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Posts posted by RickShan

  1. Sorry for the necro... :D but I was just thinking about this today, after sometime seeing the end game sets and how ugly they are!


    So instead of making another post I'll just bump this one. It would be great if Bioware really implemented this, through the cartel market, like character customization or another method, some way to put the stats of a piece of gear into another one with the visuals we like.

  2. first reasonable post and person iv seen in the progrenator, i dont rp, i tried it and i didnt like it. i dont go around annoying people who are rping, then again i get whisperd to join an rp an i say im not an Rper, i get flamed.." omg **** this server this is for rp only, ur taking up our server slots" and ofc the insults and offencive stuff that i wont get into. i can play on whatever server i want, i have 8 chars in progrenator, why would i change servers because i dont enjoy rping? im not saying all rpers do that, but there are quite alot who act like immature children when they find a person in a game who doesnt share the same intrest as they do. and im sorry for my english, its not my first language but im sure you can understand what im trying to say here


    You just found some bad apples.


    I'm not that into RP either, but i respect those who do, and try to follow the RP rules. I joined an RP server because it's more common to find more mature people there, people who also care about the story of the game.

  3. Hello,

    I was so eagerly expecting the dyes to get the rid of the ugly grey colour part on the Clan Varad Recon Body Armor from "Mandalorian Raiders", and when I checked the white dye I was disappointed to see that it was more of a very light greyish colour than really white...


    So please can you actually make it white please, like bright white and not greyish (dirty) white?

  4. This is why Star Wars games, at least MMOs, should all be set on an alternate timeline, it would give Devs and Story Writers a big development freedom, and if wanted, pick some bits of it and insert it in canon.

    That's the biggest flaw in Star Wars games, no matter what you choose to do, you already know how everything is going to happen.

  5. I think the people behind this game, should give a statement commenting the shut down of Lucas Arts and how it will affect SWTOR, at least to calm the fears of people who love this game.


    I thinking of resubbing and getting some stuff of the cartel shop, but i wonder if it will be worth it... What if Disney pulls the plug on TOR, or takes this game in a direction players won't like...

  6. This forum is getting worse than 4chan by the minute, so much negativity....

    1st was TOR shuttdown prophecies

    2nd it was Cartel Market and Dev pointless bashing and other crap (still is somehow)

    And now some idiot said the something about carebears and the forum sheep followed him all the way.

    Can't wait to see what the next topic will be, no wonder Devs avoid their community like the plague with people like this...

  7. Everytime Bioware does maintenance and presents a schedule, don't believe them.

    They always fail at something, and end up extending the maintenance....


    In some Companies, they would've fired the whole maintenance staff already after 2 fails, or the costumers would've boicoted them...

  8. Its possible, since i believe on the FP you don't destroy the ENTIRE Clan, so there must be exiles around the Galaxy trying to make their own way or prove themselves to join another clan.

    You character could be one of them.

  9. I don't mind if they fuse all class stories into one, as long as they keep NPCs treating me like the class i am.


    One of things i hated in other MMOs, is that, when reading quests i didn't feel like i was Mage, hunter or whatever, i felt just like another schmuck from the street.


    Imagine on WoW a Death Knight aproaching some NPC in Stormwind or some other place out in open:

    "Hey, can do x for me"

    "Sure, BTW i am a DK with my pet ghoul right beside me, why aren't you afraid of me or something"

    "You are? I didn't really noticed, and what a cute pet you have there." ....

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