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Everything posted by Ciah

  1. Ciah (imp side) has learned Hazmat Pummeler's MK-3 Package. High strength crit/surge implant. I believe I am the first to have this, yes? Charging 300k per implant plus mats.
  2. Does the fact some specs can no longer get best-in-slot gear if they hit 50 after 1.6 comes out bother anyone else? Tonight I spent farming comms so that I could get 2 Battlemaster shells on my operative healer. The operative healer PvP bonus is incredibly good (15% more AoE healing) and it's used in PvE BiS sets. You take the expertise mods out and use PvE mods and armorings with the PvP set bonus. Battlemaster shells are the only way to get that set bonus without getting expertise (such as on a War Hero armoring) and as of the next patch you will not be able to do this. Operative healers who level after 1.6 will be short 66 cunning and 26 endurance compared to operatives who obtained Battlemaster shells prior to the patch. Operative healer is the spec I know best, but I've heard there are other specs that use a PvP set bonus in PvE as well such as hybrid sorc dps, so it's a fairly important issue to more than just one spec. It's less the gear itself (66 cunning isn't a HUGE deal) but rather the precedent it sets. Anyone who levels after 1.6, even if they were to put in infinite time and effort to get that extra boost, will be unable to. The paradigm of MMOs like SWTOR is presenting an even playing field if you put in the time and effort... kinda weird for that to not be the case anymore. Things that give a concrete advantage like that should not be made unobtainable after people have already gotten it. For an example, imagine the outcry if the Founder title granted you 66 mainstat. I'm interested in what Bioware plans to do about this oversight.
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