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Everything posted by Pacram

  1. Make that two more https://www.myexpanse.net/tython and https://www.myexpanse.net/ord-mantell
  2. Thanks , I'll ask Billy Potatoes. He wrote the original guide for me as I don't know enough about this class
  3. A new day, some more guides and restored content. https://www.myexpanse.net/operative-heals https://www.myexpanse.net/bowdaar https://www.myexpanse.net/the-first https://www.myexpanse.net/subject-alpha
  4. I thought you meant actual invisible walls. Ossus seemed to really cut down on exploration in SWTOR. Too many invisible walls, I hope future content doesnt stick with this. Makes the world feel small and closed in while limiting our fun to discover cool things outside of the map
  5. Busy busy, still a lot more to do. Just published two more Datacron guides, for Hutta and Voss Voss Datacrons https://www.myexpanse.net/voss Hutta Datacrons https://www.myexpanse.net/hutta
  6. Been a very busy night, have completed 3 more Datacron guides. For Taris, Balmorra and Tatooine https://www.myexpanse.net/balmorra https://www.myexpanse.net/tatooine https://www.myexpanse.net/taris
  7. All Keybinds displayed are game defaults and not altered by player preference. They will be the standards set by SWTOR unless changed by the player Article can be located at https://www.myexpanse.net/articles/new-players-guide-to-commands-keybinds Chat Commands A list of relevant commands that can be typed into the SWTOR chat panel /g Guild Chat /guild Guild Chat /group Group Chat /ops Operation Group Chat /channellist Displays a list of channels you are in /dnd Set your status to do not disturb /dismiss Toggle your companion to off /flag Toggle your pvp status (on/off) /follow Follows the targeted player /friend Add targeted player to friend list /ginvite Invites player to guild /gquit Quit the guild you are currently in /hideui Toggles your user interface (on/off) /inspect Inspect another characters profile /logout Returns character to character selection /me Roleplay command to emote an action /pvp PvP chat /quit Closes SWTOR /r Respond to previous whisper /rc Initiate a group ready check /say Chat channel bound to local players only /selljunk Sells all grey level items /stuck Teleport to nearest flat platform if stuck /tell Tell another player /trade Trade chat /whisper Send private message to player /who opens who window /yell Similar to say but for a larger area User Interface Shortcuts and keybinds that interact with SWTOR's user interface C Character Sheet I Inventory Window P Abilities Window K Skill Tree L Mission Log G Guild Interface O Friend List/Social Window M Map Window N Companion and Contacts Z Seath/Hide Weapon X Sit ESC Game Menu, skip/exit custscene SHIFT + M Galaxy Map SHIFT + L Codex T Tutorials CTRL + E Toggle Stronghold Edit Mode CTRL + / Ticket Centre ALT +Z Hide User Interfac CTRL + S Toggle Game Sound (on/off) CTRL + SHIFT + F Toggle Frame counter CTRL + M Cartel Market Store CTRL + C Collections Window CTRL + P Preferences Window CTRL + I Command Stash Y Legacy Window CTRL + G Activities SHIFT + E Knights of the Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne Chapters B Crew Skills U Strongholds SHIFT + P Toggle Pack Explorer Targeting, Quickbars and Movement SHIFT + F Take Cover In Place F Take Cover ALT + F Set Focus Target/Swap Focus Target TAB Swap Focus Target SHIFT + F1 Target Companion CTRL + TAB Target Next Friend SHIFT + F2 Target Group Companion 1 SHIFT + F3 Target Group Companion 2 F2 Target Group Member 1 F3 Target Group Member 2 F4 Target Group Member 3 F5 Target Group Member 4 SHIFT + TAB Target Previous Enemy SHIFT + CTRL + TAB Target Previous Friend F1 Target Self ALT + T Aquire Target's Target CTRL + F Aquire Focus Target's Target HOME Self Target Modifier END Focus Target Modifier ALT + C Target Center Screen Enemy SHIFT + DOWN Next Quickbar Page SHIFT + UP Previous Quickbar Page ` Toggle Expanded Companion Quickbar SPACE Jump S Move Backwards W Move Forward Q Strafe Left E Strafe Right NUM LOCK Toggle Autorun NUM / Toggle Run/Walk A Turn Left D Turn Right CTRL + Z Mount Flourish Emotes Emotes are animations the player can perform, activated by typing the command