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Everything posted by EdwardPatton

  1. Thanks for the help, but for some apparent reason the link stopped working so I don't remember my skill tree; can you check this one please? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZGGRRRr0drzZrd.2
  2. Noobish build. I've never been really good at MMO games, but here: http://gamingwithdaopa.ellatha.com/swtor/skilltree/calculator.asp?c=Sentinel&p=20100000000000000003232221212200122312120002000000000000 I'm looking for a good PvE skill tree. Please tell me what to fix. Thanks!
  3. Hmmm... I'll check him out. Now when he's famous I can say, "Yeah I watched him before he was famous." Any other suggestions?
  4. Who are the best streamers for Jedi Sentinel in your opinion? Also, who are the best streamers for Assassin, Operative, Sniper, Sorc, Powertech, Marauder, and Juggernaut? Need to get good at PVP !!!!! As Sentinel
  5. Well IMO Satele is stronger... well of course when she was a grandmaster. First time she fought she was a padawan second time she was a knight. If she fought him the third time when she was a grandmaster MAYBE she could've won. I SAID MAYBE PEOPLE
  6. I like how they ignore you cause they don't know what to say...
  7. So basically Satele can beat anyone anywhere, except for Malgus? Of course Luke could beat her Luke is the strongest jedi IMO.
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