room), but not a major issue to me.

    The hook density is wonderful – I don't think I'm alone when I say you can't have too many hooks! If anything, even more is even better. I've barely touched actual decorating yet, so I don't have a good feel for hooks vs. cap.

    Like everyone else says, please let us ride everywhere. And get the taxi/QT system to work.

    Like almost everyone else says, the vendors don't need to be there. We've got droids, Felucia, and other options we can put in if & where we want to (that said, more vendor decos would be nice, ha!).

    As others have mentioned, a two-story building (like Organa on Alderaan or the Coruscant Senate building) would be nice, but I'm sure that won't happen.

    A High Tower, or an overlook balcony (like Tatooine) would have been nice, especially with the fantastic view available!

    Side note: I like the Centerpiece hooks with extra hooks built in. Nice touch.


    Noble Estate (outside fields):

    The starship landing field out front is great. It would be nice to be able to add some cargo, droids, and/or personnel around the ships, though. The aisle between the SS hooks is begging for some Large hooks.


    A few hooks in & around the stream for trees, beasts, etc. would liven it up.


    No banner hooks on the face of the palace? This would be a perfect place to have at least a few, like Yavin does.


    Noble Estate Interior:

    The big blank wall as you enter should have at least one hook, if not an array of them.


    The 'temple chandelier'-style ceiling lights ought to be replaced with hooks (or, like the one in the Throne Room, just removed). Not a huge deal for me personally, but more options is better (including leaving them dark).


    The Throne Room itself? It might be nice to be able to clear the window, but it works fine as is. It'll work either with an actual throne, or turned into a shrine of some kind.


    Mountain Retreat:

    The starship hooks among the rocks are very nice – but I really want to be able to climb down to them! Whether for detailed decorating as others have said, or for the sheer pleasure of clambering among rocks and whatever we put down there.


    Floor hooks in the ruined room would be good. Putting some ruin decos, a campfire & chairs, or some stray killik (or whatever) eggs would add atmosphere & a touch of life.


    No external hooks on the lodging walls? Really? (The windows are very cool, though!)


    Killik Cave: Nice work! I can understand the folks who wish this wasn't hardwired with killik hives, but it's Alderaan. I think a high-tech base among the eggs 'n' hives will look fine.

  13. Not that my opinion matters (especially as I seem to be in the minority at just about every point), but to me, the Iokath weekly taking more than one day is one of its best features. Not only does it run counter to the almost universal mentality of "let's rush through and checkbox everything as fast as possible so we don't enjoy any of it," but it also gives me the option of not doing the dailies I don't care for.
  14. I can't add any details that haven't already been posted here and elsewhere. Kudos to those who have cranked it through and done the hard work!


    But I've been playing since beta and crafting all along - not an uber-ultimate-master, but I keep my hand in and have been able to make credits and sometimes decent gear items from time to time. It's added to my game experience.


    With the costs on PTS as they are now, plus the explosion of complexity at grade 11, it's going to kill my crafting. There will be nothing useful or profitable for me to do better than sell dyes, or maybe gather green mats for sale. So many purple mats...so many Isotope Stabilizers...it's simply impossible for any of us 'normal' players, even in a significant guild.


    Changes can be dealt with - over the years and versions, it's part of the (meta)game. But this goes way beyond a few adjustments, or even just adding another grade/tier. These costs and complexities lock out anyone who isn't totally focused on crafting. It stops being fun and becomes just another frustration.


    Please, please tone it down. I don't want another reason to finally end my subscription.

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