into the chat panel. Emotes marked with a * require purchasing/unlocking from the Cartel Market Emotion /Accuse /Angry /Blush /Bored /Comfort /Cower /Cross Arms /Done /Excited /Facepalm /Fear /Frown /Glare /Grin /Groan /Happy /Love /Mad /Mock /Mourn /Panic /Paranoid /Pity /Ponder /Praise /Raving Mad /Seduce /Fist Shake /Shy /Smile /Snicker /Tired /Whine /Wicked /Wink /Ironfist General /Beg /Be Right Back /Clap /Congratulate /Cry /Dance /Disappoint /Doh /Flirt /Follow Me /Goodbye /Good Job! /Hello /Laugh /Nerfherder /No /Point /Poke /Ready! /Sigh /Sit /Slap /Sorry /Spit /Stretch /Surprised /Thank You /Wait /Warm Up /Yawn /Yes Greeting /Bow /Formal Bow /Farewell /Greet /Hey /Introduce /Wave /Welcome Tactics /Attack The Target /Catch Up /Flee /Heal Me! /Help Me! /Incoming /Out of Resources /Open Fire! /Give Up /Victory! Social /Apologize /Applaud /Beckon /Calm /Commend /Confused /Console /Double Guns /Fidget /Fist Bump /Get Down /Giggle /Gloat /Grovel /Hug /Hungry /Impatient /Insult /Joke /Listen /Nod /Not the Droids /Rude /Shiver /Shock /Shrug /Stare /Taunt /Tease /Thirsty /Thumbs Down /Thumbs Up /Tickle /Whistle Action /Belch /Blink /Blow a Kiss /Bonk /Burp /Cheer /Club Dance /Cough /Cringe /Drink /Duck /Eat /Flag Down /Flap /Flex /Golf Clap /Kiss /Kneel /Look /Meditate /Observe /Overthere /Raise Hand /Salute /Scratch /Sleep /Talk /Tap /Threaten /Woot Cartel Market Emotes * Air Control /aircontrol Air Drums /airdrums Bottle Break /bottlebreak Pickaxe /pickaxe Punt /punt Scare /scare Search /search Shovel /shovel Celebrate /celebrate Cheer 2 /cheer2 Spike /spike Victory Wave /victorywave Woohoo /woohoo Yippee /yippee Empowered Shuffle /empoweredshuffle Excited Child /child Fresh /fresh Funky /funky What Up /whatup What Up 2 /whatup2 Beat Chest /beatchest Bicep Kiss /bicepkiss Chilly /chilly Crazy Talk /crazytalk Dodge /dodge Faint /faint Out of Breath /outofbreath Sinister /sinister Menance /menance Point and Laugh /pointlaugh Slow Clap /slowclap Bound /bound Chair 1 /chair1 Chair 2 /chair2 Chair 3 /chair3 Chair 4 /chair4 Chair 5 /chair5 Chair 6 /chair6 Chair 9 /chair9 Chair 10 /chair10 Dejarik /dejarik Recline /recline Angry Dance /angrydance Beach Party /beachparty Boogie /boogie Bop /bop Chicken /chicken Dance Fever 1 /dancefever Droid /droid Nod Off /nodoff Restless /restless Sweep /sweep Backflip /backflip Belt Check /beltcheck Boxing /boxing Cartwheel /cartwheel Clawbird Kick /clawbirdkick Double Thumbs /doublethumbs Flourish /flourish Social /omg Worthy /worthy Battle Plan /battleplan Groove /groove Head Bob /headbob Hip Dip /hipdip Jig /jig Lepi Hop /lepihop Mind Prison Spin /mindprisonspin No Bones /nobones PBJ Time /pbj Punch Dance /punchdance Romance Shuffle /romanceshuffle Salsa /salsa Smuggler Shuffle /smugglershuffle Starslide /starslide Style /style Swing /swing Thrash /thrash Tihaar /tihaar Traditional /traditional Unconvincing Performance /perform Waltz /waltz Handstand Heel Click /handstandheelclick Holo Hoop /holohoop Kloo /kloo Superflex /superflex Toe Touch /toetouch Xantha /xantha Boo-hoo /boohoo Intimidate /intimidate Special thanks to GamePedia, SWTOR Forum user Goshee and Tor Fashion - I wish the SWTOR Forums had more advanced formatting
  8. Few more hours of work and I bring two more Datacron guides. For Ilum and Coruscant. https://www.myexpanse.net/coruscant https://www.myexpanse.net/ilum
  9. Thank you so much, any support I get is greatly appreciated. I have a lot of things going on and I'm just trying to do my best and make others happy
  10. Lazy Lucy, I've done nothing for ages due to being sick, tired etc. Time to work my *** off and earn back everything I've lost. I've started by completely remaking all of the guides I lost., from the ground up. I've just finished working on these Datacron guides for Korriban and Dromunnd Kaas https://www.myexpanse.net/korriban https://www.myexpanse.net/dromund-kaas
  11. I've finished modelling now, here is a final sneak peak before I'll show the finished product. https://imgur.com/hG2uzDa . Modelling trees was super difficult and frustrating
  12. I'm not sure, it's not really confirmed who died/survived the attack on Dantooine. Aside from the surviving Jedi Master that was in kotor 2
