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Posts posted by kookygirl

  1. Give us all the 450 cc's, or add a day to our sub account, its the only fair thing to do.


    THIS has alot of truth, I say for those of us who have been sitting here patching and or waiting all day get free prizes exclusive to us!!! (A deco perhaps???)

  2. Hey everyone!


    As an update, it looks like one of our ISPs is having some trouble right now, which is likely causing the issue. We are working to get traffic switched onto a different ISP, which should resolve the issue.




    Sounds like they have Comcast as one of their ISPs xD sorry had too many customers at Best Buy come in complaining about Comcast and their lack of customer support.

  3. I just wanted to get on to check on my things I had listed on GTN T.T Im trying to sell a bunch of stuff to get a Krayt Dragon Skeleton deco for my tat stronghold. Opened two hypercrated from the Architechs stronghold packs, WITH NO LUCK!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  4. The Harbinger practically crashed this morning. It was lagging pretty badly last night due to how many people were on it, and now today it said 'Screw it I'm done' then crashed. Still waiting on EA to do something about it.
  5. Not sure if anyone else noticed this about the Marauder / Sentinel but all we have an option for is to DPS.


    This class was designed for DPS, and yet the problem stands were all the other classes do even more damage than us cool people who use two lightsabers. It's kind of a bit unfair, make it more fair by making this class stronger and able to do more damage than the other classes at the very least,


    I'm the only person in my guild who prefers playing as a mara over any other class (mainly because I like getting up close and personal while doing tons of damage)


    With the skill trees, I would suggest making the final skill in the tree be what does the huge amount of damage.


    Anyone else here agree they'd like to see an up in who does the most damage in an ops or fps run as well? Or is it just me...

  6. I am a Darth, I am the emperors wrath, the question shall always be, why should I work for you? Free trinkets? I don't need them, they are a crutch for the weak. I've destroyed enough of Czerka's stuff, if you pose a threat to me again I will simply eliminate all of you. If you were to offer me something more beneficial other than free little trinkets I might be interested, but I answer to no one but the Emperor himself.
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