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Everything posted by Charco_Vex

  1. Does anyone out there play solo ranked on Jedi Covenant? I wait for over a week at a time for one match to pop if I'm lucky.
  2. As the title suggests, the option to add or remove capes to chest pieces would be nice. Perhaps there could even be a new slot for another item to wear that is purely cosmetic that could range from capes to ponchos to bandoliers, etc.
  3. I would certainly settle for something like this.
  4. I would love to see a red core color crystal meaning the entire blade, inside and outside are one solid red color very similar to the existing sea green color crystal.
  5. Not an option when you already have them thinking it would have been beneficial and maybe was before all companions could perform any role.
  6. Players should have the ability to remove non-story required companions such as HK-51 or Treek. I would really love nothing more in this game then to no longer have the horrid furball on my ship. I realize there is no true advantage to removing unessential companions, but after KotFE and the massive increase to roster size of potential companions and still having plenty to max on crew skills, I would really prefer to remove some that do not contribute story-wise. A simple option to dismiss them from the party so they may continue their adventures on their own would suffice or even the ability to send a few on a suicide mission that is known upfront so that their departure could potentially have some type of reward for their sacrifice.
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