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Everything posted by kcchieffan

  1. What doesn't make sense here is that Mace and Yoda wouldn't go face the master sith lord together. If they both would of gone Sidious would of lost hands down anakain there or not. So to me this is a huge plot hole and another reason the new trilogy is horrible.
  2. The only thing that makes this not work is according to G-canon EU doesn't exist
  3. While the original 3 were pretty good movies Episodes 1,2,3 could have been so much better! I think Mr. Lucas should of hired on the writers from bioware to help with the orginal three, it may have turned let down movies into epic movies. Geroge may have created this universe but it would be nothing without the people who continue to make it grow. So to everyone who says all that matters is G cannon is ludacris. If that were the case then George shouldn't of ever let anyone make any kind of eu!!
  4. I agree c cannon makes the star wars universe way more fun!!
  5. "However, Revan was prepared. Instead of charging forward, he opened himself up to the Force, letting both the light and the dark side flow through him like twin rushing rivers. Revan then released the Force in its purest form. There was brilliant flash as the air between the two combatants lit up. The energy unleashed was powerful enough to send the Emperor flying in the air in the backward direction" He also used the Force to instill comfort and hope in the minds of his family members across the span of the galaxy. Apparently, he was able to hold Lord Vitiate off for centuries, as the Sith Emperor didn't attack the Republic for at least 300 years, more than long enough for Revan's son to grow up and never face the fear of total annihilation.[2] When Bane discovered his precursor's legacy, he not only developed a new understanding of the Sith or the dark side, but also came to fiercely admire the Sith Lord who Revan had once been. Although Revan was redeemed in the light as a Jedi, Bane idolized Darth Revan as one of the greatest Sith Lords in history Revan is among the few individuals in galactic history, who had significant exposure to both the light and dark sides of the Force, and he proved to be highly skilled in the use of both of these aspects of the Force. Due to these experiences, he was able to develop a perfect understanding of the concept of Unifying Force. During Revan's tenure as a Jedi Master, his command of the Force had reached to such a degree that he could channel both the light and dark sides of the Force simultaneously to perform unique feats.[2] Both as a Sith Lord and as a Jedi, Revan learned a variety of Force abilities to succeed in his plans. Revan was proficient in the application of Force lightning,[3] and also in the use of defensive techniques to counter it.[2] Revan could use his bare hands to absorb and deflect very powerful Force lightning attacks.[2] Very few Force-users in the galactic history have demonstrated this ability. During his reign as Dark Lord of the Sith, Revan created a Holocron in which he feeded information of many dangerous Sith techniques and rituals, including the deadly Thought bomb. Several millennia later, this holocron was discovered by Darth Bane, who noted that Revan's knowledge of Sith Lore was greater than the entire information contained in the archives of the Sith Academy in Korriban in his time Sounds like he did quite a bit and he was considered the most powerful jedi of his time. Oh and that whole rule of two thing Darth Bane created was based of whos idea of yeah Reven.
  6. I think in the end at least as far as non cannon characters go Reven will be the most powerful considering he is the only person to master the light and dark side and become something more than a jedi or sith
  7. if you go by the movies though you see fear in Palps face.. and according to wookieepedia "After his ascension as Emperor, Palpatine displayed visible fear after being attacked by a powerful Force push from Yoda. He attempted to flee rather than fight, and only confronted Yoda when he appeared to have no other choice in the matter." from wookieepedia
  8. Sidieous says he believes he was the most powerful but a lot of knowledge of the ancient sith had been lost.
  9. Were watching the same movie because im pretty sure yoda fought Palp to a stand still, and then decided to go into exile which i do disagree with he should of fought to the death lol. The battle futher showed that the dark side is not more powerful but quicker since yoda had been perfecting it for 900 vs however old sidieous was and it still ended up in a stand still.
  10. it is the way of the sith to over power their masters when they are ready. The way sidious did this makes it seem more like he didn't think he could truly over power his master so he does this. So maybe at this point sidious was more powerful but if that were so he should of manned up and taken the title of master instead of killing a sleeping dude.
  11. I need to read this dang book before i say anything else lol.
  12. So if Palp had learned everything he could from Plagueis why then didn't he just create his own new super midi chlorine human in a new person when Vader got messed up?
  13. The question here is was palp afraid of his former masters power. After being elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Palpatine decided the time had come for him to continue the Grand Plan alone. Having learned all he could from Plagueis, the aging Muun became nothing more than an obstacle. In Damask's penthouse in the Kaldani Spires building, Palpatine plied his master with wine while rehearsing the acceptance speech he would soon deliver before the Senate. Watching as Plagueis became increasingly intoxicated, Palpatine waited patiently until his master fell asleep before unleashing torrent after torrent of Sith lightning upon him, basking in the Muun's agony, as he slowly tortured his master to death. As Plagueis expired his apprentice experienced a monumental shift in the Force.[1] Just the way he was killed tells me Sideous was afraid of him. What does everyone think?
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