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Posts posted by Gammawaves

  1. Hi, im doing the Nar Shadda Jedi knight class quests search for Agent Galen. first step I had to find the safe house. I went to the promenade with the hutt statue and it showed the flashing green door being exactly on the ramp between the lower and upper promenade. When I went down the ramp, the flashing green door spot on the map dissapears and I have no idea where to go. A player was nice to help me and show me the mission entrance which was not where the ramp or green spot indicated on the map. It was an underground location.


    Now im at the second stage of the quest, and its happened again. It is showing me a green door on the map that does not exist.

    I have to download data and it shows a mission entrance right on top of a ramp. But there is no door near or around the ramp. Quest description gives no directions.

    And this time noone online is helping me. I have looked all around for the mission entrance, I am stuck.

    Can anyone tell me where the mission door is? Thanks

  2. why is it considered challenging to go without crew skills? or use the GTN?


    I have several characters up to lvl 30 now and a bunch of lower levels and plan to never take crew skills or use the GTN with any character. I hate gathering and crafting so much.


    or why is it challenging to not do space missions and pvp? ive avoided those also and wont be doing those. I am assuming those are optional.


    my personal challenge right now is seening how far I can level up a character with a name against the naming rules lol. So far im up to level 19 and no one has reported me yet! I try to avoid anyone seeing my character or talking in general chat. Maybe ill be able to make it to 50!

  3. If we do get new species, it will just be more humanoids and nothing else. I dont think we will ever get any exotic aliens added to the game as playable, no wookies, no rodians, just different colored humanoids.


    here is a quote from an interview - (http://www.curse.com/news/star-wars-...es-wookies-and)


    "You know, the reason for our humanoid range of species, it's a matter of relatability to a large degree. The further you get from human the more difficult it is for players to get into their mindset, the more difficult it is for all the other characters in the game to relate to them the same way. There are enormous technical obstacles, there is building all the lip synching, all the emotion into the face of the human is incredibly difficult and time consuming, doing that for something like a Wookiee – and we couldn't half do it, we couldn't let Wookiees be only a third as expressive as humans. At that point we're just giving up. We're building a game designed to do these things, we can't do it in half measures. Same with customising appearances. Adding one dramatically different alien, we still need as much variety as we would need for humans. Between the relatability aspect and the technical aspect it seems best to focus on what Star Wars has always done best which is people who look like us. "


    on top of that, the amount of work that would be required to go back to each and every quest from lvl 1-50 and add voiced and talking content for a new race would be too costly.


    and then there is the gear problem. this is a gear game, and things like wookies cannot wear gear. and trandoshans have too big feet that cannot wear boots.

    here is another quote from a website -

    "This theory, although exciting and rife with possibilities, has multiple problems that could prevent its implementation. Wookies and Trandoshans are largely incapable of wearing normal armor, with the Trandoshan’s large hands and feet preventing gloves and boots, and the Wookies’ general inability to wear anything but armor specifically crafted for them would distance their itemization from the rest of The Old Republic drastically. Furthermore, the Wookies’ inability to speak anything but their native tongue would present a huge communication barrier to overcome. With these limitations, and Bioware’s previous statements that the stories of Star Wars are not about being an alien but about playing a certain role would almost shut the book on this theory."


    so I think we are stuck with humanoids in this game

  4. i want to customize my character after creation as well.


    I did some searching the other day and found a post with a quote from an interview with developers, here is the quote -


    C: That’s definitely stuff we talk about often. We haven’t really announced any formal plans, but it’s very important to us to allow players to fullfill their own personal Star Wars fantasy and along with that we want them to be able to customize their character the way they want, so it’s something we’re currently taking feedback on and we’re making plans on how to address in the future.


    so it sounds like they have no plans at all yet but are thinking about it for the "future"....which makes me sad, because it doesnt sound like its coming anytime soon

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