  13. Hey guys, I started working on a concept of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. I wanted to explore ideas and get hyped for the upcoming update. So far it's still in very early stages, just wanted to show some progress along the way. I'm 3D Modelling in Blender3D. I want it to be very reminiscent of Kotor 1, however rebuilt after the events of the game. What awesome things do you want to see on Dantooine, will we get any relics of the past? Such as stumbling across the remains of a long dead Jedi Master? https://imgur.com/eIOJNEG ^ Sneak Peak of progress so far
  14. Can't fool me. I predicted Dantooine since the PTS of the update Jedi Under Siege. The huge focus on agriculture and farming are too specific and pin pointed to be anything else. Especially the final dialog between your player character and that crocodile looking alien guy. Nothing ever posted on these forums, twitter etc by you or other staff members is whimsical. Everything contributed is methodical and thought out. Your comment about Dantooine in your introductory post put the nail in the coffin.. planet? and confirmed my suspicions. It was no joke I love all the great work you guys are doing, keep it up
  15. Hope you guys found the article to be enciteful. I personally believe it is worth it to subscribe, I wouldn't play as f2p or preffered
  16. Thanks <3 I had actually backed it up to an external hard drive but that died on me
  17. Is it worth subscribing to Star Wars: The Old Republic, check out my article on https://www.myexpanse.net/articles/swtor-subscription-worth-it
  18. I have just finished and published the new version of Expanse, after a rather long time talking to site technicians I am rather damned. It's alright, we get a chance at something new. https://www.myexpanse.net/
  19. So, I've got some pretty negative news. I had taken Expanse down for an unknown period of time, due to stress from within the SWTOR community. During this time I had decided to rework the site and just focus on art. I had deleted a rather large portion of content on expanse. I was planning to rework it entirely, this deleted content, etc the entire content that was on expanse was moved across to another location for storage. Well, my data is corrupt now and I cannot retrieve much of my previous work. You may wonder what is to become of poor old expanse now? Well, what it once was is dead and I don't have the energy or time to rework everything I lost. I am using the website as my art portfolio, I will write short stories/articles about SWTOR and other games. As for guides this will no longer continue. Furthermore I will be working on more game reviews, I already have 3 posted on expanse. Good bye ol friend, all these issues made me pretty mad and I wanted to burn Expanse
  20. It's currently under heavy maintenance and rework, and a serious content addition. it will be live in 1-2 months
  21. https://discord.gg/BrQakbS New discord link for my Expanse Discord. It has been changed a lot and has a proper support staff
  22. Expanse will be coming back, albeit slowly. I am reworking the entire site, it will probably take a month until it goes live. Even when the site goes live, my primary focus is on my mental health. I won't be an active member of the community, outside of art. I will post on the site, however It will be infrequent and I'll have no connection to the community further than that. Side note, I've added a portfolio section to display my work also. If anybody is interested in seeing my latest project, a Cyberpunk themed gun. https://imgur.com/StUxiEx
  23. It's been amazing while It lasted but I have officially decided to cease my activity in the SWTOR community. I will continue to post and create guides, however that's as far as I shall go. I will focus on art and improving my health.
  24. Almost as Ancient as our old, fallen brother Jeff. The Ancient One is a World Boss that can be found on Taris. Hopefully with this guide you can live to be as ancient as Jeff https://www.myexpanse.net/the-ancient-one-taris
  25. Space Invader is an awesome title name. I'll be okie, I get sick a lot due to medical issues. I'll try to have the event up for this time next week
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